Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1568: Kylins will never be slaves

Although there are no 365 king-level stars, it is difficult to use the full power of Zhou Tian Xingdou's forbidden formation, but even if it is only part of the power, it is enough to break it.

This is the gap in the forbidden formation. As the strongest forbidden formation, Zhou Tianxingdou's forbidden formation is not comparable to the Xiantianwutu forbidden formation.

Even with the support of the ground veins, there is always a limit to the ground veins, and they cannot be continuously supplemented. At most, they will be supported for a period of time.

"No, destroy those puppets!"

When the Zhoutian Star Fighting forbidden formation was about to be completed, with the order of the elder Huo Qilin, the Qilin elites hurriedly launched a long-range offensive, attacking the nearest puppet.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng had been prepared for a long time, and the demon pets intercepted them one after another.

When the Qilin tribe’s offensive was over, the puppets waved the stars and pulled more star power. The Zhoutian Star Dou Forbidden Array finally took shape, and 365 stars converged by star power appeared.

At the next moment, 365 planets shot out an unusually strong beam of star power.

In this process, the puppets waved the star pans, causing 365 star pillars to converge on the way, turning into a huge star pillar, and rushing towards the Xiantian Wutu Forbidden Array.


At the moment the two came into contact, the Xiantian Wutu forbidden formation was violently distorted, and the layers of ripples violently violently spread, giving the Qilin tribe a sense of fear.

"Order all the earth unicorns and Wu earth unicorns to pull the earth veins!"

A worrisome color appeared in the eyes of the kylin in Kuishui, and he hurriedly issued the order, and immediately an elite kylin clan went to execute it.

In just two or three breaths, a strong earthy yellow breath rushed into the Xiantian Wutu Forbidden Array, which gradually stabilized the forbidden array.

Kuishui Qilin knew very well in his heart that this cures the symptoms but not the root cause. As long as the power of the surrounding earth veins is exhausted over a long period of time, the congenital earth forbidden formation will break without attack.

Kuishui Qilin said anxiously: "Immediately ask for help from the Feng Clan, Human Emperor, and Blood Emperor!"

The kylins in Kuishui knew that the strength of the kylin clan was greatly damaged, and it was difficult to resist Li Changsheng, so they had to seek shelter from outside.

In the current world, only the Feng Clan, Human Sovereign, and Blood Sovereign can help.

Kuishui Qilin probably didn't know yet, the Emperor Human, Blood Emperor, and Thunder Emperor didn't know where to flee for a long time, and there was only one choice left by the Feng Clan.


The Qilin tribe’s holy land naturally has a teleportation formation. Due to the Xianwutu forbidden formation, the internal space of the Tianwutu forbidden formation is not affected by the Zhoutianxingdou forbidden formation, and it can still be teleported.

Soon, several Qilin clan envoys left through the teleportation array.

Li Changsheng couldn't see it, but he could guess that, after all, the Kirin tribe had no other way to choose.

He didn't take any measures and just watched the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Forbidden Array constantly attacking the Xiantian Wutu Forbidden Array.

Although Human Emperor, Blood Emperor, and Thunder Emperor did not know where they fled, I believe there will still be a secret channel of information. Li Changsheng attacked the Kirin Clan Holy Land, and they might get news. If they came back, that would be great.

Of course, the probability is not high, but there is always a possibility.

It is also possible for the Feng clan to rescue. In ancient times, the Feng clan and the Qilin clan fought against the Dragon clan together. When the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum was opened, the Feng clan and the Qilin clan were even more united, but seeing that something was wrong, the Feng clan finally chose Tao. Zhi Yaoyao.

What I have to say is that if the Feng Clan comes to assist this time, Li Changsheng will change his attitude towards the Feng Clan. He doesn't mind suppressing the Feng Clan and the Qilin Clan together.

In the void, Li Changsheng held his hands on his back and waited quietly.

As Li Changsheng, who controls the heavens and most of the world, the news channels can be said to be all over the world. Unless the Feng Clan uses the teleportation array, once the Feng Clan comes to help, he will learn the news as soon as possible.

After more than half an hour passed, several Qilin clan envoys returned, and the two elders, Kuishui Qilin and Huo Qilin hurriedly asked.

"What, I can't find your Majesty the Emperor!"

"What, the blood emperor and thunder emperor are also missing!"

Kuishui Qilin and Fire Qilin looked at each other, and they all saw despair in each other's eyes.

However, they still have a glimmer of hope, because the Qilin clan envoy who went to the Feng clan has not yet returned.

Soon, the Qilin clan envoy who went to the Feng clan finally returned.

When seeing the messenger's ugly look, the two elders sank. Elder Qilin Kuishui still asked, "What did the Feng clan say?"

Suppressed by the aura of the two elders, the Qilin Clan envoy said with difficulty: "The Feng Clan has rejected our request for help!"

"It's over!"

If the face of the elder Qilin in Kuishui was dead gray, he never thought it would be like this.

The blame is for the Qilin Clan’s arrogance, and the news is too blocked. If it is known in advance that the Emperor of Humanity, the Emperor of Blood and others are missing, they may choose to seek refuge in Li Changsheng.

"Do we have any other way?"

"The general trend is irreversible. Unless we surrender, the Kirin tribe may be exterminated. But if we surrender, we will probably die soon, and the Kirin tribe will also be enslaved!"

"The Kylin Clan will never be slaves!"

The elder Huo Qilin was extremely grumpy and had no idea of ​​surrendering at all.

Kwaishui unicorns can't do it either. As the king of the beasts, the unicorn tribe is also one of the three dignified tribes, which makes the unicorn tribe attach great importance to reputation, which is more important than life.

It is impossible to surrender, and it is impossible to surrender in this lifetime.

"For today's plan, the only way to evacuate some of the more promising tribesmen in advance, let them hide, and wait for the opportunity."

"It can only be so!"

The two Qilin clan elders made a decision and secretly gathered a group of tribesmen. This group of tribes are mainly under-age unicorns. The rest are also unicorns of the top animal races, such as Binghuo Qilin and Kuishui. Kylin, Wutu Kylin and so on.

As for the ordinary adult unicorns, they are not in this rank at all, and I don't know how they will feel after learning that they have been abandoned.

When the Qilin Clan was planning, Li Changsheng looked at the Feng Clan elder who was flying towards him in surprise.

This is the elder of the Phoenix clan in Flame Canyon, and the two are quite close to each other.

Li Changsheng stopped the bewitching demon pets ~ Even if she gave the Feng clan elder ten courage, she did not dare to disadvantage Li Changsheng. This is how the general trend brought Li Changsheng's feelings.

"Meet the Lord of the Heavens, the King of All Saints is crowned!"

The elder of the Feng clan flew to Li Changsheng in fear, and immediately gave a big gift.

She is different from the two remaining elders of the Qilin clan. She has seen Li Changsheng's strength with her own eyes. The fall of Mo Qilin and Xuanhuang is still vivid, but they are all the hands of the people in front of them.

Li Changsheng raised his right hand, and then asked in a seemingly gentle tone: "No gift, I don't know what the elders are doing here? Isn't it a lobbyist for the Qilin tribe?"

At the same time, endless ferocity radiated from the Gunslinger.

Feeling the fierceness of the sharp spear, the elder of the Feng clan couldn't help shaking his body, and there was a little panic and fear in his eyes.

As the first killer treasure, the fierce spirit of the Gunkiller has a strong deterrent effect on the elders of the Feng clan.

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