Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1528: Secret Skill: Dou Zhuan Xing Shift

At this moment of crisis, the human emperor pointed a finger above his head, and the ten thousand demon flags took the initiative to fly, releasing countless demon gods and true spirits, temporarily resisting the sun, moon and stars map.

The Emperor did not care about the offensive of the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda, and instantly nine pillars of light fell on the protective cover of Xuanhuangbaojian, causing a lot of ripples.

Suddenly, Li Changsheng turned into a giant with a hundred arms, three big mountains suddenly appeared in his hands, and an extremely harsh sonic boom sounded, and he threw it at him.

These three mountains are naturally the Nanming Lihuosi Mountain, Beiming Aurora Magnetic Mountain and Central Wutu Magnetic Mountain, all of which are top-grade Zifu rare treasures, which are extremely suitable for giants with a hundred arms.

The emperor's expression changed slightly. If it were hit by these three magnetic mountains again, the protection of Xuan Huang Baojian might be broken.

At the critical moment, a portal exuding a soft brilliance emerged from the top of the human emperor's head, suddenly became bigger and blocked in front of the three magnetic mountains.

"The Gate of Good Fortune!"

Li Changsheng's eyes were solemn, and he wanted to take it away.

The Gate of Good Fortune is undoubtedly the ultimate treasure of Langhuan, Li Changsheng only knows that it can create the origin of time and space, other functions are unknown, but even so, it still makes Li Changsheng greedy.

Boom boom boom~

The three magnetic mountains slammed on the gate of good fortune, but they only pushed back the gate of good fortune without leaving a trace on it. On the contrary, the three magnetic mountains were all damaged, and the hardness of the gate of good fortune was also It can be imagined.

It was also the first time that Li Changsheng saw such a hard foreign treasure, but he also saw the protection of the gate of good fortune. Although the defense is very strong, it can only defend one side.

The gate of good fortune gave him the feeling like the gate of light and darkness, with no special defensive effect.

The hundred-armed giant continued to throw. After the three magnetic mountains, nearly a hundred small rocks turned into afterimages, smashing towards the Emperor from all directions.

Although the power of the boulder is far inferior to the magnetic mountain, it is more powerful than the three magnetic mountains. In particular, the gate of good fortune can only block one side.

The Emperor of People wielded the long-lengthened Ruyi Spear and quickly smashed the huge boulders into smashes, but there were still many boulders smashed on the protective cover of Xuanhuang Baojian.

Suddenly, the human emperor's eyeballs twisted, and he took the initiative to remove the protective cover, and was hit by one of the huge rocks.


With the help of the strength provided by the huge stone, the emperor slightly adjusted the direction and rushed toward the emperor's legacy at a faster speed than before.

Li Changsheng hurriedly changed the three-legged Golden Crow and turned into a lihuo Changhong, chasing after him.

It's not that they don't want to use the power of space, but the main reason is that the space in the Emperor's bedroom is too solid. It takes a certain amount of time to break through the space. Naturally, the opponent will not help you open the space.

The two were chasing each other. What was surprising was that after entering that ladder, they seemed to be very close to the Tiandi's legacy, but in fact they had a feeling of being close to the end of the world. This ladder was obviously imposed by the Tiandi.

The emperor frowned, and in just such a short time, he saw Li Changsheng catch up again.


In an instant, Xuan Huang Baojian exuded a dazzling brilliance, and countless mysterious yellow brilliance rushed in all directions.

At the same time, the emperor smashed a precious orb, not knowing what it was for.

In an instant, the method on the ladder was forcibly broken open.

Seeing that the emperor was about to seize a favorable position first, the map of the sun, the moon and the stars appeared above Li Changsheng's head and the book of Hetu and Luoshu immediately complemented each other.

The dragon-horse-cartoon picture, the mysterious turtle endorsed it, instantly plunged into the sun, moon and stars picture.

At this moment, the sun, moon and stars were flourishing, and countless brilliance shone in all directions.

Among them, the emperor who is about to come into contact with the remnants of the emperor is also in the radiant area.

At the same time, Li Changsheng did not advance and retreated, and suddenly distanced himself from the emperor.

Regarding such a change, the Emperor was puzzled and had no extra thoughts, and he was about to fall in front of the Emperor's legacy.

Fight to the stars!

Suddenly, the emperor only felt that the scene in front of him had suddenly changed. When he reacted, he found that the emperor's legacy was no longer in front of him. It was not that the position of the emperor's legacy had changed, but that he was forcibly moved to where Li Changsheng had just retreated. The orientation.

Correspondingly, Li Changsheng also took the place of the emperor and appeared in front of the relic of the emperor.

This change directly caught the emperor by surprise.

As for the ability of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, Li Changsheng obtained the method from the inheritance of the Star Emperor. The method was secretly developed by the Emperor Xuan and the Emperor Xuan. This method can no longer be used.

Now that Li Changsheng has gathered together the Sun, Moon and Stars Map and Hetu Luoshu, he can naturally activate Dou Zhuan Xing Yi and directly miscalculate the emperor's plans.

When Li Changsheng appeared in front of the Tiandi Yixu, he was about to reach out and grab the treasure, but an accident happened again.

Suddenly, the Tiandi Jinxian crown worn by the Tiandi Yixiu shined brightly, and the dim eyes of the Tiandi Yixu suddenly appeared, and Li Changsheng's eyes were facing each other.

Li Changsheng subconsciously thought that the emperor wanted to seize him, and subconsciously operated various methods and strange treasures to resist seizures.

As a result, the scene of seizing the house did not appear. Instead, the emperor's relic stood up from the throne fiercely, facing Li Changsheng with a right fist.

This punch came too fast, and Li Changsheng, who was still in the three-legged Golden Crow, hurriedly stretched out his third leg and collided with Tiandi's right fist.


When the dull voice sounded, Li Changsheng felt a surge of vigor, and the blood from the corners of his mouth flew back.

Because it was too sudden, Li Changsheng didn't use his full strength at all, but even if he used his full strength, Li Changsheng felt that he was still inferior by three points.

The emperor looked at this scene suspiciously, but quickly reacted. He originally thought that the emperor had cheated the corpse, but the vitality of the emperor was still silent, indicating that this was indeed just a relic, but he did not know what method was used to activate the emperor’s legacy. Mo, this is the unexpected scene just now.

Perhaps This is also the test left by the Emperor.

In fact, it's normal to think about it. The High Heaven Palace is so tightly guarded that it hasn't been opened for tens of thousands of years, so how could the emperor not leave a test.

It's just that Li Changsheng still can't hide his surprise. The main reason is that the emperor's strength has exceeded his expectations. This is just a decay. If the emperor is still alive, his strength will definitely be much stronger.

This may be the gap between "The Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow" and "The Golden Body of the Nine Revolutions", not to mention that Li Changsheng's "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow" has not practiced to the ninth level.

In short, as long as the Emperor of Heaven is not alive.

Just how much strength can be exerted by just a relic.

Unfortunately, the two took it for granted.

After Li Changsheng was repelled, the Emperor immediately rushed up.

Suddenly, a secret passage appeared above the remains of the Emperor of Heaven, and several divine beasts exuding strong might rushed out of the passage to face the Emperor.

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