Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1481: Metamorphosis of the 2-eared macaque

Note: The quality of Tianma has been changed to epic. In addition, I forgot that the Sanshengshi as a thing of enlightenment will be produced. Thank you for your reminder.

The difference between the higher-ranked beasts and the lower and middle-ranked beasts is not very big, but there is a big gap between the top-ranked beasts, especially the top-ranked beasts can reach the Demon Emperor level as long as they reach adulthood, and the lower limit of quality will also be higher.

In addition to the improvement on the panel, Ashe naturally has other changes.

In terms of characteristics, Ashe's sharpness has changed to Gengjin.

Gengjin characteristics: greatly increase the hardness and sharpness of the minions, have a powerful penetration and defensive effect, and cause a piercing effect on the opponent.

Compared with the sharp characteristic, the Gengjin characteristic has a better breaking effect, and can also cause a piercing effect on the opponent, further aggravating the opponent's injury, which is undoubtedly a top characteristic.

In addition, Ashe also comprehended two bloodline inheritance skills, namely Instant Kill and Gengjin Body.

From the point of view of the name, this is a skill similar to the flash, but compared with the flash, the distance of the flash is shorter, but it can be shot in an instant without any stiffness, and the key power is still very large. .

Gengjin Body: Bloodline inheritance skills, which greatly increase the demon pet's defensive power in a short time. The duration and effect depend on the demon pet's realm.

These two bloodline inheritance skills effectively increase Ashe's lethality in an instant kill. It can be said that it is impossible to defend against. As long as the distance is reached, you can launch attacks from all angles.

Gengjin's body effectively improves Ashe's survivability. Although Ashe's defensive power is not bad, it is not top-notch. At least it is inferior to dumb and chubby. Now he has Gengjin's skill. , To a certain extent make up for the shortcomings.

After dismissing the two monster pets to adapt to the skyrocketing power, Li Changsheng continued to refine the blood of the six-eared macaque.

After spending some time, Li Changsheng finally finished the extraction and obtained enough blood of the six-eared macaque.

The next moment, Li Changsheng summoned the two-eared macaques, and immediately used a treasure called blood crystals and a certain amount of blood of the gibbons to make the two-eared macaques possess a second bloodline.

The muscles on the surface of the originally thin two-eared macaque swelled fiercely, becoming tall and strong, and there was a war intent in the eyes.

After the two-eared macaques got used to it, Li Changsheng again used the Jiuyou kiwi fruit and a certain amount of Lingmingshi monkey essence and blood to make the two-eared macaque acquire the third bloodline.

After acquiring the third bloodline, the two-eared macaque became stronger, the changes in personality became more obvious, and became more frizzy, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, the fighting spirit in his eyes became more obvious.

This time, the adaptation time was longer than before. After the two-eared macaques adapted, Li Changsheng finally used Haotian round fusion jade and a certain amount of blood from the Chijiri horse monkey to obtain the fourth bloodline of the two-eared macaque.


After merging into the fourth bloodline, the two-eared macaque swelled again, the body became more burly and tall, and the whole body's fur became bloody, the fighting intent in the eyes was as real as it was, full of the feeling of fighting against the sky.

At this time, Li Changsheng was relieved.

Since there is no treasure that integrates all the four bloodlines in the hand, the bloodlines of the two-eared macaques have naturally not merged into the bloodlines of the Chaos Demon Ape, but the two-eared macaques with the bloodlines of the four top sacred beasts are still very good.

This is just the beginning. Li Changsheng did not immediately use the blood of the four monkeys, but took out various treasures of blood decay and used the treasures to increase the blood concentration of the two-eared macaques.

Since there are four bloodlines, even if the bloodline metamorphosis treasures are successful, it will only advance one of the standard bloodlines instead of upgrading the four bloodlines together, which means a lot of consumption.

However, Li Changsheng had no shortage of bloodline metamorphosis treasures of elementary and intermediate levels in his hands. In the Star Emperor's ring, there were several treasures that could make the bloodline reach the majestic level.

As for how far it can be promoted, it depends on luck.

The four blood vessels also have an advantage, that is, every time one blood vessel is promoted, the light spots representing the quality of the two-eared macaque will become brighter.

Regardless of the investment of resources, the two-eared macaque is surrounded by evolutionary white light from time to time, and its aura becomes stronger and stronger, and the four bloodlines are almost alternately advanced.

After all the high-level bloodline metamorphosis treasures are used up, the four bloodlines of the two-eared macaque are as follows:

Six-eared macaque (full-bodied)

Gibbon monkey (full-bodied)

Lingming Stone Monkey (majestic)

Akasiri horse monkey (majestic)

Two strong bloodlines and two strong bloodlines, judging from the number probability of high-level bloodline metamorphosis, this luck is already considered good.

In addition, the two-eared macaque has leapt into epic quality.

Until then, Li Changsheng took out the blood of six-eared macaques and gibbons based on the blood concentration of the two-eared macaques for the two-eared macaques to absorb.

Of these two types of blood, the blood of six-eared macaques is enough to make two-eared macaques become five-eared macaques, which is the bloodline of Dacheng, while the blood of gibbons can only reach the majestic level.

As for the blood of the Lingming Stone Monkey and the Chijiri Horse Monkey, Li Changsheng said that he did not have enough blood in his hands.

The mixed four monkeys are not a grassy dragon, so the fairies with the blood of mixed four monkeys are quite rare.

That's all, the key is that the fairy with the blood of the mixed four monkeys has a keen sixth sense, and occasionally there will be signs of whim, shifting the nest to avoid unknown crises.

Li Changsheng has a long way to go if he wants to get enough blood from the four monkeys of the mixed life. The best way is to come to a few more ethnic groups, or capture the four monkeys alive.

To be on the safe side, under the command of Li Changsheng, the two-eared macaques first drank a certain amount of the six-eared macaques' blood to make the blood of the six-eared macaques reach the level of majesty, and then absorbed the blood of the monkeys, which also reached the majestic level.

As a result, the blood of the six-eared macaque reached the majestic level.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, the macaque with four ears has reached the critical point of epic quality.

"Get used to your new body first, and then absorb these ten cans of six-eared macaque blood!"

Li Changsheng pointed to the remaining ten cans of six-eared macaque blood. The strength of macaques has skyrocketed. The progress is too exaggerated. Naturally, it needs a process of adaptation.

At this moment, the macaque suddenly possesses such a powerful force. It can't control the power at all in its actions. It takes a random step and smashes a huge rock into fragments, which is even more of a top-heavy illusion.

Fortunately, the realm of the macaque is a bit low, and the destructive power is not great. This is the edge of the secret realm, and Li Changsheng also let it destroy it.

As the macaques adapted, Li Changsheng continued to digest the inheritance of the Star Emperor and gradually turned them into his own accumulation of knowledge.

Until the next afternoon, after confirming the initial adaptation of the macaques, Li Changsheng let the macaques continue to absorb ten cans of six-eared macaques.

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