Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1521: Lingxiao Palace

Because time is too tight and every second is critical, Li Changsheng did not widen the gap, and went straight to the heaven with everyone.

This place is similar to the Mystic Realm of the Heavenly Path, with light clouds and mist pervading the feet, dragging your feet like they are on cotton, giving people a light and fluttering feeling.

Not far away is a huge archway with three large ancient characters on the South Tianmen, silver hook and iron paintings, and the words are full of aggressive and domineering feelings.

Farther away are palaces surrounded by clouds and mist, which makes people feel dizzy.

The person who entered the Heavenly Court for the first time probably didn't know the location of the Heavenly Court's center Lingxiao Hall, but Li Changsheng belonged to the record.

It was indeed the first time for Li Changsheng to enter the Heavenly Court, but he finally obtained the Star Emperor's inheritance and was very familiar with the Heavenly Court in ancient times.

After so many years, the Heavenly Court will definitely have some changes. After all, there are many aborigines mainly descended from the Ten Great Demon Commanders, who turned over and became their masters after the fall of the Emperor.

Unfortunately, tens of thousands of years have passed, and there is no one who can dominate the heavens.

If nothing else, the Human Sovereign will most likely be in the High Heaven Hall, and the Heavenly Emperor's Inheritance is likely to be there.

Li Changsheng did not immediately go to the High Heaven Hall. In order to avoid being broken, he had to let 362 star monarchs continue to sit in the gap and release three demon saint-level puppets, who temporarily took charge of the crape myrtle, the sun, and the lunar star pan.

Limited by the materials and success rate, there are not many demon saint level puppets refined by Li Changsheng, and there are only one hand at full play.

The same is to maintain the Zhou Tianxing ban, the demon saint level puppet's maintenance time is naturally far longer than the lord level puppet, and it can last for about an hour.

This also means that within an hour, Li Changsheng must return to replace the puppet.

In addition to being left as a back road, they will also continue to destroy the heaven and earth barriers to gain merit.

Not only that, the blood emperor, thunder emperor, source emperor, and even the Feng clan, etc. might also come to **** the heavenly emperor's inheritance after they get the news. If they plunge into the Zhou Tianxing forbidden formation, they will definitely be very sour.

Of course, there are many people here, many stars are also temporary workers, and there is a high probability that the news will be leaked.

It's just that, if there is no blood emperor and others competing for the inheritance of the heavenly emperor, and just competing with the human emperor, Li Changsheng will definitely be much more sure.

Of course, this cannot completely eliminate the plans of the Blood Emperor and others. After all, without Li Changsheng and others presiding over it, these "half-hearted" stars can hardly be stopped for long. Moreover, as long as the Blood Emperor and others give enough benefits, those temporary workers are very good. Probably anti-war.

Although these temporary workers are in charge of the least important star pan, but there are a lot of them, even if their strike cannot make Zhou Tian Xingdou's forbidden formation collapse, it will definitely cause the forbidden formation's power to be greatly reduced.

Li Changsheng didn't expect them to contain the blood emperor and others, he only needed to hold it for a moment or three.

Although the emperor is strong, it is not necessarily Li Changsheng's opponent even if he is alone. The key point is that Li Changsheng is not fighting alone. He is surrounded by Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, Qing Emperor, Ning Bizhen and Sihailongwang.

Unless the human emperor wins the inheritance of the heavenly emperor first, it will be difficult for the human emperor without strong support to get a good one, and I am afraid that it will only be defeated.

When the heaven and earth barrier was opened, the human emperor felt that his expression was not ordinary.

At this moment, the heads of the ten tribes and a large number of tribes stood in front of the emperor. Except for a few escaped, all the others were ‘subdued’ by the emperor, and a trace of true spirit was thrown into the ten thousand demon banners.

Naturally, there were also heroes who wanted to commit suicide. They would rather die than surrender. There are still a lot of key numbers. The Emperor has not stopped or can't stop it. After all, there is only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no reason for a thousand days to prevent a thief.

To the emperor’s surprise, the demon emperor’s heroic moves were quite austere. After being defeated, he did not succumb to the emperor. He slammed to death on the forbidden formation of the high palace, and was forcefully killed by the operation of the forbidden formation. No interest.

In addition to the demon king's heroic move, there are three other leaders who also committed suicide after failing to resist.

In this way, the Emperor also subdued the Demon Emperor-level Shang Yang, Demon Emperor-level Jimeng and the four leaders.

Even so, with every tribe, there will always be an extra demon emperor level, and the human emperor has to appoint the four most acquainted demon emperors as acting chiefs, and they will temporarily rule the group.

As a result, the power in the hands of the human emperor has greatly increased, with as many as hundreds of sacred beasts, of which the monster emperor-level sacred beast is more than ten fingers.

Of course, many of them have suffered heavy losses and it is difficult to fully recover in a short period of time, but at this time, where there is still time to recover, it is undoubtedly a big discount.

"It should not be too late, you will join me in attacking Lingxiao Palace!"

Human Sovereign did not waste time, the leaders of the ten major tribes had no choice but to command the dispersion of the tribe and surround the High Heaven Palace.

Over the years, the ten major tribes have naturally fought against the idea of ​​the High Heaven Palace, and not once, but even if they temporarily unite, each time they will come home.

The demon emperor-class Shang Yang's beautiful eyes turned, she knew very well the strength of the forbidden formation of the High Heaven Palace, and the existence of the Heavenly Emperor barrier was completely on the same level, in her opinion, even if the human emperor was very strong, it would be of no avail.

At this moment, the heavenly treasure, Xuanhuang Baojian, appeared on the top of the emperor's head, and fell into the forbidden formation of the High Heaven Palace.

I don't know what's going on, the strength of the forbidden formation of the High Heaven Palace has been greatly weakened, and in the end it can't even reach half of the peak period.


The Emperor held the Ten Thousand Demon Banner in his hand, and the ten leaders had to follow orders and led the group to besiege the forbidden formation of the High Heaven Palace.

However, they obviously didn't try their best, that is, they seemed to be very powerful, and the thunder and the rain were small.

No way The twisted melons are not sweet, and the emperor still has a way to go to completely subdue them.

Even so, but their numbers are there, still making the forbidden array ripples.

On the other side, the demon pets of the human emperor and powerful wild goblins are also besieging the High Heaven Palace. Compared with the ten tribes, they do their best to contribute more than the ten tribes.

"It would be fine if Emperor Feng was still there, no matter how fast he could score two points."

There was no regret in Renhuang's heart. Originally, according to his plan, he had not thought of offering sacrifices to Emperor Feng, but the object of sacrifice at the time was Emperor Ai, but it took only three minutes for Emperor Ai to proclaim the emperor and was killed by Li Changsheng.

Soon after, Emperor Feng was shaved again and his strength was greatly damaged. The Emperor Human had to change his plan temporarily. While Li Changsheng and others were exploring the tomb of Emperor Xuan, he resolutely sacrificed Emperor Feng and tens of millions of people, and broke it forcibly. Open the barrier of heaven and earth, just want to seize the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven.

As one of the four protagonists in the battle for hegemony between heaven and earth, the one who is recognized as the strongest is the Emperor of Heaven. Even if some of the treasures of the Emperor of Heaven are missing, it is still the'most popular' existence. After all, the Emperor of Heaven is almost the only one since ancient times. The strongest person who has obtained the qualifications.

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