Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1469: Dragon Elephant

In less than a day, the demon monarchs in the two areas were beheaded.

For these two demon monarchs, this is completely a dimensionality reduction blow, even if they escape back to the abyss one step ahead of time, they still cannot escape the chase of the three.

The three did not divide the spoils for the time being, because they had to go to the Vientiane Basin.

It can be seen from the name that this is a basin ruled by elephant-like fairies, and the number has already exceeded 10,000.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the Vientiane Basin is a plain, inhabited by a large number of wild goblins, originally controlled by Emperor Wen.

Until three hundred years ago, a Demon Emperor-class dragon elephant was born, and this place became its territory.

Emperor Wen hadn't played against the dragon elephant, but he had little advantage, and he didn't have much confidence in keeping the opponent.

In order to avoid damage, Emperor Wen chose to stop making peace, tacitly accepting that this land was ruled by the Dragon Elephant, but the Dragon Elephant could not invade the rest of the land except the Vientiane Basin.

The ambition of this dragon elephant is not big, and it has never left the Vientiane Basin in the past three hundred years, so the two sides are in peace till now.

Even so, after all, it is a nail in the eastern region. Maybe it will be persuaded by other forces someday, and it will be even if there are internal and external troubles at that time.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore, and Emperor Wen made up his mind to remove this nail.

The territory of the Vientiane Basin is far inferior to the Monopoly Mountains, and there is naturally a big gap between the power and the Monopoly Mountains, but if it is the leader alone, the Dragon Elephant is much stronger than the Chiyanju.

The next morning, the three entered the Vientiane Basin.


It hasn't been long before, suddenly, a loud cry sounded from the depths of the Vientiane Basin.

"It's the dragon elephant!"

Emperor Wen's voice sounded, and his tone was relaxed. No matter how well prepared the dragon elephant is, there is not much difference between facing a three-person team and a praying man's arm.

In just a few breaths, the three of them appeared in the heart of the Vientiane Basin, and then saw a scene of Vientiane rushing.

In addition to the tens of thousands of elephant-like fairies, there are various other fairies mixed in, and the total number far exceeds the elephant group.

After discovering the enemy's invasion, the dragon elephant summoned nearby men as quickly as possible.

The three of them watched quietly, finally focusing on the headed dragon elephant.

Among thousands of elephant-like fairies, dragon elephants are as outstanding as fireflies in the night.

No way, the dragon elephant is as huge as a mountain, and the second tallest elephant-like fairy doesn't even exceed the knees in front of it, and it's not much different from Xiao Budian.

The dragon elephant has an elephant body, dragon tail, ivory dragon teeth, dragon eyes, and elephant legs and dragon claws. The whole body is covered with fine golden dragon scales, shining in the sun, and looks quite mighty.

In addition to the dragon elephant, there are also two monster emperor level goblins by its side, but they are not divine beasts.

Even if he was far away, Li Changsheng got the information about the dragon elephant in the first place.

[Fairy name]: Dragon Elephant (At maturity, it absorbs the earth elites and increases the damage of earth skills. As long as you stand on the ground, you can change the terrain within a certain range and comprehend the **** thunder of earth. Take sunflower water Elite, enhance the power of water system skills, weaken the speed of enemies hit by water system skills, and comprehend the **** of sunflower water. Comprehend the origin of the avenue, the power surges; avenue guardian: exempt some damage, depending on the opponent's realm)

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 9

[Fairy Race]: the middle-ranked beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: Five-Clawed Golden Dragon (Dacheng)

[Fairy attributes]: soil + water

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

It's no wonder that Emperor Wen was unwilling to fight against the legendary quality monster emperor dragon elephant, otherwise, even if the dragon elephant was killed, he would suffer considerable losses.

Now it's different. If the three are united, the Demon King Dragon Elephant can only be dumbfounded.

Originally, one Emperor Wen made it jealous, but now there are three. How can it be beaten? The key dragon elephant is powerful, but it does not inherit the speed of the dragon clan, and it can't run even if it wants to run.

Looking at the three people in the sky, the dragon elephant was terrified deep in his heart. It naturally recognized Emperor Wen. The problem came. It was not Emperor Wen standing in the middle, but the aura was not inferior, and even more so. It.

Although Li Changsheng is not an emperor yet, his momentum is not inferior to that of the emperor. This is mainly related to the "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow".

Just from the perspective of momentum, Long Xiang knew that the other two people around Wendi were of the same grade as Wendi.

It was the first time that the dragon elephant felt that death was so close. When the three of them joined forces, it couldn't last long. It could only be defeated, and it would be difficult to cause losses to the three of them. How else to fight?

The dragon elephant suppressed the panic in his heart, pretending to be calm and said: "His Majesty Wen, we both agreed that the well water will not violate the river water. Why did we invade the Vientiane Basin this time?"

Emperor Wen shook his head and replied: "Long Xiang, we have only agreed a time limit of one hundred years. Now that three hundred years have passed, I can't talk about breaking the contract."

"Well, you have to give a reason, right?"

"On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore, is this reason enough?"

The dragon elephant did not deny it, but in order to survive, it still strives for reasons: "I just want to ask, can I bring my group to move to other areas?"

"No way!"

The answer this time was Li Changsheng. From his point of view, since the two sides have already forged a beam, it is naturally impossible to let it go. Who knows if the other party will take refuge in other forces.

No matter how you look at it, it is more profitable to suppress the dragon elephant.

The dragon elephant was silent for a while, looked back at the group, and said: "I can not resist, but can I let my group go? I can guarantee that they will not resist."

Emperor Wu murmured, "Instead of doing this, you might as well submit to us, so that you can continue to take care of your race."

The dragon elephant showed struggling eyes, but it was still more inclined to maintain its dignity.

"Why not, as long as you choose to surrender, you will be free again in a hundred years and swear by the way of heaven. What do you think?"

Seeing the look in the dragon elephant's Li Changsheng did not give the dragon elephant the opportunity to refuse, and took the initiative to lower the conditions.

"I agree!"

Long Xiang thought for a moment, and finally nodded in agreement.

For a long-lived dragon elephant, a hundred years is not much different from a human year.

Soon, the dragon elephant swears to heaven and loyalty to the three for a hundred years.

In this way, the three people not only understood the internal troubles, but also added a powerful help.

Although they didn't get the trophies from the Vientiane Basin, it was more in their interests. Moreover, the dragon elephant had never left home, and the trophies were definitely not as good as the dragons.

After clearing all the internal troubles, as the space items of the two demon monarchs could not be opened, the three of them did not divide the spoils, and finally parted ways.

As soon as he returned, Li Changsheng was ready to enter the Star Palace again.

PS: I did not find the elephant-like animal, so I had to choose the dragon elephant.

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