Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1499: Kylin Seal

Due to the particularity of the Xuan Emperor's Mausoleum forbidden formation, less than two hundred people gathered here, and some have fallen.

Since there is no relationship between the Ziwei star pan, the sun star pan, and the lunar star pan, these people can't perform the Zhoutian star battle forbidden formation even if they gather together.

The reason is nothing, the control center is the crape myrtle star pan, and the sun and lunar are acting as auxiliary.

As nearly two hundred people returned, Li Changsheng waved his hand and threw a handful of golden beans.

These golden beans swelled in an instant, and finally turned into hundreds of three-meter-high men, holding spare star pans.

These big guys have tight skin, dull eyes, no anger, but they are puppets made by Li Changsheng during this period.

Due to the limited time and materials, these are intermediate level puppets, and their combat power is equivalent to the lord level demon pets.

In addition to these puppets, Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun rushed out of the secret realm. The former held the Lunar Star Pan while the latter was the Sun Star Pan.

After the fall of Emperor Feng, Luo Yuanjun naturally couldn't wait to make a breakthrough, but unfortunately, because he was in Li Changsheng's secret realm, he couldn't make a breakthrough at all.

If you want to break through the emperor, you must be in the fairy world. This may be the reason for the incomplete rules of the secret realm. This is why the Ai Emperor would try to break through in the Mu Cang Empire Palace at that time.

With the return of 365 people and puppets, almost at the same time, they waved the star pans together.

In an instant, 365 ancient stars twinkled sharply, contacted with 365 star pans, and instantly landed on 365 star pillars with a thickness of over a hundred meters, protecting each of the'stars' and at the same time, a strong star power. It spreads rapidly, and it seems to cover the entire area.

"not good!"

Mo Qilin was too late to react, so he was covered by Zhou Tianxing's forbidden formation.

"Damn it, this is Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation!"

Xuanhuang's expression changed suddenly, and she, who had been passed on by the ancient Xuan Empress, naturally knew the power of Zhou Tianxing's forbidden formation.

Of course, he also had a more in-depth understanding of the Zhou Tianxing Dou Forbidden Formation, after all, the formation caused the Emperor Xuan and the Empress to suffer a lot.

The Emperor Xuan wanted to escape, but was blocked by the Dragon King of the South Sea, but Li Changsheng responded in advance and asked the Dragon King of the South Sea to clearly help the Emperor Wu, in fact, to prevent the Emperor Xuan from leaving the battlefield.

When Xuanhuang got rid of the Dragon King of the South China Sea, he had already lost his chance and was included in Zhou Tianxing Dou's forbidden formation. The blame was that she was too big, and she was still some distance away from the crystal wall.

On the other side, Emperor Ruan subconsciously wanted to rush to the crystal wall not far away after discovering the anomaly.

Unfortunately, how could Li Changsheng let him leave.


The big head was like a gust of wind, and it was the first to stop between Emperor Ruan and the crystal wall. Before Li Changsheng and Mo Qilin met, Li Changsheng secretly sent the big head out, using the extremely fast speed of the big head to intercept the Emperor.

As for the three Demon King-level phoenixes, they got rid of the Three Seas Dragon King without any shock and danger, and disappeared after entering the crystal wall.

This was Li Changsheng deliberately releasing the water. As a result, the relationship between the Feng Clan and him was not hostile, and the Feng Clan's dealing with the Dragon Clan was a feud. For the second time, the quality of the "Xingjun" of the Zhoutian Xingdou Forbidden Array is far inferior to the Xingjun ruled by the ancient star emperor. It can only be regarded as a weakened version of the Zhoutian Xingdou Forbidden Array. , The consumption of'Xingjun' will also be sharply enlarged.

Of course, the Feng Clan was not the Emperor Decadent, and it was so close to the crystal wall that Li Changsheng couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

The Three Seas Dragon King wanted to stop, but their injuries were serious, especially the East Sea Dragon King Ao Sen had been severely injured, and had just been suppressed by the Feng Clan. When Zhou Tianxing Dou's forbidden formation spread, it was too late and had no choice.

After covering an entire area, Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden array did not continue to spread.

During this process, the surrounding scenes changed drastically, and the galaxy was hanging upside down, as if being in a starry sky.

Li Changsheng threw out the sun, moon and stars map, directly hidden in the void, disappearing, suppressing the formation of eyes, and enhancing the power of Zhou Tianxing to ban the formation.

At the same time, the Hetuluo script appeared above Li Changsheng's head, which turned into an entangled streamer, and instantly appeared above the Emperor Ruan, transforming into a Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation, forming a formation in an array.

Due to the complementary relationship with Zhou Tianxing Dou's Forbidden Array, Hunyuan Heluo's Forbidden Array has greatly increased in power.

It's not that Li Changsheng didn't want to use the Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation to trap the Xuanhuang or Mo Qilin, but their strength is too strong, I am afraid they can break the Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation in a few breaths.

Instead of this, it is better to temporarily trap the Emperor Decadent, and to put it another way, he is also an emperor.

In this way, it is possible to gather vital forces to deal with Xuanhuang and Mo Qilin.

In the distribution, Li Changsheng was going to deal with Mo Qilin alone. Although he hated the Emperor Xuan, it was more important to seek jade fragments, which was also his foundation.

Therefore, Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu and Sihailongwang prepared to fight the Emperor Xuan in a group.

However, Emperor Xuan is not easy to deal with, no matter how to say, he has obtained the inheritance of the ancient Xuan Empress, and there is no way to deal with it, at least it can be a little blocked.

Li Changsheng began to concentrate on dealing with Mo Qilin, the door of light and darkness emerged, shooting out two brilliance, making the combat power soar during the day and night.

The five streamers that symbolize the Avenue of Five Elements respectively fall on Ashe, Kailan, Octopus Golden Dragon, Red Luan, and Duan, increasing the power of their corresponding attribute skills.

In addition, Li Changsheng also blessed the demon pets with the secret method and the mighty power of heaven and earth.

That's all. Under Mo Qilin's piercing eyes, Li Changsheng shamelessly summoned the dragon elephant, Bai Ze and ten gray cats, plus Ning Bizhen and Luo Yuanjun's demon emperor class demon. Favor, Mo Qilin was panicked, because the situation was not generally unfavorable to him.

No matter how high Mo Qilin thought he was, he didn't think he could ever play, especially he was still in the Zhou Tianxing forbidden formation.

In an instant, dozens of stars condensed and formed by star power, rushing towards Mo Qilin from all directions.

Mo Qilin evaded quickly, and the one who couldn't escape directly exploded. He didn't suffer much damage, but his position and rhythm were disrupted.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, many melee demon pets protected by the dense starlight film rushed towards Mo Qilin.

Mo Qilin looked big for a while, but had to bite the bullet, and didn't even have time to think.


The Octopus Golden Dragon was the first to fight against Mo Qilin. Mo Qilin broke through the starlight film and tried hard to repel the Octopus Golden Dragon, but his offensive was also partially resolved by the starlight film, and the Octopus Golden Dragon did not suffer much injury.

Before he had time to breathe, Kunpeng and Ai Xi suddenly appeared around Mo and made a bold move.

As soon as Mo Qilin saw Ai Xi, there was a little more hope in his eyes. Ai Xi is Li Changsheng's demon favorite. As long as he kills it, he can turn defeat into victory.

It was just a despair in her heart when she saw the 12-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform, Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda, and Dinghai God Chain on her head, she secretly cursed Li Changsheng not to Bilian.


Do not be distracted by the master's moves, Mo Qilin hurriedly cheered up and tried his best to defuse the offensive of Ai Xi and Kun Peng.

Without waiting for Mo Qilin to beat them back, Dumb, the four-clawed silver dragon, and the four-clawed yellow dragon rushed over again.

"It's not over yet!"

Mo Qilin was desperate in his heart, but he didn't want to sit still, so he hurriedly released the sacred item of the Qilin clan, the Qilin Seal.

Rumor has it that when the Tianzhu was broken, Linzu used half of the Tianzhu as the material to refine it.

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