Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1320: Abyss Gate Ascension

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"What happened to the Sky Fortress?"

In the palace, Li Changsheng asked Zuo Qiulin.

Zuo Qiulin hurriedly replied: "Just now, there was news from King Butterfly that the volume of the abyss gate suppressed by the Sky Fortress has become much larger for some reason, and the devilish energy has soared into the sky, causing the entire sky fortress to be affected. King Butterfly believes that the abyss. The gate may be evolving."


Li Changsheng’s first thought was that it was impossible. The reason was nothing. During this time, he extracted most of the abyss consciousness hovering near the abyss gate. According to his understanding of the abyss gate, this abyss gate did not evolve in a short period of time. Possible.

In this way, he felt that the high probability was what method was used on the 175th floor of the abyss to cause such a change.

However, no matter how you look at it, this is not a good thing for him.

"Elder Zuo, this seat gives you a task to mobilize a large number of demon masters to support the sky fortress in a short period of time."

"Subordinates must be done!"

"Go, now this seat and Moon King will go to the sky fortress to sit."

Soon, a golden and red rainbow rose from Yecheng and swept toward the fortress in the sky.

In order to avoid being seen through, Li Changsheng did not ride Ashe, but chose Ning Bizhen's Big Sun Fire Crow.

The Great Sun Fire Crow was so fast that it only took a quarter of an hour to appear above the sky fortress.

Everything is the same in the Sky Fortress, there is no war for the time being, but everyone's faces are very heavy.

Compared with the last time, the magical energy can be vaguely seen in the sky fortress with the naked eye.

Not only that, there was a trace of oppression, but it was the abyss consciousness that included the sky fortress. It's just that because the time is too short, the abyss consciousness is still very thin.

This is mainly because the volume of the gate of the abyss has greatly increased, allowing a greater number of abyss demon energy and abyss consciousness to enter, greatly expanding the scope of influence.

Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen did not hide anything. The vision of the king appeared, and the entire sky fortress could clearly see it.

Seeing the two of them coming, the heart that Wang Luo Qingning had been holding finally let go, and hurriedly led the fortress to come out to welcome her.

"Welcome to Your Royal Highness, Your Royal Highness Moon King!"

Under the leadership of Luo Qingning, a group of high-level officials bowed and saluted.

"His Royal Highness does not need to be polite, everyone is flat!"

With a wave of his sleeve, Li Changsheng led Ning Bizhen and Luo Qingning into the sky fortress.

In the palace of the sky fortress, Li Changsheng sat on the main seat and discussed with the high level of the sky fortress.

"The Sky Fortress has been under martial law, and is fully prepared for war."

"An emergency summoning order has been issued to the surrounding cities, and a large number of demon masters will be stationed to help in the near future!"

"We have arranged for manpower to stare at the gate of the abyss. Once the gate of the abyss changes again, it will be reported to us as soon as possible."


A group of high-level leaders actively participated and wanted to make a good impression on Li Changsheng. Perhaps they also have the opportunity to become kings.

Since Li Changsheng became the king, in just one year, Ning Bizhen, Xu Wenhua, Zuo Qiulin and Li Haoqiong, who are closely related to Li Changsheng, have rushed to become the king.

Under Zuo Qiulin's propaganda, who didn't know that Li Changsheng had specially made a list of candidates for the king, and who was there would not want to add his name to this list.

"Very good!" Li Changsheng nodded approvingly, and then asked Luo Qingning: "King Hu, have you found the reason for this change in the gate of the abyss?"

Luo Qingning groaned a little, and said: "When the gate of the abyss appeared abnormal, the concubine body had personally explored it. At that time, the volume of the gate of the abyss was twice the size of the previous one, and it was still growing rapidly. The reason is temporarily unknown. However, according to the book description, this gate of the abyss is in the process of being promoted."

Li Changsheng touched his chin, thoughts abounding, but he was certain that, according to common sense, this gate of the abyss could not be promoted at all, after all, the abyss consciousness here had become extremely thin.

In this way, Li Changsheng thought of two possibilities.

1. The 175th floor of the abyss, Dagon descendant Andrew Bernama, spent a huge price to forcibly promote the door of the abyss.

2. Bernama used a special method similar to the burial technique of the foreign treasure to forcibly activate the potential of this abyss gate, making this abyss gate promoted in a short time.

The probability of the first type is actually not great. Even if it is a descendant of Dagon, the price of forcibly promoting the gate of the abyss is still very high, and Bernama is afraid that it is reluctant to bear it.

If it is the second type, the origin of this abyss gate must be greatly damaged, as long as it lasts for this period of time, wait until the abyss gate is exhausted and it will not break itself.

"Can you interrupt this process?"

"My concubine tried, but all of them didn't work!"

Luo Qingning shook her head. This problem can be said to be a worldwide problem, because many great abilities have tried it, but unfortunately they all came back.

However, this is someone else, Li Changsheng is not necessarily, his gate of light and dark can be said to be the abyss nemesis, maybe there is a way to stop it.

"Well, this seat and Moon King will go to find out!"

Li Changsheng set the tone. If the promotion of Abyss Gate can be contained, things will become very simple.

If not, he will choose to take the initiative and move the battlefield to the 175th floor of the abyss.

Firstly, Li Changsheng didn't want to expose his strength, especially he didn't want to be found out about being promoted to the King of Double Characters; secondly, he defended his enemies from outside the country and reduced losses.

According to his memory of searching in Promia, the succubus leader, even in the many levels of the abyss, the area of ​​the 175th floor of the abyss is still at the forefront, and there are hundreds of demon leaders. If you add the demon lord Andrew Bo Namar, even if only a small part of it entered the world of fairies, Li Changsheng would have to expose his strength to resist.

If you take the initiative to enter the 175th floor of the abyss, not only will the battlefield be shifted, but Li Changsheng can also rely on the advantage of speed to gradually defeat the powerful enemy.

For Li the threat of the demon leader is not big anymore, only the strength of Ashe, Kailan, day, night, four-clawed yellow dragon, chubby, Lei Qilin, and Chilong cannot be dealt with alone. A few, as long as they are not besieged and killed by hundreds of demons, Li Changsheng can guarantee safety.

The key demons are chaotic evil creatures, not to mention that they are not united enough. Once the enemy is found to be too tricky, it will threaten their lives. I am afraid that they will immediately change their behavior and focus on self-preservation.

Since ancient times, chaos and funny comparisons are not just talking. This is also an opportunity for Li Changsheng. There is a high probability that there will be a chance to face the demon lord Andrew Bernama.

In addition, Li Changsheng also wanted to find the broken tip of the Biluo sword. As long as it was repaired, the combination of the two swords would become more like an arm, and the power could go further.

Of course, the massive resources on the 175th floor of the abyss is also his goal. He remembers that there are no less than ten places where the world's rare treasures can be born and one resource point where the world's strange things can be born.

Although these special products of the abyss are not very useful, they can be used as rations for the promotion of "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow".

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