Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1312: Physical sanctification

"Let go of that demon pet (!

The higher the realm, the more fleshy, and the longer lasting. This is true for both demon pets and demon masters.

If it is a demon emperor-level or demon emperor-level demon pet that is evenly matched, due to its strong resilience, a battle is often protracted.

And for a top double-character king like the Natural Disaster King, even if the nine main demon pets died, his sea of ​​consciousness did not collapse, and even if he was given enough time to recuperate, he would be able to completely recover.

This is related to the crystallization of the soul, the quality of the soul is improved, and the sea of ​​consciousness's ability to resist pressure will also increase.

The natural disaster king had to mobilize all his mental power to try to suppress the backlash of the sea of ​​consciousness, but it didn't mean that he couldn't separate his mind and observe the situation.

"You have won, the old man admits it." The natural disaster king said with difficulty, but he still had hope in his eyes, and continued: "The old man is willing to swear by the way of heaven and never abandon His Royal Highness. He only hopes that His Highness can give one. opportunity."

The natural disaster king thinks that he has great value. Although only Jiufeng is left, the ordinary double-character king is still not his opponent. If he is given a certain amount of time, wait for him to contract a few wild demon saint-level demon pets. There is still a chance to compete with the usual top double word king.

There is no way, the Demon Emperor Level Nine Phoenix can rely on their own strength to contend against a few ordinary Demon Emperor level demon pets, not to mention the natural disaster king's background.

Li Changsheng carried both hands on his back and held the original light in his right hand. He pretended to be curious and asked, "The Lord of Natural Disasters, I am very curious about the inheritance of the Sun King, can you talk about it?"

"Yes, in ancient times...what are you doing...ah!"

The King of Natural Disasters agreed, subconsciously recalling the inheritance of True Monarch Sun, and at the same time viciously wanted to add some traps at the key points.

Unfortunately, Li Changsheng did not give him a chance at all. When the natural disaster king was in memory, he put the original light on his forehead, and at the same time, the blessing necklace on the neck shot out a brilliance, which greatly increased the power of the original light. Forcibly absorb the memory fragments of the natural disaster king.

The natural disaster king only felt that his brain had been forcibly torn apart, and couldn't help but let out a painful scream, as if something had been pulled out.

The natural disaster king wanted to calm down his mind and run his mental power to resist, but the riot in the sea of ​​consciousness made him hesitate again.

When the Scourge King made up his mind, the Primordial Light had already absorbed a lot of memory fragments, especially regarding the inheritance of the Sun King.

No way, who made the natural disaster king mobilize this part of the memory.

In the next moment, the natural disaster king had to mobilize his mental power to forcefully resist the memory absorption ability of the original light.

Even if it is blessed by the blessing necklace, the grade of the original light is limited after all, and with the full resistance of the natural disaster king, it cannot continue to absorb the memory fragments of the natural disaster king.

As a price, the sea of ​​consciousness of the Scourge King's riot broke out completely, causing his seven orifices to bleed, and blood spurted out of his mouth as if he did not need money.

The natural disaster king raised his hand with difficulty, pointed at Li Changsheng and said bitterly, " are so cruel!"

"Sorry, this is really not as good as you!"

Li Changsheng couldn't help but shrugged. Compared with the evil Scourge King, he could describe himself as a white lotus.

Of course, Li Changsheng would not naively think that he would be a purely good person, otherwise he would have been eaten and wiped out, and he would stand where he is now.

People will always be affected by reality, and the environment can affect and change people.

Li Changsheng had planned his own future path, and he knew exactly what he needed. He didn't care about other people's evaluations of him, and would not be affected by it. He would only follow his own path unswervingly.


The natural disaster king didn't hold on for long, his sea of ​​consciousness finally collapsed completely, his brain was directly shattered, and his whole body collapsed softly on the ground, no longer alive.


Not far away, the captured Jiufeng uttered a harsh squeal. As the demon pet of his destiny, as the owner died, he himself would suffer an extremely powerful backlash.

Unless there is a panacea, even if it is a divine beast, there is only one way to die.

Li Changsheng ignored the dying Jiufeng and began to examine the memory fragments absorbed by Primordial Light.

Soon, Li Changsheng showed a satisfied smile.

As the Scourge King mobilized the memory of the Sun King, nine out of ten of the inheritances about the Sun King were absorbed.

The only pity is that the memories of the other aspects of the natural disaster king are very small, which is a pity.

In Li Changsheng's view, the natural disaster king is not much inferior to the ancient Sun King.

Three talents, heaven, earth and human; three lights, sun, moon and stars.

Among them, the three lights are the sun, the moon, and the stars. In a sense, the stars are countless, and the sun and the moon are unique in nature. It is conceivable that the Sun King and the Lunar King have the status in the star palace.

Among them, the status of True Monarch Sun is concealed above True Monarch Taiyin, which can be described as one person under ten thousand people, second only to Emperor Ziwei, that is, Star Emperor.

Although the inheritance of True Monarch Sun is not complete, it is also most of them. Many of the key points involve the hegemony of heaven and earth. After all, True Monarch Sun has great power in his hands.

It is a pity that True Monarch Sun, like True Monarch Taiyin, did not persist in the battle for hegemony in heaven and earth until the end. Naturally, there is no relevant memory of how to release the star palace or even the heavenly court.

Even so, Li Changsheng still feels very rewarding, especially he has a better understanding of the world hegemony.

The reason why the emperor raised the hegemony of heaven and earth was mainly related to the difficulty in passing the next five declines of heaven and man. In order to survive the five declines of heaven and man, the emperor wanted to become the protagonist of the heaven and earth, gather the luck of the fairy world, and try to break through the next realm. .

Even if it is unable to break through, it is enough to further strengthen the strength of the Emperor, and it is enough to steadily survive the next five decays of heaven and man.

"The situation of the emperor is similar to that of the human emperor now. It is no wonder that the emperor Wen said that the emperor might restart the struggle for hegemony between the world and the earth."

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that in the inheritance of True Monarch Sun, there are naturally information about the Heavenly Emperor, Star Emperor, Xuan Emperor and Xuan Empress, including their personalities, demon pets, strange treasures, and so on.

Among them, has the deepest understanding of the Star Emperor, and the remaining three are relatively one-sided.

As a ninth-order imperial demon master, the star emperor can naturally be described as stunning and brilliant. The famous "Zhou Tian Xing Dou" and the accompanying Zhou Tian Xing Chen ban are the products of his research, and finally formed with the Emperor. Heavenly Court.

The inheritance of True Monarch Sun also contains various forbidden formations, which naturally include Zhoutian Xingdou forbidden formation and Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formation, but the former is incomplete, and it is obvious that the star emperor has hidden personal interests.

It’s only a pity that True Monarch of the Sun did not cultivate "Xiantian Star Fight", but the top-level demon battle named "Nine Revolutions of the Golden Crow". The rank of this demon battle is not much inferior to the "Golden Medal of Yuanshi", Lord Cultivating the flesh, it is rumored that this is based on the super-level demon demon of "Pangu", as long as the ninth level is cultivated, the flesh can be made holy.

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