Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 886: Shameless combat style

The Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon immediately made a decision, and had to ignore Chuan Chuan for a while, and hurriedly moved forward to avoid the vital points of the hip.

However, Ashe still shot the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon's ass, leaving five long claw marks on it.


The Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon roared, and the dragon's tail slammed hard, smashing it towards Ai Xi.

However, the speed of Ashe was no worse than that of the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, not to mention that Yuan Kuankuan was still holding the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, which caused its dragon tail attack speed to drop by a notch, and was finally easily avoided by Ashe.

Fengyi Tianxiang!

It was also at this time that in the sky, the crowned Sunlight Luan shook his whole body, and fierce flames appeared around him, transforming into a huge fire phoenix form, and swiftly rushing towards the demon-sage golden dragon.

The Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon immediately made a decision. While swinging the dragon's claws to force Aish back, while slamming the dragon's tail again, it slammed into the direction the crowned Sunlight Luan had hit.

Crown Sunlight Luan didn't have time to'brake', but the thief reacted quickly and quickly loosened his limbs and fell heavily to the ground.

Suddenly, the crown of Sunlight Luan and the dragon tail of the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon had a fierce collision.


Accompanied by the dull voice, at the moment of contact, the flames attached to the surface of the crowned Sun Luan burst out, and quickly swept toward the surroundings, covering a range of 30 to 40 meters. Even the small half of the dragon body with the demon-sage golden dragon was covered. Shrouded.


At the same time, under the strong force, the crowned Sunlight Luan let out a painful cry, just like a home run in baseball, and was directly taken away by the demon saint golden dragon.

Although Fengyi Tianxiang's own strength is very strong, how can it compare with the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon in this respect.

After being pumped tens of meters away, the crowned Sunlight Luan dragged on the ground for tens of meters before she stopped.

Its gorgeous feathers fell to the ground, and there were scratches everywhere on its body, and the part hit by the dragon's tail of the Demon Saint Grade Golden Dragon was even more dented, and it was severely injured in just one blow.

Crowned Sunlight Luan is not chubby or dumb. Although it is not blood-thin and anti-low, it can only be regarded as upper-middle in these two aspects, and it does not have the characteristics of eternal immortality. It is not unexpected to be hit hard by a single blow.

Of course, the demon saint-level golden dragon inevitably suffers damage. The tail of the dragon hit by the crowned sun luan is covered with burnt marks, the dragon scales have dropped a lot, and a large number of red and white flames are like bone gangrene. The demon saint-level golden dragon causes secondary damage.

Only due to the relationship between the guardian of the Upanishad Source, the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon was exempted from most of its power, and at most suffered minor injuries.

Before the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon extinguished the flames on the dragon's tail, Duan grabbed Chuankuan with all his strength, and threw it towards it with all his strength, like a cannonball coming out, smashing it quickly like a hill.

On the other side, Ashe, wearing a five-layer windbreaker, brought up a large number of phantoms, and suddenly appeared behind the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, not forgetting his original intention to bite the demon Saint-level Golden Dragon's crotch, and wanted to turn the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon into an eunuch. Long.

Feeling the movement behind, the demon-sage golden dragon's expression changed. Under the front and back flanking, he had to clamp his legs and close the ‘door’ under his crotch.

In desperation, Ashe had to retreat to bite the demon saint-level golden dragon's ass, and stretched out his right paw to give it a sour claw.

Seeing that the chrysanthemum is not protected, the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon is very angry. Originally, it wanted to smash it round and get a dragon claw, but now it can only choose to give up and sit down.

If this is to be sat down by the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, with the astonishing weight of the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, coupled with the rapid smashing roundness, it is likely to cause secondary damage, and Ashe will at least be severely injured.

Ashe's reaction was not unpleasant, she immediately gave up her claws and hurriedly used her life-saving flashing skills to get away from the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon.


It was also at this time that the dull physical collision sounded, round and round and slammed on the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon.

The pair of long eyes of the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon protruded, like pushing a golden mountain down a jade pillar, and fell heavily to the ground, and was dragged for a certain distance before it could stop.

At this time, the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon was clearly smashed.

Before the demon saint-level golden dragon stood up, the crowned Sunlight Luan swooped down, and the sharp beak pecked at the demon saint-level golden dragon's longan.

The demon saint golden dragon subconsciously closed the long eye and hurriedly moved the huge dragon head.

In an instant, the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon felt a tingling pain from his thick face, and then there was a harsh rubbing sound from the bones of his face, but it was the crown of Sunlight Luan's beak that pierced its face, and was finally caught by its bones. Block.

Just when the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon was about to come to a double-claw row attack and slap the crown of Sunlight Luan to death in one fell swoop, a huge wind blade swiftly rushed towards its crotch.

The Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon hurriedly raised a claw and smashed the huge wind blade. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Crowned Sunlight Luan successfully escaped.


The Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon roared, Nuoda's Longyan stared at Ashe, full of endless anger, and hated Ashe's shameless fighting style.

If it hadn't reacted quickly enough, the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon felt that he might have become an **** dragon now, or an **** dragon that had been digged out of the anus.

At this moment, Ashe deeply attracted the attention of the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon.

The demon-sage golden dragon opened his eyes in anger, and was attacked by Ashe's crotch again and again.

The next moment, the demon saint-level golden dragon incited the dragon wings that shielded the sky and the sun, showing a speed that was seriously inconsistent with the huge dragon body, and slammed into Ashe with raging anger.

Wind hidden!

Ashe was taken aback, and hurriedly flashed a blue light on her body, which turned into an afterimage, successfully avoiding the impact of the demon saint-level golden dragon, and appeared in the back of the ball who had just stood up from the ground. .

The demon saint-level golden dragon didn't give up easily, and opened his mouth toward the round side to spray a golden dragon's breath with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Looking at this scene with a round face, but he had to defend it with all his strength, condensing an extremely thick ice wall.


The ice wall shattered in an instant, and the golden dragon's breath remained unabated. Instead, it drowned most of the chubby body, and from it came a chubby and painful With the help of the chubby shield, Ashe could say yes. Unscathed.

It was also at this time that Ah Dumb strode huge, and suddenly rushed over from behind. This was also the first time that it was close to the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon, waving its head with a claw.

The demon-sage golden dragon instantly felt its hairs stand upright. It was very clear that once it was hit by the giant claws of Bronze Bimen, even if the Upanishad Guardian could exempt most of its power, it would still be traumatized because the opponent ignored the characteristics of defense.

Under this circumstance, the golden light on the surface of the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon's body flickered, forming a golden barrier, completely enclosing the body of Nuo Da's dragon.

Dumb's giant claws grasped on it, only ripples appeared in layers, there was no sign of breaking.

Even the defense released by the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon hastily still possessed a rather exaggerated defense.

Just when the Demon Saint-level Golden Dragon was about to slap Duan with a claw, suddenly, the crowned Sunlight Luan was full of amazing red lights, turned into a firebird that covered the sky, and swooped down aggressively.

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