Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1622: The King's Plan

Li Changsheng held his hands and watched the battle quietly.

This time, he didn't bless the ancestral phoenix and the candle dragon with the secret method and the mighty power of heaven and earth. All they can rely on is their own combat power.

From the point of view of tacit understanding, the Korver brothers who have been together for tens of thousands of years are better, but their functions and fighting styles are seriously overlapped, and they are not as good as Zufeng and Candle Dragon.

In the sky, Zu Feng turned into a huge firebird and launched a charge towards Little Korver.

The persimmon is looking for a soft pinch, and it can be seen from the size that the combat effectiveness of the small Korver is inferior to that of the large Korver.

In this case, the Korver brothers Qiqi launched a long-range attack.

Hundred-armed giants are very strong in close combat and long-range, and can be called a fortress of war. It can be seen that its power is nothing but speed and flexibility.

Big Korver roared, and the rich earth-yellow brilliance emerged. On one hundred of his arms, blocks of boulders like a hill were gathered together, and they were thrown frantically in the direction of Zufeng and Candle Dragon.

At the same time, the eyes of the little Korver's fifty heads circulated brilliantly, and a hundred rays of light were shot out in an instant, trying to cover the gap created by the big Korver's throwing boulders.

Just as the boulder was about to collide with Zufeng, the huge long eye of the candle dragon shone with brilliance, and the speed of the boulder and the light in front of Zufeng dropped sharply.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zu Feng swiftly avoided a block of boulders and rushed to the little Korver smoothly.

Little Korver hurriedly stopped releasing the light, dozens of outer arms waved wildly, smashing at Zufeng from three directions.

On the other side, the Candle Dragon used the same method to easily avoid the attacks of the boulders and light, approached the Great Korver smoothly, and began to entangle the Great Korver.

For a time, the Korver brothers seemed to be in a situation where they were fighting each other.


A strong roar resounded across the sky, and Zufeng, who had turned into a firebird, collided with dozens of outer arms.


The flames attached to the ancestral phoenix erupted frantically, venting crazily towards the surroundings, and the sound of the flame bursting constantly sounded like a bone gangrene. It climbed on the dozens of outer arms of the little Korver, and the burned skin opened.

Little Korver's outer arm hurriedly released a rich khaki brilliance, barely dispelling the flame on the outer arm.

But with just such a small gap, the five tail feathers of Zufeng's tail exuded a strong five-color brilliance, which seemed to be five thousand-meter-long lightsabers, and slashed towards the little Korver.


The sound of space shattering sounded, and countless small space cracks emerged on the moving trajectory of the five lightsabers, and the power can be imagined.

Little Korver hurriedly switched from offensive to defensive, and an extremely thick earth wall instantly blocked him and Zu Feng.

Bang bang bang bang ~ wow!

At the moment of contact with the earth wall, the five lightsabers pierced through the earth wall like a broken bamboo, and even the speed was not hindered much.

Little Korver had to bite the bullet and wave dozens of outer arms, trying to block Zu Feng's ultimate move.

Click~ Click~

In an instant, the sound of broken bones sounded, and Korver's outer arms were broken and scattered in the void.

Fortunately, the power of the five lightsabers is also exhausted.

Zu Feng swiftly turned a half, opened his bird's beak and spewed flames, submerged little Korver, and further established his superiority.

In the following process, the little Korver was completely suppressed, no matter how he counterattacked, because dozens of outer arms were broken, it would be difficult to pose too much threat to Zu Feng.

Compared with the little Korver, the big Korver is not much better. He was also pushed down by the candle dragon. What makes him most unbearable is that he has not even touched the dragon scales of the candle dragon. Aspect of the blow.

The candle dragon constantly shifts time to accelerate and time to decelerate, which is completely playing the role of Korver.

Just give the candle dragon some time, maybe you can kill the Great Korver without any damage.

The battle didn't last long, and Li Changsheng recalled Zufeng and Candle Dragon. The Korver brothers still had the value to use. There was no need to kill them, just give them a deterrent to release.

The Korver brothers reunited again and looked at Li Changsheng with vigilant and angry eyes. Even if their brain capacity is not large, they are not dominated by anger. The key point is that Li Changsheng is not the **** they hate the most, and he will not be over-blooded. .

After the Korver brothers calmed down, Li Changsheng began to communicate with the Korver brothers in consciousness.

The Korver brothers thought for a while, and finally the two sides hit it off and agreed to cooperate.

The Korver brothers no longer invade the world of the fairies, the world of dawn, the world of origin, and the world of the sky night. When Li Changsheng needs to fight against the gods, they will take action.

As a price, Li Changsheng needs to provide them with a list of information about the gods and provide them with a certain amount of shelter for the Korver brothers.

Of course, this is just a verbal agreement. At their level, it is difficult to be restrained. The main reason is that the two parties come from different worlds, and they are not gods, demons, or even if they want to be restrained, they cannot be restrained.

After reaching an agreement, the Korver brothers left with their giants and continued to travel the starry sky to find the next target.

At this time, the original light appeared in Li Changsheng's right hand and spit out a ball of light. This was a memory fragment extracted from the human emperor's soul.

Li Changsheng began to quickly scan these chaotic memory fragments. The emperor's nearly ten thousand years of age, the memory can be said to be vast, even if the memory extracted this time is less than 10%, he still has something to gain.

Among them, there are a certain amount of memories about the Emperor's plan.

The Emperor of Humanity began planning as early as three thousand years ago, mainly in the face of the increasingly terrifying five decays of heaven and man. At that time, the Emperor of Humanity already had a feeling of powerlessness, coupled with the special ability of the order of enlightened things, so he began to experiment.

In the beginning,, the emperor wanted to prepare a way out. One day he could not withstand the five decays of heaven and man, and then rebirth with memory in the way of the golden cicada's shell, or the soul travels to other worlds and resurrects with the help of a suitable body.

Unfortunately, in the experiment, the human emperor discovered that the soul had the mark of the world. As soon as his test subject completed the seizure of the house in the other world, the world consciousness of the other world would impose a penalty until he was killed.

The Sovereign had also thought about completing this process in the astral realm. It stands to reason that the world consciousness cannot reach the astral realm, but for some reason, it is impossible to resurrect with the help of the body.

According to the emperor's estimation, this is the rule limit of the star realm.

As a result, crossing the possessed body was still dead again.

As for rebirth in the fairy world, it is feasible, but the five decays of heaven and man will continue to come, this is from the experience of the predecessors.

If he was reborn with memory, the Emperor's experiment was also unsuccessful, which may have something to do with the rules of heaven.

After countless experiments failed, the emperor had to put aside his opportunistic methods and chose the most orthodox route of detachment.

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