Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1314: Eye of the Stars

"Let go of that demon pet (!

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng went straight to the sixth step.

As the sky turned around, Li Changsheng appeared in a vast expanse of stars.

The moment he appeared, the sea of ​​stars suddenly surged. This time the forbidden formation had three nodes in total, which were divided according to heaven, earth and human.

Li Changsheng had received most of Sun Xingjun's inheritance, and he naturally recognized that this was the three-talented star forbidden formation improved by the star emperor based on the three-talented forbidden formation, and it was a killing formation known for its might.

The Sancai Star Forbidden Array has one and only one attack method, that is, the Chaos Star Fire, which is more similar to the Sancai Lamp's Chaos Fire, except that it is based on the energy of the stars.

Due to the inheritance of Sun Star Monarch, Li Changsheng has a clear understanding of the Three Talents Forbidden Array, which is enough for Li Changsheng to break through the array easily.

From the perspective of complexity, the Sancai Star Forbidden Array is much lower than the Hunyuan Heluo Forbidden Array, which is characterized by the design of the entire Forbidden Array to maximize its power.

In the next moment, the Three Talents Forbidden Array ran wildly, shooting out three pillars of starlight from three directions. Their goal was not Li Changsheng, but wanted to converge.

It is impossible for Li Changsheng to watch the Three Talented Star Forbidden Array fully operate. Once the three pillars of star light of different natures intersect, a powerful chaotic star fire will form.

In an instant, Kailan, day and night respectively launched powerful offensives against the three pillars of starlight, annihilating the pillars of starlight with a relatively relaxed attitude.

As long as the source is cut off, the threat of the Sancai Star Forbidden Array will drop sharply.

Before the Sancai Star Forbidden Array continued to show off, with the assistance of Qiu Dao Yujue, Li Changsheng quickly observed the operation of the Sancai Star Forbidden Array, and fully estimated where the array eye was.

Compared with the last time, Qiu Dao Yujue has been upgraded to the Zifu's rare treasure level. Coupled with the wisdom fruit and the big deduction technique, Li Changsheng's calculation speed is much faster than the last time.

In just three minutes, Li Changsheng finally figured out where the attack was.


Li Changsheng immediately launched an action, and while allowing the three Demon Emperor level demon pets to continue to offset the Starlight Pillar, he rushed towards the direction where the array eye was.

After a few breaths, Li Changsheng came to the location of the battle eye.

After observing for a while, he finally locked the position where the front eye was.

The next moment, the two swords of Biluo and Huangquan merged and turned into a graceful stegosaurus, slamming towards the direction where the battle eye was.

The Sancai Star Forbidden Array hurriedly condensed a large cluster of starlight pillars, trying to stop the stegosaurus.

Unfortunately, under Li Changsheng's gesture, Ashe spit out a golden pillar of light, and the pillar of starlight fell into a stalemate.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Stegosaurus quickly advanced and stabbed fiercely at the position where the battle eye was.


A sound similar to the breaking of colored glaze sounded, the space suddenly shattered, a huge opening appeared, and the hidden array eyes were completely revealed.

In the eyes, there are two khaki crystals suspended.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng opened his eyes and grabbed the two crystals.

After the eye was broken, the Sancai Star Forbidden Array was annihilated.

After a while, Li Changsheng appeared on the sixth step and began to look at the two crystals in his hands.

"The rules of the soil are crystallized!"

Li Changsheng was ecstatic, never expected that he would get two crystals of the rules of the earth at once, the key is not the defective product.

Among his main demon pets, Dui also possesses earth attributes. As a result, as long as Dui reaches the 9th demon saint level, he can almost certainly be promoted to the demon emperor level.

Li Changsheng solemnly collected the two regular crystals of soil, and when he returned to the best condition, he stepped onto the seventh step.

The surrounding scenes once again changed into the sea of ​​stars. This time there were nine nodes, in the form of the nine palaces, and a corridor of stars appeared, enveloping Li Changsheng.

The nine palaces are Qiangong, Kangong, Gengong, Zhengong, Zhonggong, Sundangong, Ligong, Kungong and Duigong. These are also the nine palaces and stars forbidden array created by the star emperor in accordance with the nine-gong pattern.

The Jiugong Star Forbidden Array belongs to the offensive and defensive forbidden array. Its power can be compared to the Three Talented Star Forbidden Array, but its defense is far beyond.

Li Changsheng did not stop the evolution of the Star Corridor, because he knew that this was an irreversible change, and unless he possessed great power, he could not stop it at all.

The so-called great mighty force is naturally the ninth-order demon master, and there is still a big gap in Li Changsheng.

0.7 Wudi, it seems that there is not much difference with Wudi, if rounded up, it is equivalent to Wudi.

However, this is not the case. It seems that the data gap is not big, but Emperor Wu can easily defeat Li Changsheng.

Wherever there is a certain gap between the demon master and the demon master, they can quickly expand their advantages by snowballing, just like Li Changsheng dealing with the natural disaster king.

At first, the natural disaster king could resist, but as more and more monster pets die, the situation will become more and more unfavorable.

In the same way, if Li Changsheng and Emperor Wu are in a duel, unless Emperor Wu commits a fatal error, it will be a complete defeat, even easier than he would deal with the King of Natural Disasters.

Expecting Emperor Wu to make a fatal mistake, almost never even think about it.

Li Changsheng can only improve his strength as soon as possible and continue to pull in the gap between Emperor Wu. He always has a sense of urgency now. The Emperor is like an untimely bomb. What explosion depends on his thoughts.

The next moment, before the Star Corridor was completely formed, Li Changsheng held the Tianji Stone and the Baxia Turtle Shell in his hands, and with the assistance of Qiu Dao Yujue, he quickly deduced the position of the battle eye.

In just a few breaths, the corridors of stars are formed, and then a beam of light is shot from each corridor of stars, and when the light is fully converged, it finally turns into a giant eye.

This eye is called the eye of the stars, which is simulated by the star emperor's simulating the eye of heaven, and possesses great power.

Of course, compared with the Eye of Heaven, its power is much inferior.

In an instant, the stars and thunders thick as buckets struck Li Changsheng.

Under the command of Li Changsheng, some demon pets began to dissolve or resist the stars and thunder.

The rest of the demon pets began to be powerful, and at the moment when the stars and thunder dissipated, they all attacked the eyes of the stars.


The Eye of the Stars could not withstand such a powerful power, and was instantly exploded, turning into the power of countless stars.

It’s just As long as the forbidden formation is still running, it will not take long for the eyes of the stars to condense again.

Sure enough, in less than ten seconds, the eyes of the stars condensed again.

It is a pity that the destiny of being blown up is still waiting for the Eye of the Stars.

When the monster pets dealt with the Eye of the Stars, Li Changsheng began to wander the Star Corridor.

The Star Corridor is extremely complicated, with countless branch roads. If you are not familiar with the Jiugong Star Forbidden Array, Li Changsheng will really spend a lot of effort.

It didn't take long for Li Changsheng to find out where he was.

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