Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1530: Yin and yang fairy clothes

Facing the menacing dying Tianzhu, the human emperor's expression changed slightly, but he did not evade.

Just when the Falling Sky Pillar was about to hit, suddenly, a black strange rag doll appeared.

This is a replacement doll, which can be exempted or weakened the offensive.

At the moment when the Meteorite Pillar and the Ragdoll came into contact, the strength of Meteorite Pillar was significantly weakened, but it continued to hit the Emperor.

The emperor stretched out his right hand and grabbed the inherited jade pieces and purple gold gourds that fell on the ground, while his left hand stretched out his back.


Although the Fallen Tianzhu was weakened a lot by the replacement doll, it still sank vigorously and slammed it on the left arm of the emperor.


Human Emperor's strength is not inferior to Li Changsheng, but under this blow, it is still inevitably broken by the Falling Tianzhu.

At this time, the emperor's right hand showed a suction, and the inherited jade piece and the purple gold gourd were about to be taken into his bag.

Naturally, the emperor's legacy will not allow the emperor to succeed, so he once again waved the leading cane and smashed it at the head of the emperor.


The Biluohuangquan swords came out of their sheaths and turned into a squatting stegosaurus, rushing from behind.

At this moment, the emperor was attacked by Li Changsheng and Tiandi.

The emperor's expression changed slightly. If he was hit in the head by the leading crutch, he was afraid that he might fall directly.

However, the emperor still did not give up.

At the critical juncture, the yin and yang fairy clothes worn by the emperor was finally activated by him, and a huge yin and yang tai chi diagram slowly turned, enclosing the emperor.

Unexpectedly, whether it was the leading cane or the unsheathed Biluohuangquan double swords falling on the Yin-Yang Taiji diagram, they could only make strong ripples, but they couldn't break through its defenses.

At the same time, the yin and yang fairy clothes shattered every inch, this turned out to be a one-time treasure, no wonder the defense was so amazing.

In an instant, the emperor grabbed these two treasures and couldn't help showing an ecstatic smile on his face.

However, at the next moment, the smile of the emperor instantly became extremely stiff, because he found that he could not put these two treasures in the space ring.

This is embarrassing! !

I don't know whether the treasure was imposed or the cause of the Emperor's palace. In short, the emperor couldn't take away these two treasures.

The Emperor subconsciously wanted to throw them into the secret realm, but at this time, Chaos, Jai Xuan, and Ba Snake once again surrounded him. They did not deal with Li Changsheng, but unanimously dealt with the Emperor who was wrapped in Tai Chi Yin and Yang fish.

Ren Taiji Yin Yang Yu had a very strong defense, but under the siege of Li Changsheng, Tiandi Yixue, and the three Demon Emperor level demon pets, it quickly collapsed and was about to be broken.


Before the tortoise shell was broken, the emperor rushed out of the cracks and quickly rushed towards the entrance of the Emperor's palace.

As long as he rushed out of the Emperor's palace, the Qinglian Yunjie Flag could be used freely, and he could escape quickly.

As for the inherited jade piece and the purple gold gourd, he put it on his body casually.

Naturally, Li Changsheng would not give up, and once again turned into a three-legged golden crow, with a full-bodied sun and real fire emerging from his body.

The Tiandi Yixue and the three Demon Emperor-level demon pets also chased after them, but their speed was not as fast as that of the Human Emperor.

Feeling the movement behind, the Emperor had to change his position slightly, and Li Changsheng almost rushed past him, finishing overtaking in an instant.

Li Changsheng didn't brake, but continued to rush forward, which was a bit beyond the emperor's expectation.

It was just that when the emperor saw the scene in front of Li Changsheng, his expression suddenly changed, because his demon emperor class heavy bird was forced by two cats to land right in front of Li Changsheng.

The emperor subconsciously wants to use the traction of all things, and he will naturally also do this secret method of instantly recalling demon pets.

However, how unprepared Li Changsheng was, the Sun Moon Star Map and He Tu Luo Shu rushed towards him slowly and quickly, trying to slow him down.

At this moment, the human emperor is faced with a choice. If he saves the demon emperor-level heavy bird, he is bound to be constrained by the sun, moon and stars map and the hetu Luoshu. The demon pet catches up with disastrous consequences.

If it is to dissolve the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Hetu Luoshu, his Demon Emperor-class heavy-minded bird would be more fortunate than fortune.

Of course, you can also save the bird while resolving, but the emperor's grasp is minimal, and the key is Li Changsheng's advantage.


The Emperor sighed and quickly made a decision. He threw the gate of good fortune and resisted the Hetu Luoshu, and then Xuanhuangbao Jian turned into a mysterious yellow streamer, colliding with the sun, moon and stars map.

During this process, the human emperor continued to rush towards the entrance of the Emperor's palace without reducing his speed.


In an instant, the three-legged golden crow incarnation of Li Changsheng slammed into the unprepared Demon Emperor class heavy bird, and at the same time it flew head-on, the real fire of the sun was like a bone gangrene, burning on it, as if it turned into one. A big golden fireball.

Day and night were prepared in advance, and two lightsabers, one white and one black, suddenly appeared on the way of the heavy bird being knocked back, and quickly pierced it.


Under the two forces, the two lightsabers pierced deeply into the body of the Demon Emperor Grade Chongming Bird, causing it to let out a sharp scream.

Boom~ boom~

The two lightsabers exploded in an instant, and the body of the Demon Emperor-class heavy bird was directly exploded into two large blood holes, and the broken internal organs were faintly visible.


The Demon Emperor-class heavy bird fell straight from the sky, and died completely before it landed on the ground.

Human Emperor's face became a little more abnormally ruddy, and he was forcibly suppressed immediately, seeing that he was about to approach the entrance.

Almost at the same time, Li Changsheng approached the Emperor again, and finally "joined" again at the entrance of the Emperor's Palace.

"Go away!"

The emperor made a ruyi spear in his right hand and slammed it straight at Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng did not evade, just the real fire on the surface of his body skyrocketed, letting Ruyi's gun hit him, and then rushed in front of the emperor, trying to knock him back.

If this is knocked back, it will be dangerous.

On the occasion of this crisis, the emperor crumpled a silver orb in pain.

Suddenly Li Changsheng's movements slowed down a lot, and they looked like slow motion.

"The power of time!"

Li Changsheng's heart was stunned. He didn't expect that the Emperor had this hand. For fear that the Emperor would change the target, he hurriedly embedded the demon core on the Zixiao Qilin Armor. It was surrounded by a thick purple shield and the 12th-Rank Star Palace lotus platform. The star power barrier is reflected in brilliance.

The Emperor glanced at Li Changsheng, and was completely disinterested in Li Changsheng. He had no means to break through the opponent's defense at one time, and the maintenance time of the key orb was too short.

Taking advantage of this time lag, the emperor avoided Li Changsheng's collision and was about to rush out of the emperor's palace.

It's just that the power of the Orb's time is too short to last. In less than half a second, Li Changsheng returned to normal, and subconsciously stretched out his third foot to the Emperor.


The Emperor evaded urgently, but it was still inevitable to be caught with a few deep bloodstains. The inherited jade piece placed on his body just happened to be touched by the claw tip and fell directly.

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