Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1305: 9Nether Cold Crystal Iron

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Li Changsheng thought for a while, and the Hunyuan Golden Lantern and Dousing Silver Lantern flew out of the sea of ​​consciousness, and quietly suspended in front of him.

He didn't intend to refinish the two ancient lamps, but just wanted to understand the prohibition of the two ancient lamps more deeply, so as to refine the third ancient lamp.

Since it is not derived from the same source, even if the third ancient lamp refined is a fake, no matter how good it is, there is a difference in meaning between the mixed-yuan golden lamp and the silver lamp, even if the fake ancient lamp reaches the Purple Mansion. The rare class can only be used as a substitute.

Just refining a fake ancient lamp, how can Li Changsheng waste too good materials? He possesses the burial technique of strange treasures. As long as he urges the potential of the fake ancient lamp, he believes that he can reach the prestige of the rare purple mansion in a short time. Yes, if you cooperate with the other two ancient lamps, you can definitely explode the power of Langhuan's treasure.

The combination type strange treasures are more peculiar. When the collection is complete, their power will be greatly improved.

If it is like a Sancai lamp, only the mixed-yuan golden lamp and the Dousui silver lamp will lead to an imbalance, and it will only be close to the highest level of Langhuan.

But if they were gathered together, the power would probably surpass the ordinary Langhuan Supreme Treasure, at least it could reach the middle-grade Langhuan Supreme Treasure.

Of course, if the third one is a fake, its power will eventually be weakened, but in a short time it can definitely explode the power of the first-time Langhuan treasure.

After a week passed, Li Changsheng finally finished studying the two ancient lamps inside and out, including the prohibition, appearance, nature, and so on.

Li Changsheng chose to strike while the iron was hot, and with the strength of his master craftsman, as long as he had the right materials, he could definitely produce a qualified counterfeit ancient lamp.

The Sancai Lamp is composed of people from heaven and earth. The three ancient lamps are Hunyuan Golden Lamp, Dousei Silver Lamp and Lingbao Bronze Lamp. The three ancient lamps have their own magical functions. The combined Sancai Lamp is also known as the No. 1 in the world. The treasure of lights.

This time, Li Changsheng used the purified arm of the demon monarch as his main material.

After being purified by the Gate of Light and Darkness, the energy fluctuations of the Demon Lord's arm have shrunk a lot, but it still possesses a low-grade world wonder. The key is that its bones are extremely hard, better than the jade bones of the Zhuangzi King.

In addition to the arms of the demon monarch, Li Changsheng also prepared a large amount of Shoushan red copper, and planned to condense this batch of Shoushan red copper into better quality copper essence, and then use the bones of the demon monarch's arm as the basis for the first mountain red copper. Elaborate is supplemented.

This time it is relatively pure and does not require too many kinds of materials.

After the preparation work was completed, Li Changsheng took out the Dragon and Phoenix Burning Heavenly Ding and began to refine the fake ancient lamp.

This time it took Li Changsheng only half a day to complete the refining. The whole process can be described as smooth wind and smooth water. Finally, he obtained an ancient copper lamp.

The prohibition of this counterfeit ancient lamp is almost the same as the Hunyuan Golden Lamp and the Touzi Silver Lamp, but there are also some differences. Only when it is combined into a Sancai lamp can it be more powerful.

The only pity is that due to material limitations, the counterfeit ancient lamp has reached the middle-class world wonders level, which is obviously one step behind the Zifu treasures.

However, just as Li Changsheng predicted, after activating the burial of the strange treasure, the power of the counterfeit copper lamp will temporarily reach the Zifu rare level. Together with other authentic ancient lamps, it will become Li Changsheng's life-saving trump card.

Although Li Changsheng's Gate of Light and Darkness has reached the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, it is completely a purely auxiliary Langhuan Supreme Treasure, and can only strengthen the power of the light and dark demon pets in the fierce battle.

As for the Biluo Huangquan double swords, the Biluo sword is still in a broken state, even if the two swords are combined, there is still a line of distance from the Langhuan Supreme Treasure, but this line is separated, and the power gap between the real Langhuan Supreme Treasure is not small.

After refining the counterfeit copper lamp, Li Changsheng kept it in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Li Changsheng did not continue to stay in the secret realm, he was ready to leave the customs, and examine the gains over the past month.

In addition to the output of Langya, Daiguo, and Xiguo, it is also the contributions of major forces or individuals to Li Changsheng.

According to Zuo Qiulin, after these two months of popularity, the following trend began to slow down.

The contribution this time is not uncommon. Li Changsheng only paid the emperor flow quota and certain resources to obtain a large number of natural treasures, wild goblins and corpses that met his requirements.

In the aspect of Tiancai Dibao, the biggest gain is a piece of ore called Jiuyou Cold Crystal Iron. This is the top ice-based material, and its rank has reached the middle-grade world wonder, which is enough to compare with the blood phoenix black gold. .

It is rumored that Jiuyou Cold Crystal Iron is a special product of the underworld. Now the underworld is extremely chaotic, with many factions, led by various ghost emperors and ghost emperors, and the more famous ones are Zhu Jiu Yin, Di Ting, and ghost cars.

Even the three emperors and six emperors did not want to participate in the union, the key point is that they are also powerless, mainly being involved in the abyss, where there is extra energy to develop the underworld.

The key underworld rules are rather peculiar. Once they stay for a long time, they will be gradually assimilated and eventually become a part of the underworld, making it difficult to leave the underworld again.

In addition to the Jiuyou Cold Crystal Iron, there are all kinds of heaven, material and earth treasures, but none of them have reached the level of world wonders or top spiritual plants, but they are also very good supplements for Li Changsheng.

In terms of wild fairies, there are more than one-handed majestic fairies that meet the requirements, not to mention fairies with other bloodline concentrations, there are hundreds of them in total.

In addition, according to Li Changsheng's request, there are also a few raccoon and pheasant among them.

As quasi-gods, the wind raccoon and Philip are naturally very popular with the demon masters. As for the demon masters who offered them were captured from the wild by themselves, or grabbed them from others by means, that is not what Li Changsheng can do. I Li Changsheng silently estimated. According to his estimation, as long as part of the blood of this batch of wind raccoon and pheasant is drawn, plus the previous inventory, we can extract enough to make the ball evolve. Essence and blood.

In addition to natural treasures and wild goblins, there are also some knowledge products such as pill recipes, refining catalogs, food formulas, imperial monsters, secret methods, essence and blood extraction, etc., which can effectively improve Li Changsheng's background.

Among them, Li Changsheng attaches great importance to a top-level fairy food formula. If the fairy pet is consumed for a long time, it can effectively improve agility, which is a surprise.

In order to make more demon masters willingly donate the treasures, Li Changsheng specially met with two demon masters who provided the Nine Nether Cold Crystal Iron and the top-level fairy food formula. While praising them, he also awarded them a great reward. , And are willing to provide free resources sufficient to help them become pseudo-kings.

I believe that after this matter spreads, those demon masters who are bent on reaching the sky in one step will definitely be more concerned, and the situation of contribution that has tended to be flat will re-enter the outbreak period.

It took a few days for Li Changsheng to finally complete the purification. He did not exceed his expectations, and he obtained enough blood to make Yuangun evolve again.

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