Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 801: Ming Qing Ling Ye, Xiang Liu Head

"Neither is this, nor is that, then what worthy item do you have?"

After more than a dozen items in a row, Xiang Yutian was stunned, and Li Changsheng almost doubted whether Xiang Yutian was a counterfeit.

Xiang Yutian took a deep breath, and the veins on his forehead converged a little. The series of item names that Li Changsheng had just reported made him feel more anxious.

The second prince of the dignified Kai Ling Empire, not only did not have one, there were even items that had never been heard of.

Xiang Yutian groaned for a while, took out a token and said, "This is a control token of a barren secret realm. Its entrance is in the Kai Ling Empire..."

The so-called desolate secret realm refers to the secret realm where the king has fallen and has never been maintained, causing the environment in the secret realm to become barren. It is foreseeable that its area is likely to be less than 1/10 of the heyday. , This can be felt from the secret realm of Yum King.

If a lot of resources are invested, the barren secret realm will gradually restore the environment in line with the survival of creatures, but this will take several years at every turn.

Of course, if you move the tree of life into a barren secret realm, you can speed up the speed of recovery.

Xiang Yutian looked at Li Changsheng expectantly. With his status in the Kai Ling Empire, this desolate secret realm seemed like a tasteless to him. If he could exchange for the dark secret crystallization, he would have a high probability of becoming the king directly, and then he could open up his own secret realm, which was many times better than the barren secret realm.

Unfortunately, if it is someone else, there is a high probability that they will be interested in the desolate secret realm, because as long as the environment of the desolate secret realm is restored, it can improve the power profile and can get a steady stream of benefits after doing well.

Li Changsheng possesses the control tokens of the Fire Flame Secret Realm and the Spirit King Secret Realm. The Desolate Secret Realm is useless to him and will distract his energy instead.

Moreover, Li Changsheng is not yet a king, and he can't move the entrance of the barren secret realm at all, so he has no interest.

"I'm not interested in Barren Secret Realm, you can change one."

Li Changsheng shook his head and flatly refused.

Xiang Yutian was a little disappointed, and had to withdraw the token, and then took out a jade bottle, which contained milky white liquid.

"This is Mingqing Lingye. As long as one drop is put into the eyes every day, one month later, you will be able to obtain the ability to clear and brighten the purpose, and have the effects of farsightedness and perspective."

"I'm not interested, is there anything else?"

Li Changsheng shook his head. He already has spiritual eyes. Although the effect is not as good as the spiritual eyesight, the gap is not very big. Moreover, after absorbing the blood of the five-color peacock last time, his eyesight has been greatly improved. Contradiction.

Xiang Yutian took back the spirit liquid with an ugly face, and then took out a black bead.

This bead is about the size of a football, and the whole body exudes lustrous black light. It is a pity that this bead is full of cracks, giving people a feeling that it will break when touched lightly.

Xiang Yutian endured the pain and said, "This is the dragon ball of the four-clawed black dragon. It has the power to protect water, and it has the power to call wind and rain."

The dragon ball can be said to be the most concentrated place of the dragon's essence. The four-claw black dragon belongs to the divine beast, and the preciousness of the dragon ball can be imagined.

"Your dragon ball has cracked like this. The power is afraid that it will be greatly reduced, and it may be broken after a few times."

"Unless you use up the energy stored in the Dragon Ball at once, there will be no possibility of fragmentation. As for the power, reduction is inevitable. Even so, this is an extremely rare treasure."

Afraid that Li Changsheng would refuse, Xiang Yutian hurriedly said something for his Dragon Ball.

"How about Cang Xuan Ding's water drop?"

Xiang Yutian didn't dare to pack the ticket, and said in an uncertain tone: "It should be stronger."

"let it go!"

Li Changsheng waved his hand, even if the power of this dragon ball was stronger than that of Cangxuan Ding Water Ball, it was of little use to him.

Xiang Yutian's expression was a bit ugly again. This time, he seemed to have made a decision, pulling out a snake head with a diameter of nearly ten meters.

The head of the light snake is so big, it is difficult to imagine how big this snake was. What is certain is that it was definitely over a hundred meters before it was alive.

"This is the head of the fierce beast Xiangliu!"

Introduced to Uda solemnly, this is a precious thing his ancestors gave him last year.

Last summer, a sage willow raged in the Kailing Empire and caused great harm.

The Xiangliu snake has nine heads and can eat on nine hills at the same time. It can be seen that its size is large. It constantly vomits venom to form a foul-smelling swamp with a bitter taste. The smell can even kill passing birds and beasts.

In order to prevent Xiang Liu from continuing to be a disaster, Lingdi had to take action personally, and finally killed Xiang Liu forcefully on the bank of an inexplicable lake, and Xiang Yutian was a bystander at the time.

Due to Xiangliu's metamorphic regeneration ability, Lingdi Xiangdonglai had to chop Xiangliu into dozens of sections, and finally gave them to his descendants. Xiang Yutian was lucky enough to get one of the snake heads.

"I'm not very interested in it!"

Li Changsheng showed a look of disgust. This willow head is indeed big, but it is also very smelly, exuding a very strong fishy smell, which is a hundred times more than a pile of seafood piled together.

If Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen have demon pets with the blood of Xiangliu in their hands, then he will think about it, but they don't have them, and the use of Xiangliu's head is really small.

"Anything else?"

"No more!"

Xiang Yutian was full of frustration, but his strength was not as good as others could not grab it. What else could he do? He was also desperate.

Li Changsheng's mouth slumped subconsciously, and the second prince of the empire was open to the spirit. The mother is still the current queen, but he did not expect to be so ‘poor’.

In fact, Xiang Yutian is totally inconsistent with poor and sour, but who made him meet the wealthy Li Changsheng, in terms of his wealth, I am afraid that many kings can't match him.

Only those few wonders of the world are enough to make most kings autistic.

"Well, you take this list of items, as long as you find any item on it, you can contact me at any time."

Li Changsheng was also quite helpless. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of Xiang Yutian, but Xiang Yutian's net worth was lower than his expectations.

Under the influence of mental power, the list of items fell lightly in Xiang Yutian's hands.

As for why he didn't kill Xiang Yutian, Li Changsheng was not stupid, and he couldn't die here. Moreover, Xiang Yutian's background is really strong. Even if he was eliminated, it would definitely do more harm than good.

Taking a step back, as the second prince of the Kai Ling Empire, Xiang Yutian probably has a killer or secret treasure or secret method to save his life.

It was only unexpected that as soon as Xiang Yutian took the item list, he and his demon pets turned into streamers inexplicably, disappearing from Li Changsheng's eyes.

Before Xiang Yutian disappeared, Li Changsheng could even see the astonishment and unwillingness on this guy's face.

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