Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 891: Portal related to the star palace

At the critical moment, a milky white shield wrapped Ashe, but it was the bird of paradise who came to support in time, used the light shelter, and added a light shield to each of the many friendly demon pets.


   The demon saint-level golden dragon easily smashed the light shield, but he still paused slightly.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ashe first patted the head of the demon saint golden dragon.


   A dull voice sounded, a large number of dragon scales fluttered, and there were five deep claw marks on the forehead of the demon saint golden dragon, accompanied by hot dragon blood spewing out.

   Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon only felt his head suffocated, followed by a fierce pain. Under this claw blow, its momentum inevitably dropped by three points.

   Between the electric light and flint, Ashe suddenly disappeared, using the flash to move a few meters away, prompting the demon saint-level golden dragon's offensive to fail.

   As the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon rushed past, Ashe took the opportunity to shoot a claw again, this time on the right side of the Dragon Wing of the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon.


   The right dragon wing of the demon saint-level golden dragon suddenly shrugged off and remained motionless. It was obvious that Ashe had snapped the bone supporting the dragon wing.

   The left wing of the demon saint-level golden dragon was torn apart by dumb, but now it has lost the right dragon wing, which directly caused the demon saint-level golden dragon's agility to be greatly negatively affected.

   In this situation, Ashe, Big Sun Fire Crow, Long-eared Hanyu Rabbit and Heavenly Double Eyed Bird landed in different directions and bombarded the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon.

   Lost the dragon wings, the demon saint golden dragon almost became a living target.

   Soon, the scarred Demon Saint Golden Dragon could no longer sustain it, and fell heavily to the ground.


   The demon saint-level golden dragon uttered an unwilling dragon chant, quickly turned into a stream of light, and disappeared in Yan Wanling's Yintang acupoint.

   On the other side, the battle also came to an end.

   Not only was Yan Wanling being rubbed and abused by the Vientiane Spirit Eater, her few monster pets were also unpleasant, and they turned into streamers and returned to the monster pet space.

   Of course, Li Changsheng also suffered losses. For example, the two-headed dragon and the ancestor Leopard Beast also returned to the demon pet space, but compared with Yan Wanling, it was undoubtedly much smaller.

   "The overall situation is set!"

   Not far away, an intuitive Wen Zetao muttered to himself. At this moment, his head was a little chaotic, and he always felt that the scene before him was very unreal.

  Although Ning Bizhen also made a lot of effort to send Da Sun Huo Crow and Long-eared Han Yutu to contain the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, Li Changsheng was clearly the one who contributed the most.

The most important thing is that Yan Wanling is not an ordinary new king. She has an amazing family background and is a descendant of the Xuanhuang family. The quality of the demon pet in her hand must be better than that of the ordinary king. The key is a demon holy golden dragon. Will be comparable to ordinary new kings.

   It turned out to be defeated by Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen.

   Despite this, Wen Zetao felt that even without Ning Bizhen's help, Li Changsheng would not be able to defeat Yan Wanling.

   In Wen Zetao's view, Li Changsheng not only possesses a fighting power comparable to that of a king, but he is also stronger than an ordinary new king.

   This is really incredible for Wen Zetao.

   When Wen Zetao was in a lot of thoughts, Yan Wanling was hit by the hill condensed by the Vientiane Spirit Eater. She was unwilling to turn into a white light and disappeared into the hall.

   After the dust settled, Wen Zetao took the initiative to come to Li Changsheng and said, "Congratulations to Brother Li, congratulations to Brother Li!"

   Li Changsheng stared at Wen Zetao for a while, and said, "Brother Wen, I believe you will not publicize what happened here, right?"

   "No, of course not!"

   Wen Zetao hurriedly shook his head, he would only announce what happened here until he was full.

   Once you do this, you will definitely offend Yan Wanling. After all, if this incident spreads, it will definitely cause irreparable loss to Yan Wanling's reputation.

   "How smart people do it!"

   Li Changsheng also didn't want to publicize the matter. Sometimes it is not a good thing to be too popular, especially he has not yet become the king, not to mention that this time he is dealing with Yan Wanling with Ning Bizhen.

   Of course, this can also prevent Yan Wanling from completely offending Yan Wanling, so that after the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm ends, the other party will go to Langya country to find him trouble.

   It seemed that Yan Wanling had been offended this time, but this was only a trial after all, and there were only four people present. As long as the news is not revealed, there is still room for maneuver between Yan Wanling and Li Changsheng.

   "This is the blood of Shang Yang as agreed before!"

   Li Changsheng seemed to think of something. He kept his promise and threw a can of Shang Yang's blood to Wen Zetao. This was the price he had discussed with Wen Zetao before.

   Wen Zetao excitedly opened the jade clay pot, the blood qi rose automatically, and finally gathered into a lifelike phantom of Shang Yang.

   Like most phantoms Li Changsheng had seen, Shang Yang Xuying’s eyes were equally lacklustre.

   Wen Zetao couldn't help but said with joy: "Then I will accept it unceremoniously, Brother Li, if you are lucky enough to pass by the Qiuye Kingdom someday, you can come to me at any time. I will do my best to be a landlord."

Wen Zetao has a lord-level demon pet with pure Shangyang bloodline. Now with this pot of Shangyang blood, this demon pet can evolve to the next stage, and it will also produce some for it to break through the Demon King level. Help, with luck, it is possible to become a demon king in one step.

   "I will leave first!"

   After a few greetings, Wen Zetao's figure quickly dimmed and disappeared, leaving only Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen.

   After Wen Zetao disappeared Ning Bizhen, who successfully accepted the portal-like treasure, flew over and took it out.

  The first person to touch the treasure will have some aura. Obviously, Li Changsheng automatically got the only place to enter the core zone.

   The time of the two is relatively limited. Ning Bizhen has five minutes, and after the time has passed, he will be automatically teleported out of the heavenly secret realm.

   This door is not big, less than one meter long, and the whole body is shiny silver. It can be said to be a relatively small door.

   On the front of the pocket door, there is a groove on which a large number of majestic buildings are depicted.

   At first glance, Li Changsheng felt a little familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he found that the buildings that emerged on the lotus platform of the Eighth Stage Star Palace looked like this.

   "This treasure may still be related to the Star Palace."

   Li Changsheng took out the lotus platform of the eighth-grade star palace, there seemed to be a certain connection between the two, and the starlight appeared slightly, but compared with the lotus platform of the eighth-grade star palace, the brilliance of this portal appeared a lot dim.

   Ning Bizhen seemed to be blessed to the soul, and suddenly took the Xingguangbao.

   At the moment when he took out the Xingguang Baojian, Ning Bizhen felt the Xingguang Baojian in his hand tremble, and she was about to take off and fly out, but there was suction from the portal for a while, acting on the Xingguang Baojian.

   Ning Bizhen hesitated slightly, and finally released Xingguang Baojian.

  In a short time, Xingguangbaojian fell into the groove of the portal and fit perfectly together.

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