Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 807: Next level

In the huge wooden ball, even if Bregas couldn't see the outside scene, he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart, which made it struggle desperately.


In an instant, the huge wooden ball was completely shattered, revealing Bregas' figure.

When seeing the two huge grinding discs rolling over, Bregas' expression changed drastically, but there was no time at this time.

Bregas only had time to put a layer of dark shield outside, and the two grinding discs came up, putting the dark shield in the middle, and rubbing violently.

During this process, the newly formed dark shield was violently distorted and instantly turned into an oval shape, with a large number of cracks emerging on it, giving people a feeling of collapse at any time.

Even if Bregas has been overloaded to deliver energy to the Dark Shield, he still cannot change the result of the shattering.


Under the intense friction, the dark shield finally shattered, revealing the frightened Bregas inside.

In an instant, Bregas was submerged in the two grinding discs, and Bregas screamed faintly from them.

Kailan tried to maintain the two grinding discs, but judging from her increasingly pale face, it takes a lot of energy to maintain the grinding discs, which is difficult to maintain for long.

After holding on to two or three breaths, Kailan stopped a little bit weakly, and the two grinding discs that had lost control fell straight from the air like this, slamming heavily on the ground with a loud bang.


After a few breaths, there was another roar, and Bregas rushed out of the abandoned grinding disc.

At this moment, Bregas was in a panic, covered in blood, and could not see a small piece of intact fur at all. There were some missing parts, and there was no similarity to the appearance before the battle.

To put it simply, those who are beaten are not in animal form.

That is to say, the vitality of the demon saint-level goblin is extremely strong, otherwise it would have died if the normal goblin suffered such injuries.

Kailan gasped for two breaths, and saw Bregas rushing, once again condensed the dark green light blade, and Bregas went hand in hand.

Because the trees formed by the arrival characteristics of the wood world were completely destroyed by Kailan, Kailan also lost the power increase, but her opponent Bregas was in a severely weakened state, but she did not lose the slightest.

Bregas also worked hard. In order to preserve his reputation, he launched a nearly crazy offensive. It was completely offensive and undefended. It was very clear that with its current state, it could not last for long, and wanted to rely on the immunity ability of the source protection , Defeat Kailan first.

Jingle bell~

The dark green light blade collided with the minions frantically, and occasionally Bregas would wave three tails, turning almost all parts of his body into weapons in order to cause damage to Kailan.

In the beginning, Kailan was swayed from left to right, a little unable to resist, and was suppressed by Bregas.


Taking advantage of Kailan's embarrassing parry, Bregas seized the opportunity and waved his tail. Accompanied by the howling sonic boom, a tail slammed on Kailan and directly flew Kailan.

After flying back several tens of meters, Kailan finally stopped the castration and lost the protection of the innate Qi Xuansha Miaozhen Qinglian. Just this blow caused Kailan almost to be hit hard.

This is mainly due to the difference in realm. If Kailan was also a demon saint, this blow would naturally not cause such a big damage.

Bregas did not give Kailan time to breathe, and once again turned into an arrow from the string, reappearing in front of Kailan at an unimaginable speed, and swiped a claw to the center of Kailan's neck.

Kailan lowered her head almost subconsciously, rubbing her scalp with sharp claws, as if she had blown off her hair, and the green hair was falling down.

However, at this moment, Kailan's eyes showed green light, and these dropped hairs seemed to have life, turning into green snakes, rushing to Bregas within close proximity.

This feels like Medusa. Unlike Medusa, Kailan's hair naturally contains strong natural energy and life energy. With her control level, she can mimic her hair instantly.

Before Bregas had time to react, its body was entangled by countless green snakes, and it was strongly restrained.

Click~ Click~

Bregas struggled hard, these mimics made the overwhelmed sound of the green snake's hair, and then all of them broke, re-turned into broken hair and scattered on the ground.

However, with the fleeting time, Kailan waved dozens of sword lights in an instant, completely covering Bregas.


Bregas was unable to avoid it at all. It only had time to swing a claw, leaving several deep bone scars on Kailan. Then there was severe pain from all over the body, and a strong sense of dizziness emerged. Lost consciousness.

On the other side, Kailan was knocked to the ground by Bregas's near-death blow, but she still struggled to get up from the ground, her condition was unprecedentedly worse, giving people the feeling that she might fall to the ground at any time.

At this moment, a golden beam of light landed and instantly enveloped Kailan.

When the beam of light disappeared, Kailan became vigorous again, returning to its heyday, as if everything just now was an illusion.

This is the special feature of this space. Once the barrier is over, both the winner and the loser will be completely cured.

This fierce battle allowed Li Changsheng to recognize Kailan's current combat power. Although he only barely defeated the beast-dreading Bregas, it also meant that Kailan did indeed possess the combat power of a demon saint-level goblin.

Of course, this is also a demon saint-level fairy. If you face a demon saint-level demon pet with the blessing of the secret realm, Kailan will still lose with a high probability.

Even so is commendable.

After Li Changsheng completed all the tests, the other three sides were basically settled.

This is the test that most tests the overall strength. Needless to say, the weakest senior pseudo-king is naturally the fastest to lose.

The other two top pseudo-kings, one has been suppressed by the third round of the demon saint-level goblin, and obviously fell into a disadvantage.

The other top pseudo-king is a vigorous fight against the demon saint-level goblin, there is no tendency to lose, and the strength is stronger than his competitors.

As the top pseudo-kings, there is also a big gap in strength. For example, Li Changsheng is at the top of the existence, underneath are the top pseudo-kings who can compete with the king for a short period of time, and then the others.

The strength of this top pseudo-king might not be much weaker than Ning Bizhen.

With the defeat of a top pseudo-king, it also means that the final candidate has been decided.

After a while, Li Changsheng appeared in an unusually spacious hall.

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