Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1584: Pseudo-only one-sex monster

Before long, the backlash of the heavenly status reached its limit, causing the ancestral black dragon to make a crackling sound, and blood gushing from the body surface and the corners of the mouth from time to time.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, as long as this wave is supported, the ancestral black dragon will be stable.

The black dragon of the ancestors supported it to death, and the eyes of the huge dragon were full of bloodshot eyes.

Li Changsheng had to take measures. The Biluohuangquan Swords turned into two sword lights, and they continuously pierced into the body of the ancestral black dragon, cutting off some painful nerves.

But due to the relationship of Sanguang Shenshui, these severed pain nerves can be restored almost instantly.

In the next moment, Li Changsheng sprinkled a large amount of black liquid, and before the pain nerve was restored, he first blended into the severed pain gods at both ends.

No matter how the Sanguang Shenshui exerts its effects, the severed pain nerves have not recovered.

This is the fierceness of the gunslinger, like a bone gangrene, which can make the injury no longer recover.

Of course, only the Killing Gun can take the initiative to recover the ferocious aura, and the other methods are probably ineffective.

With the pain nerve being severed, even if the pain is still felt, it is significantly slowed down.

The ancestral black dragon's tense mind relaxed, and he breathed a sigh of relief, giving people the feeling that he had entered sage time.

Although it is a tricky method, it will not weaken the final effect.

With the help of Li Changsheng, the ancestral black dragon succeeded in holding the final backlash, and the subsequent process became without surprise.

When the heavenly status is no longer backlashed, it immediately merges into the core of the ancestral black dragon.

During this process, Li Changsheng did not act rashly. Although he wanted to add some power from the world to experiment, there was no need to do such a dangerous thing.

After the heavenly rank and the core of the ancestral black dragon are completely integrated, the evolutionary white light once again appears on the surface of the ancestral black dragon.

The next moment, another head came out, and the size of the ancestral black dragon more than doubled.

However, compared with the real hundred-headed dragon, the ancestral black dragon still has the main head, and the ratio of the other 99 heads to the body is obviously not as good as the real hundred-headed dragon, which feels like a weakened version.

Li Changsheng knew the reason very well. It was very simple. The ancestral black dragons merged into less than half of their heyday, so they are naturally inferior to the real hundred dragons.

Even so, the spot of light representing the black dragon of the ancestors has skyrocketed, almost one-fifth, the increase far surpasses the increase of the top-level beasts in the evolution of ordinary beasts.

This is only a weakened version. If it is the Heyday version, Li Changsheng feels that the increase must be even greater.

At this time, Li Changsheng began to check the information of the ancestral black dragon.

[Fairy name]: Hundreds of giant dragons (at maturity, take sunflower water elites to increase the power of water system skills, weaken the speed of enemies hit by water system skills, and comprehend the gods of sunflower water. Absorb the five-color glazed fruit of the mysterious sky, and greatly strengthen the foundation of the five-element demon pet , Comprehensively improve the physical fitness of the monster pet by 20%. Consolidate the power of the rules, double the power of the skills, and cause continuous damage to the enemy; Rule guard: exempt part of the damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Emperor Tier 2

[Fairy Race]: Pseudo-Unique Monster

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: Ancestral Black Dragon (perfect), Hundred Dragons (perfect)

[Fairy attributes]: gold + water

[Fairy State]: malaise, weakness

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

The ancestral black dragon can be considered to have successfully evolved into a hundred dragons, um, there are indeed a hundred dragon heads, that's right.

The only problem is race. There is a pseudo character in front of the unique beast, which is obviously a relationship where the status of heaven is less than half of the heyday.

But it is precisely because of this, otherwise the ancestral black dragon, which was only at the Demon Emperor level at that time, could not bear the heavenly status of the heyday, even half of it, this is still the relationship of Li Changsheng's help, otherwise the biggest possibility is still falling short.

Because the breakthrough process was too painful, it would take a while for the hundred giant dragons to fully recover.

Even so, the strength of the Hundred Dragons is much stronger than before the evolution, which is inferior to the real Hundred Dragons.

With the strength of a hundred dragons, even if it is placed in Li Changsheng's main demon pet, it can definitely occupy a place, and the ranking is very high.

However, Li Changsheng had no extra contract positions, and he could only do it after he was promoted to the emperor.

What makes people tangled is whether he is the one hundred dragons of the contract or the five-eared macaque.

At this time, Li Changsheng used the Gunkiller to withdraw the ferocious aura that had melted into the severed painful nerve.

With the assistance of Sanguang Shenshui, these pain nerves recovered almost instantly.

The state of the Hundred Dragons is better, but you have to slowly recover your spirits.

In addition, Li Changsheng had to continue to observe a hundred giant dragons for a period of time to avoid accidents.

Before long, Li Changsheng learned of the changes in other aspects of the Hundred Dragons.

In terms of characteristics, the regeneration characteristics have evolved into the regeneration characteristics of severed fingers, and the recovery strength is more than a strong level.

Vigorous characteristics are also advanced to the characteristics of the body of a hundred heads.

The body of a hundred heads: It greatly strengthens the physique, strength and defense of a hundred dragons, and saves the possibility of a spike.

The body of a hundred heads is exactly the same as the body of silver of Ah-Dai, but the increase will be even greater, making the physical strength of the hundred-headed dragon increased a lot. It is no wonder that the process of encircling and suppressing the hundred-headed dragon is really costly. After a lot of time, there is indeed enough meat.

In addition, there is an additional feature that would rather die than surrender, with firm will, greatly increased endurance, and immunity from lethal attacks. Even if you are severely injured, you can still go all out.

This is exactly a war fortress with excellent offense and defense, but it is not very ideal in terms of flexibility and speed, which is exactly the same as a giant with a hundred arms.

In terms of skills, it is natural to inherit all the skills of the Hundred Dragons there are too many skills, I won't list them one by one.

Li Changsheng kept a hundred dragons close by his side, always in his field of vision. Once the hundred dragons were in a bad state, he would immediately take measures.

After obtaining the West Pole Gengjin Magneto Mountain, Li Changsheng took out the Qiankun Ding again, and prepared to refining the West Pole Gengjin Magneto Mountain.

This month, due to the time-delay ban, which is equivalent to three months, Li Changsheng has a little more understanding of the Emperor's "Nine Heavens and Ten Thousand Paths Refining Artifacts", and even some of his own better Blending into it.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, even if it is still inferior to the Emperor of Heaven, the gap must not be large.

It didn't take much time. After refining, Xiji Gengjin Magnetic Mountain successfully reached the top grade Zifu rare treasure level.

In this way, Li Changsheng owns five top-grade Purple Mansion rare magnetic mountains, with the attributes of the five elements.

According to the principle of the intergeneration of the five elements, Li Changsheng can merge these five magnetic mountains into one, turning them into a five pole mountain of Yuanmagnetism.

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