Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1526: Punish the sky

These are the three avatars that Human Sovereign uses to transform into three victories, but they are different from ordinary avatars. They have independent personality and thinking, but they have an absolute primary and secondary relationship with Human Sovereign. Even if they are full of wings, they can’t break free. The control of the emperor.

At this moment, the emperor's eyes were so gloomy, if there were other ways, he really didn't want to release this hole card.

Because he was not ready yet, originally in the eyes of the emperor, as long as he was given some more preparation time, he would implement the final plan and let himself go further.

But the plan can't keep up with the changes. If this trump card is not revealed, not to mention whether he can win the Heavenly Emperor's inheritance, his life will also be greatly threatened.

Compared with the net worth and life, the others are nothing.

Revealing this hole card ahead of schedule does have a great negative impact on his final plan, but as long as he wins the Heavenly Emperor's Inheritance, the advantages will outweigh the disadvantages.

In an instant, the three vortexes turned into a huge black portal, which looked similar to the gate of the abyss, except that it did not have the devilish energy and abyss consciousness unique to the abyss.

The door opened instantly, and the eyes were filled with bright white light, and then a huge figure emerged from the door.

The first to rush out were seven avatars of divine power shining with the brilliance of divine power. Judging from the concentration of divine power, they were three weak divine power and four weak divine power clones.

The ranks of the **** clones are closely related to the gods. Only the gods with medium **** power can condense the weak **** god clones. Similarly, the weak **** gods condense the weak **** god clone.

As for the number of **** clones, they are one for weak gods, two for weak gods, three for medium gods, and five for high gods. (Don't match up with dnd)

From the perspective of the number and rank of the **** clones, the three main clones of Human Sovereign are a medium **** and two weak gods.

Due to their divine power and divine nature, their outward manifestations are also different. Without exception, they all have a face that resembles a human emperor.

After the avatar of the gods, powerful figures rushed out of the portal again, but they were demigods, holy spirits, and powerful petitioners under the banner of the three gods.

Pious and outstanding believers will be brought to their respective kingdoms of gods to be reborn after death, and they will gain eternity in the kingdoms of gods, but they generally cannot leave the place prescribed by the gods, and will die forever after their gods die. , Or become petitioners to other gods who killed their gods.

Petitioners are still obliged to defend their gods and even participate in **** wars.

Although this is a clone of Human Sovereign clone, it is still rejected by the fairy world.

The reason is very simple. In order to adapt the clone to other worlds, the emperor specially changed the world brand of the clone, so that the clone has the brand of another world.

In the eyes of Tiandao, these gods are not human emperor clones, but invading foreign gods.

However, the heavenly court was closed for too long, resulting in the will of the heavenly being here is not strong, and it will take a while to fully recover.

It is precisely because of this that the Emperor dared to reveal his hole cards, otherwise, if it is in the lower realm, both the degree of rejection and the power of thunder punishment will far exceed the heavenly court.

Not only that, relying on the weak consciousness of Heavenly Dao, Human Sovereign can also use some means to cover up for a period of time. After preparing for such a long time, how can he not have some means to deal with Heavenly Dao.

For the first time, a dark cloud began to gather above the head, and the flickering thunder could be seen from time to time, but the eye of heaven did not appear.

Suddenly, the emperor crushed a gray bead.

Suddenly, a peculiar force appeared, and the dark clouds above his head suddenly disappeared, giving people the feeling that they had never appeared before.

"The Zixiao Qilin, punish the sky!"

At this moment, Li Changsheng summoned the demon pets, including the Zixiao Qilin.

As soon as he saw the Zixiao Qilin, the emperor's expression suddenly changed. He came up with a lot of ways to prevent heaven, but he didn't expect Li Changsheng to own the Zixiao Qilin.

"How is it possible, how does he own the Zixiao Qilin?"

The Emperor was puzzled, and his heart felt like a stormy sea.

Zixiao Qilin acted immediately, and its body melted quickly like a candle.

In an instant, the figure of the Zixiao Qilin disappeared, turning into a large group of purple liquid shining with astonishing thunder light.

These purple liquids had a special relationship with the consciousness of Heavenly Dao. Immediately, a huge purple eyeball appeared in the sky, but it was different from the Eye of Heavenly Dao. This purple eyeball possessed the consciousness of a Zixiao Qilin.

"Damn it!"

Seeing the huge eyeballs emerging above his head, the human emperor's expression was ashen, which undoubtedly caught him by surprise.

Before waiting for the emperor to think about it, purple thunders smashed crazily, covering an area.

A weak clone of divine power hurriedly consumed a large amount of divine power and turned into a huge divine power barrier. The purple thunder fell on it, and layers of strong ripples immediately appeared, giving people a shocking feeling.

In terms of strength, the weak divine power clone is not much different from the half-step legendary Demon Emperor-level ordinary beast. The weak divine power clone belongs to the powerful Demon Emperor-level demon pet, but it is not as good as the legendary quality Demon Emperor-level top beast.

The Zixiao Qilin was only a demon emperor-level demon pet, but it was stupefied by the act of punishment on behalf of the sky, and it suppressed the weak and other divine power clones.

This is also related to the attributes of these gods clones. These gods basically belong to the evil camp, but the emperor sacrificed Emperor Feng and tens of millions of people, even if a lot of karma was resolved by special methods, but the remaining karma The strength is still strong, and the whole body is full of red light.

In addition, these avatars of the gods have all been weakened, and because the rules of the fairy world are different, many methods are still unavailable.

The Emperor subconsciously wanted to use means to expel the huge eyeballs made by Zixiao Qilin, but how could Li Changsheng give him such a chance.

"Leave it to me, the other **** avatars please you!"

Li Changsheng quickly assigned This is what it means! "

Emperor Wu and others did not refuse, and each locked onto their targets.

Emperor Wu and Emperor Wen each found a weak divine power clone, and Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun each dealt with two weak divine power clones.

As for those demigods, holy spirits, and petitioners, Li Changsheng and others directly released a large number of powerful wild goblins, and the two sides fought each other.

In this way, whether it is a **** clone or cannon fodder, the human emperor is in the middle of the attack, and it is difficult to hold it for long.

At this time, Li Changsheng led the demon pets towards the emperor.

However, Li Changsheng never put down his guard, because the three avatars of the human emperor did not come out, and it is not known whether it is the relationship between the rules of the world or the human emperor does not want them to come.

However, at this moment, the avatar of the divine power that was resisting the weakness of the purple thunder became thousands of feet high, like an astronomical giant, and then swelled violently, looking like a huge meat ball.

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