Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 797: Bicycle to motorcycle

In the choice between Xier Asuna and Soul Eater, Li Changsheng is undoubtedly more inclined to Soul Eater.

The same is a temporary demon pet, although Shier Asuna has reached the Demon King level and has far more combat power than the Spirit Eater, it stands to reason that Shier Asuna should be chosen.

But in terms of credit, most of the demon pets, including many official demon pets, are not as good as the Spirit Devouring Rat. After all, the Spirit Devouring Rat has actually made several great achievements by using its special abilities.

In addition, if the Spirit Eater successfully evolves, then there is no small chance that it will be promoted to the Demon King level. At that time, Li Changsheng believed that its combat power was stronger than Shier Asuna.

Of course, everything is still unknown.

In terms of probability, the minimum probability is about 10%, the small probability is between 20% and 30%, the larger probability is between 30% and 50%, and the high probability is between 50% and 70%. Needless to say.

Zhu Guo can raise the bloodline of the demon pet to a higher level with a higher probability, which means that its success rate is between 30% and 50%.

The reason why there is no accurate numerical value is mainly because of the scarcity of natural treasures like Zhu Guo, and how many people have used it. Even if the data statistics people go door to door to ask questions, they can only get a rough value. .

Not only Zhu Guo, but also rare treasures, it is impossible to get an accurate value.

"The possibility of transformation is still not high enough, so add this!"

Li Changsheng took out a jade bottle in pain, and after pulling out the cork on the jade bottle, an amazing smell came to his face.

There is a longan-sized pill in the jade bottle. This is the top special pill from Liu Zongtang-Qiankun Pill!

If the Qiankun Good Fortune Pill and bloodline transformation treasures are given to the demon pet for consumption, the probability of the demon pet's transformation can be greatly increased.

For the Universe Good Fortune Pill + Zhu Guo, there is an estimated 80% probability that the Spirit Devouring Rat will guarantee the bottom. Unless the luck is too bad, the evolution of the Spirit Devouring Rat can be said to be a sure thing.

The next moment, Li Changsheng shook the demon pet bag and released the Spirit Devouring Rat.

As soon as the Spirit Devouring Rat came out, its nose couldn't help but move a few times, and subconsciously focused on Zhu Guo and Qiankun Good Fortune Pill, and there was always a temptation that could not be described in words.

"Spirit Devourer, this time is really hard for you, this is your reward!"

Li Changsheng solemnly handed over two precious and unusual treasures. If this fails, it will be a big loss.

The Spirit Eater stood up and bowed his hands towards Li Changsheng.

His eyes were extremely excited, and his mouth made a squeaky sound, expressing his gratitude and love to Li Changsheng in his own way.

Li Changsheng touched the head of the Spirit Mouse, indicating that it need not be polite.

The Spirit Devourer picked up Zhu Guo, solved Zhu Guo in twos, and then swallowed Qiankun Good Fortune Pill.

Zhu Guo has no husk, which makes Li Changsheng have to give up the idea of ​​cultivating it.

Between two or three breaths, the expression of the Spirit Devouring Mouse changed suddenly, and only felt a huge special energy from the stomach into the blood, its blood quickly flowed throughout the body, quickly spreading throughout the body, and the whole body felt sour and itchy. , Uncomfortable.

In an instant, the Spirit Devouring Rat was shrouded in khaki brilliance.

Under the transformation of special energy, the blood concentration of the Spirit Devouring Rat is rapidly rising. In this process, its internal organs, flesh and blood, and bones are being reorganized and reorganized.

Click~ Click~ Click~

With the continuous sound of bone fragmentation, the size of the Spirit Devouring Rat began to change. Unlike ordinary demon pets, the size of the Spirit Devouring Rat did not become larger, but became smaller and smaller.

At the same time, its momentum is also rising rapidly.

For the sake of safety, Li Changsheng specially arranged several prohibitions, which naturally include an enhanced version of the restraint.

In addition, the eight Demon King-level demon pets guarded the Spirit Devouring Rat together, and if anyone dared to approach it, they would surely receive a thunderous blow.

In the process of waiting, soon, a quarter of an hour passed, and the body shape change of the Spirit Eater finally stabilized, and its body length was less than half a meter.

Seeing the change of Spirit Eater, Li Changsheng finally let go of the worry on his face and turned to a brilliant smile.

Although it is impossible to release mental power here, the changes in the Spirit Eater have shown that it has successfully completed its evolution, because its current appearance is almost exactly the same as Dou Yuanbin’s Vientiane Spirit Eater, but its momentum is much inferior. Has the quality of the mice improved?

As the first temporary best demon pet in Li Changsheng's hands, the Spirit Eater has the potential to improve its quality.

After successfully evolving, the Spirit Devourer did not wake up immediately. With the power of evolution and the residual energy of Zhu Guo and Qiankun's Good Fortune Pill, Spirit Devourer wanted to break the threshold of profound meaning and become a demon king-level demon pet. .

The Devourer had tried a breakthrough not long ago, and it is logically necessary to delay a period of time before attempting a breakthrough again, but due to evolution, the Devourer has fully recovered and will not be affected in any way.

Without waiting long, threads of earthy-yellow profound energy suddenly appeared on the body of the Spirit Devouring Rat. Under the transformation of these secretive energy, the Spirit Devouring Rat's body shape began to change again, becoming more and more petite.

These khaki energies suddenly condensed and circulated rapidly around the Spirit Eater, and finally formed a khaki film.

This is the guardian of the profound meaning, but it is not yet complete.

Li Changsheng smiled, which means that the Spirit Devouring Rat has successfully broken the threshold of the profound meaning, and this has allowed some of the profound energy to leak out.

As time passed, the profound energy on the surface of the Spirit Devouring Rat's body became more and more intense. Obviously, it is still expanding its battle results, wanting to smash the entire secret threshold in one fell swoop to avoid becoming a pseudo-monster king-level demon pet.

After five minutes passed, Li Changsheng's ears moved slightly, and he vaguely heard a broken sound coming from the Spirit Eater.

It was also at this time that the Spirit Devouring Rat's momentum skyrocketed, and a large amount of Profound Energy was gushing out of its body surface, which made the originally weak Profound Guardian begin to thicken, and finally stopped until it reached a critical point.

Spirit Devouring Mouse opened its eyes and revealed an expression of excitement. At this moment, it only felt that its whole body was full of explosive power ~ and it was completely different from before.

However, Spirit Devouring Rat is very aware of who brought the changes to it, which makes its heart full of gratitude for Li Changsheng, and begins to express gratitude in its own way.

After staying warm with the Spirit Eater, Li Changsheng couldn't wait to check its information.

[Fairy Name]: Vientiane Spirit Devouring Rat (Mature stage, top-notch monster. Comprehend the profound meaning, greatly enhance the power of the skill; the mysterious guard: exempt part of the damage, mainly depending on the opponent's realm.)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: Medium Domination

[Fairy Quality]: Half an Epic

[Fairy Bloodline]: Devouring Sky Rat (major)

[Fairy Attributes]: Earth System

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

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