Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1561: The effect of golden apples

When Li Changsheng saw the brightness of the light spot representing Ashe increased, his face couldn't help but smile.


As expected, the mythical qualities of the Hundred Dragons are really related to the golden apple tree. No wonder it values ​​the golden apple tree so much.

Li Changsheng waited quietly, testing the general effect of the golden apple.

After a quarter of an hour, Ashe's change ceased. According to the brightness difference between Ashe and the Hundred Dragons, a golden apple might have increased by 1/5.

This also means that even if three golden apples are consumed, the total increase is only 3/5.

As for the maturation time required for golden apples, it must take longer than the golden apples whose origin is missing. I am afraid that only a hundred giant dragons know this aspect.

After hesitating for a while, Li Changsheng picked off two golden apples and gave them all to Ashe to absorb.

Because Ashe himself has risen a bit due to evolution, after taking three more golden apples, the progress has reached 7/10.

"If you want to make Ashe's quality even further, you must either let the golden apple tree mature again, or let its white tiger and Qiongqi bloodline reach perfection."

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that he is more inclined to the latter of these two methods.

He has a certain number of wild goblins with white tigers and poor bloodlines. As long as he is given enough time, at most one or two years, the two bloodlines can reach the perfect stage.

If you take the initiative, the speed can be much faster.

However, the golden apple tree should also be tried. After all, Li Changsheng still has some natural treasures that can increase the growth rate of the fruit, provided that the maturity time cannot be too long. If it is like Huangzhongli, Li Changsheng will not count on it.

For this question, just search for the souls of a hundred dragons.

Li Changsheng was ready to take such an action after the original light advanced to the Supreme Purple Mansion Treasure.

The next moment, the original light suddenly suspended in front of him.

Just like the purple gold gourd, the original light has its own space, and has been divided into a large amount of space, but these spaces cannot store things, only souls.

Li Changsheng pointed to the original light, and in an instant, a hundred dragons appeared on the crystal ball.

In one of the spaces, the souls of a hundred giant dragons were paralyzed in the space with boredom, and its soul was as if it were substantive, and its quality was already close to the soul of the emperor.

They are both at the Demon King level, and the soul essence of the hundred dragons is far greater than that of the heavy birds.

One must know that the Hundred Dragons has not cultivated spiritual power. This can be said to be its innate talent, or it has a certain relationship with the heavenly status.

Since the soul appeared in this space, the hundred dragons have been desperate, and all it can do is wait for the arrival of fate.

Suddenly, a sense of exhaustion appeared in the soul of the hundred dragons, and there was a feeling of drowsiness.

The soul of the hundred-headed dragon hurriedly shook its head, and it faintly felt a strong sense of crisis, which made it have to cheer up.

However, this sense of exhaustion did not weaken due to the shaking of the head of the hundred dragons, but it also did not aggravate, so it was maintained.

Although he didn't do all the work, the original light's ** effect played a certain role, causing the soul state of the Hundred Dragons to not be in their heyday, and it was difficult to concentrate.

At this moment, a tearing pain came from the soul of a hundred dragons. Due to exhaustion, its reaction was slow. When it concentrated on resisting it, Primordial Light had already absorbed a lot of memory. Fragments.

After the hundred dragons concentrated their attention, the absorption efficiency of the original light suddenly decreased, but certain memory fragments were still extracted from time to time.

This process lasted for a long time. When it was unable to breathe, the souls of the hundred dragons were limp in the space, but there was no more agility in the dragon's eyes, like a fool.

This is the sequelae of soul search, but as long as the true spirit is still there, you can reincarnate and reincarnate.

Li Changsheng appeared in front of Dragon Slashing Platform, and then Li Changsheng turned the souls of a hundred dragons into Dragon Slashing Platform and disappeared.

In the original light, only the true spirits of a hundred dragons remained.

The souls of the hundreds of giant dragons struggled subconsciously, but under the suppression of the Dragon Slashing Platform, they gradually merged into the Dragon Slashing Platform and eventually became a part of the Dragon Slashing Platform.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, Zhanlongtai smoothly promoted to Langhuan Supreme Treasure, and suddenly jumped to the middle grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

This effect is leveraged. To tell the truth, it was a bit beyond Li Changsheng’s expectations. He originally thought it could reach the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level. As a result, it not only achieved it, but also directly entered the ranks of the middle-grade Langhuan Supreme. The dragon soul is far more than the strength dragon, iridescent dragon and ancestor dragon.

"This may be the uniqueness of the unique beast."

Li Changsheng could only think so. He couldn't help being a little more concerned about the unique dragon-like beasts, such as the five-color dragon queen, the platinum dragon and even the time dragon.

As for the nine-faced dragon **** has fallen, the soul has a high probability of being gone, even if it is in the hands of the supreme **** who killed it, there is no need to count on it.

After retracting the Dragon Slashing Platform, the original light automatically stuck to Li Changsheng's forehead, and swallowed all the memory fragments that had been swallowed over.

Li Changsheng entered the time delay forbidden formation, closing his eyes to digest the memory fragments of a hundred dragons with all his strength.

The memory of the Hundred Dragons is very boring. He ate and slept, and ate, always guarding the golden apple tree, almost never leaving the golden apple tree.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that a hundred dragons can absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth, without feeling hungry at all.

Li Changsheng gave up similar memories, leaving only a few useful memories in the end.

In these memories, there is nothing about the origin of the hundred dragons and in the earliest memory, the hundred dragons are the demon king.

The difference is that the 100-headed dragon seemed to have only legendary quality at first, but after eating two batches of golden apple trees, the quality increased.

Therefore, guarding the golden apple tree has become its habit, even if the fruit of the golden apple tree in the future has no effect on it, it will still follow this habit.

Even so, Li Changsheng still gained some insights about the status of the heavens in the hundred dragons.

Hundreds of giant dragons are very familiar with all aspects of themselves. It finds that the heavenly status and its core are fused, and the energy absorbed is far more than an ordinary monster of the Demon Emperor, and it can obtain a certain increase.

Not only that, but the heavenly status can also greatly improve the resilience, which can be said to be even more powerful to the hundred dragons with amazing resilience.

Hundreds of giant dragons can also integrate into the heavens and the earth with the help of the heavenly status grid, and you can clearly see the rules that cover the heavens and the earth, which is equivalent to the heavens and the earth without any cover for it.

In addition, the Hundred Dragons also have a certain understanding of the composition of the heavenly status.

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