Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1492: Congenital Essence of Earth

Li Changsheng felt that it was not that the black coffin's prohibition was so strong that it could exempt the aftermath, but that the mechanism of the Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum was rather special. As the aftermath spreads, a special wave emerges, instantly eliminating the aftermath.

This entire Profound Emperor Mausoleum is completely a large formation, and it is not much inferior to the Zhou Tian Xingdou forbidden formation, but its function is more inclined to be trapped, and every short period of time, all directions are turned upside down, and it is easy to get lost in this formation.

It is also fortunate that Li Changsheng is a master of formation, so he can quickly adapt to this big formation, and has explored some tricks.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, the treasure that suppressed the forbidden formation was absolutely extraordinary, and it might be the demon pot he had in mind.

Li Changsheng opened the black coffin, this time it was a jade bottle.

From the perspective of energy fluctuations, the items in this jade bottle have reached the Zifu rare treasure level, which is also where the energy fluctuations in this space are most intense.

There are octagonal spaces in total, and every space has a partition. It is impossible to use spiritual power to explore other spaces. What is peculiar is that there are no obstacles between these octagonal spaces. You can easily cross the barrier and enter the other space randomly.

This setting is very suitable for the weak. To a certain extent, it leaves a way out for the weak. Once the strong are targeted, they can use the random transmission mechanism to leave.

Li Changsheng opened the bottle stopper, and a khaki streamer shot out of the jade bottle in an instant, and flew out a hundred meters away in an instant.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng used Dijiang's space power to forcibly block the space. The khaki streamer hit the space barrier and couldn't shake it.

Until this time, Li Changsheng pinched the Seal Art, turned it into a special symbol, and instantly hit the khaki streamer, directly sealed the khaki streamer, fell from the air and landed in the hands of Li Changsheng.

This is a treasure of the nature of the soil, only the size of an adult's palm. It is made up of countless crystal clear sands. It looks a bit like the nine-day breathing soil, but the nature is obviously going to be more pure.

With just a glance, Li Changsheng could see that this was a congenital thing, and it was quite extraordinary, and its rank was obviously far superior to congenital aura.

"The Essence of Innate Wutu!"

With the memory of the star emperor, Li Changsheng immediately recognized it, and his face couldn't help showing an expression of excitement and regret.

Congenital Essence of Earth: Purple Mansion treasures, congenital things, with enough earth element crystals to be absorbed by the earth elves, which can make the power of the elements reach the completion stage; give the earth type demon pet to absorb the energy of the demon pet The nature becomes more pure, and there is a chance to comprehend the changes in the nature of the earth system. Whether it is absorbed by the earth elves or the earth-type demon pets, it can break through the realm below the demon emperor level 100%, and slightly increase the probability of breaking through the demon emperor level.

The essence of Xianwutu is equivalent to the advanced version of the Qi of Xianwutu, and the effect is not weak. If you only look at the last paragraph, it is completely equivalent to the effect of the crystallization of the road of secondary soil.

It is also the first time that Li Changsheng has obtained the essence of the congenital earth, and now there are very few congenitals left, because this world no longer has congenitals, and it can be said that as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer congenitals.

"Unfortunately, it's not the essence of innate Jiamu or Yimu!"

Li Changsheng is still a bit dissatisfied. If it is a wood element, he can cooperate with enough wood element crystals to make Kailan's elemental power further and reach the stage of consummation.

The elemental spirits at the completion stage of the power of the elements belong to the same level as the top beasts, but the elemental spirits at the completion stage are almost invisible in history, so there is almost no record of this aspect in books, and most of them are about the elemental spirits at the Dacheng stage.

Therefore, people often get misunderstood by the information in the books, thinking that the elemental spirits can only become ordinary beasts at best, as was the case with the fledgling Li Changsheng at that time.

In Li Changsheng’s inheritance, there is no difference between King Yum and King Qiankun. Only the Star Emperor has relevant records.

There is no other reason. The star emperor has seen the elemental spirit at the Consummation stage, which is the main demon pet of the emperor, and is naturally impressed, so he discussed the relevant aspects with the emperor.

Li Changsheng has collected the Congenital Essence of Earth, but he doesn’t have the elemental power of the earth elves in his hands. He can only choose the Earth-type demon pet, but because Congenital Essence of Earth can slightly increase the probability of breaking through the Demon Emperor. You can keep it for now, and wait until the time comes.

The next moment, Li Changsheng set off again to several other places where strong energy fluctuations were exuding.

This time, there were no accidents on the way again, nor did they encounter the ninth-order demon master or the demon emperor-level overlord, and it was unknown whether it was hiding, or this space was only left with the top existence of Li Changsheng.

After ten minutes passed, Li Changsheng finally completed the raid, which means he was on his way most of the time, otherwise he would not have used so much time.

The few treasures obtained later have reached the level of the world's wonders, most of which are refining tools and alchemy raw materials, and the rest are also foreign treasures.

Unless it is a special-purpose precious treasure of the Purple Mansion, only the rare treasure of the Langhuan Supreme Treasure can be of great use to Li Changsheng, and these foreign treasures that even the rare treasure of the Purple Mansion have not reached, Li Changsheng can only put away. Later it will be used for refining, trading and rewarding subordinates.

What puzzled Li Changsheng was that Emperor Xuan's Mausoleum had been opened for a quarter of an hour. Why did Emperor Emperor and Emperor Feng not arrive?

Although the Xuan Emperor Mausoleum was mysterious, it could not cut off the Palace of Kings. Li Changsheng could contact his allies and subordinates through the Palace of Kings and obtain some news from the Tomb of Emperor Xuan.

After this space was swept away, Li Changsheng often never missed it anymore and came to a crystal wall.

This space is completely surrounded by crystal walls. This crystal wall is not a physical object, but is composed of composite energy. It has the effect of blocking the line of sight and mental power, but it does not block the physical object.

As long as you step into it, the random transmission mechanism will be triggered and transmitted to one of the spaces.

Li Changsheng stepped into the crystal wall and took the opportunity to probe the transmission principle at the moment of random transmission.

In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng came to another space. The scene here was exactly the same as the previous space. If the coordinates were not changed, it would really make people think that they were still in the space just now.


Suddenly, a strong roar sounded, and Li Changsheng raised his brows, and he could see that the sky ten miles away was flooded with frantically spreading energy waves.

Judging from the scale and intensity of the energy tide, this level can only be achieved by fierce battles between the demon king-level overlord and the ninth-level demon master level.

Li Changsheng's eyes flickered with strange light, and he instantly peered into the distant scene, and saw two demon emperor-level unicorns besieging a scarred five-clawed golden dragon.

Although the appearance of the five-clawed golden dragon was the same, Li Changsheng could still perceive from the breath that it was the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

Just when Li Changsheng was about to take action, suddenly, the ground trembled slightly.

At the same time, Li Changsheng felt a change in the Hall of Kings, full of wailing bells.

Li Changsheng had heard similar bells twice, the first time was the Lingdi, the second was the Aidi, which means that another ninth-order demon master has fallen, but I don't know who's turn this time.

"Don't be Lei Di, Wen Di!"

Li Changsheng had a tight heart, and hurriedly poured his consciousness into the Palace of Kings.

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