Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1524: Azure ice flame bottle


When Li Changsheng was speaking, Hetu Luoshu appeared above his head. A Yin-Yang fish was formed, slowly turning around the Demon Emperor-class Shang Yang, and finally turned into a pocket Yin-Yang fish, branded on her forehead.

Li Changsheng uses Hetu Luoshu as the basis to use the great magical powers of reversing Yin and Yang, which can make the heaven and the earth out of order, the sun and the moon are out of order.

Even if the emperor can push the show, it will take a lot of effort.

It can be said that the emperor cannot predict that Shang Yang has taken refuge in Li Changsheng for the time being, otherwise he would definitely use the Ten Thousand Demon Banner to kill Shang Yang.

After entering the Lingxiao Hall, the scene in front of him changed, as if he appeared in a vast and unknown world, surrounded by fog, making it difficult to see the scene ahead.

At the feet of Li Changsheng and others is a straight upward ladder. Due to the fog, it is unknown where it leads.

Li Changsheng tried it. If he only used his naked eyes, he would only be able to see a range of a hundred meters or so.

As for the release of mental power, it is also greatly restricted.

While Li Changsheng and others were observing, the Demon Emperor Shang Yang suddenly said: "I know how to get to the deepest palace of the Emperor at the fastest speed, provided that you have to trust me."

Shang Yang is the concubine of the Emperor of Heaven, and naturally knows the specific location of the Emperor's palace.

"Okay, you can lead the way!"

Li Changsheng owns the Star Emperor's inheritance and is also quite familiar with the Lingxiao Palace. If Shang Yang wants to be disadvantageous to him, he can detect it for the first time.

With Li Changsheng's permission, Shang Yang showed a charming smile and took the lead to rush forward.

Li Changsheng and others followed, under the leadership of Shang Yang, in just a few breaths, there was a change in front of them.

In front of them, two winding stairs appeared, and because of the fog, they did not know where to lead.


Without hesitation, Shang Yang rushed to the left, followed by Li Changsheng and others, never letting Shang Yang out of sight.

If Shang Yang wants to be disadvantageous to him, he is sure to kill the opponent as soon as possible, and the opponent will not even have time to escape, because he not only used Shang Yang's supernatural powers to reverse the universe, but also did it along the way. Got some hands and feet.

Soon, a huge platform appeared on the front steps, which was messy, surrounded by broken flags, and further ahead was a towering gate 100 meters high, but it was open.

"The Emperor has already been here!"

The demon emperor-class Shang Yang's expression changed slightly, and then he took it for granted. After all, the emperor possessed the Heavenly Emperor's Xuanhuang Baojian and Ten Thousand Demon Banners, and knew that some of the layouts in the High Heaven Palace were also common sense.

"Continue to lead the way!"

The corner of Li Changsheng's mouth rose. Judging from the scene in front of him, the emperor could not freely pass through the forbidden formations encountered along the way, and could only break the formations by force.

It’s not a long time for the Emperor to enter the High Heaven Palace. It takes only five minutes to complete the game. Even if Xuan Huang Baojian has the effect of breaking the formation, it cannot destroy a gated formation in an instant, not to mention the extraordinary items that can be set up in the High Heaven Palace. .

"On the way to the Emperor's Palace, there are a total of three checkpoints!"

Shang Yang continued to lead the way, while explaining.

"The first hurdle is the Taiyi Golden Light Forbidden Array, the second hurdle is the Jiuqu Yellow River Forbidden Array, and the third is the Blood River Forbidden Array."

In just a few breaths, a fork in the road appeared again, and this time three steps appeared, leading to the unknown.

"Still left!"

Shang Yang paused slightly, and continued to rush towards the left staircase.

Li Changsheng and others remained silent, followed closely behind.

From the beginning to the end, Li Changsheng didn't question him. He felt as if he completely trusted her to Shang Yang. This surprised Shang Yang and felt trusted.

If Shang Yang knew that Li Changsheng had been inherited from the Star Emperor, he would not know what he would think.

Although he has obtained the Star Emperor's inheritance, it does not mean that Li Changsheng knows the Lingxiao Palace very well.

No way, the blame is on the Star Emperor's Taizhai, who has not entered the High Heaven Palace a lot of times, and is not as familiar with the High Heaven Palace as Shang Yang.

In less than a minute, a huge platform appeared again in front of him.

The difference is that there is a ban on the platform.

When Li Changsheng and others stepped into the forbidden formation, countless flames suddenly appeared in all directions, the color was ice blue, but it was the world-famous blue ice flame.

"This is not the Jiuqu Yellow River ban, it should be set up by the emperor, the purpose is to delay our footsteps."

Shang Yang used a determined tone. She didn't think that the Emperor of Heaven, who was still alive, had extra energy to change the forbidden formation privately.

"Look at me!"

Li Changsheng took a step forward and countless blue ice flames rushed towards him, but they were blocked by the 12th-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform. Although the blue ice flames were powerful, they couldn't break through the 12th-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform's defenses in a short time.

In an instant, the Hetu Luoshu reappeared, the dragon horse and the horse, the mysterious turtle endorsed, turned into gossip, and slowly revolved.

When the gossip completed its turnaround, a beam of yin and yang converging was shot out towards the southeast.

"Come with me, there is where the battle is."

Li Changsheng did not stop, and immediately rushed along the light. The others followed closely, and countless treasures blocked the flying blue ice flames.

In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng appeared at the end of the light, and a dying Tianzhu appeared in his hand and smashed it with a stick.


Suddenly, the void vibrated, and layers of ripples appeared in the nearby space, and then a gap was torn out, this is the eye.

In the eyes of the torn forbidden array, there was a treasure bottle. At the moment when the eyes were torn, the bottle immediately turned into streamer and wanted to fly away.

Li Changsheng reacted extremely The Nine Heavens Qingqi Tower rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and immediately covered the treasure bottle.

How could the treasure bottle that is not maintained by the owner be the opponent of the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda and be easily suppressed.

"Blue ice flame bottle!"

Li Changsheng took the still struggling Aquarius. Judging from the feedback of his mental strength, the Aquarius reached the top grade of the Zifu rare treasure, which was considered a good treasure.

After the battle was broken, the rootless forbidden battle was completely collapsed and vanished in a blink of an eye.

Shang Yang continued to lead the way. This time, four fork roads appeared in front of him. In the end, Shang Yang chose the third ladder.

This was also the last way to reach the Emperor's palace. Soon, a huge platform appeared again in front of him, and the whole platform was filled with endless viscous blood.

This is the Blood River Forbidden Array. If you listen carefully, you can hear loud rumbling noises from the Forbidden Array.

"Our Majesty the Emperor is still breaking the formation, it really is a coincidence that he came earlier than he came!"

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