Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1303: Future horoscope

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If the former Li Changsheng was roughly equivalent to half of the Wudi more than a hundred years ago, now the number of people has risen to 0.7 Wudi with the help of cats.

There is no doubt that this is a big improvement.

After exploring Qiongze Fortune Land, according to the plan, Li Changsheng was supposed to go to the Star Palace, but he did not immediately take action.

There are still nearly two months before the protection period of the Heavenly Dao, he can completely retreat for a period of time, digest the inheritance of the King of Universe, and improve his foundation.

What's more, after this period of time, his strength must be able to improve by one or two points.

Since the opening of the emperor flow quota, many forces or individuals have traveled to Yecheng every day, including those from Langya Kingdom and also from nearby countries.

At the beginning, the number of donations in Langya country was significantly higher than that of other countries, but as the news spread, more and more foreigners began to join the ranks of donations, and the proportion of them was rising.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, the resources he dedicated during this period of time were enough to make him earn a lot of money, and by the way, he could also improve his strength.

If you are lucky, there may be an unexpected harvest, just like getting the seeds of the hibiscus tree in the past.

The world is so big, although the resources are basically occupied by the strong, there will always be lucky people who accidentally get the treasure. If it is something that they can’t use, the smart person’s approach is to use it in exchange for resources.

Li Changsheng’s wind reviews have always been well controlled. There has never been a treacherous snatch, and he is willing to train those who are dedicated to the most precious things, such as Shi Da, who dedicated hibiscus seeds. His strength has risen rapidly in just one year. Recently, it has been even more in one fell swoop. Become a pseudo-king.

In just one year, Shi Da can be said to have stepped several steps, rising from the fourth step to the point of a pseudo-king.

Therefore, Li Changsheng specifically used Shi Da as a model to increase his attractiveness to the working people.

The inheritance of the King of Universe is vast, even if it is basically a useful insight, it still cannot be used in a short time.

First of all, through sorting out, Li Changsheng planned the inheritance of the King of Universe into categories, roughly divided into three aspects: knowledge, cultivation, and combat.

Among them, the knowledge category includes all kinds of arts and secrets, etc., the practice category includes the defense against monsters, secret methods, methods, special training methods, etc., and the combat category basically includes aspects such as tactics and command.

Li Changsheng glanced at it roughly in a fast-forward manner, and even so, it took three full days.

No way, this is the accumulation of Qiankun King's seven or eight hundred years.

Generally speaking, the life span of Double Character King is between 500 and 600. If you count the life extension treasures, you can basically live to 700 years. If you want to increase your lifespan again, you can only take flat peaches. , Ginseng fruit and other top-level life-extending heaven and material treasures.

Of course, if you ride a **** beast and ride yellow, it's a different matter.

The kingdom of the Bai people is in the north of Arowana, with white clothes and hair. There is a yellow color, which looks like a fox with horns on its back, and its life span is two thousand years.

As long as riding yellow, the life span can reach two thousand years.

However, Li Changsheng has always suspected that if the riding yellow is only on the surface, it should not have such an anti-the-sky effect. Perhaps the riding character should be enclosed in quotation marks.

In addition, under the restriction of the world rules of equivalent exchange, Li Changsheng estimated that taking the yellow probability would have to pay a huge price.

After a rough inspection, Li Changsheng was naturally rewarded.

The King of Universe is worthy of being the top double-word king nearly two thousand years ago. Although the strength may not be as good as the King of Yum, the gap between the two is not big. The key to King of Universe is much longer than the short-lived Yum King.

In terms of lifespan alone, Qiankun Wang is three or four times that of Yum King, and the harvest is naturally greater than Yum King.

However, based on Li Changsheng's current accumulation, there is a high degree of overlap between King Qiankun's inheritance and his accumulation, which is also helpless.

Even so, Li Changsheng also gained a lot of intangible benefits.

First of all, King Qiankun has extremely rich combat experience. Although he is not a fighting madman, he has experienced tens of thousands of battles, large and small, in seven or eight hundred years. The combat experience is not ordinary.

This has further enriched Li Changsheng's combat experience, tactics and on-the-spot performance, but he needs to digest carefully.

Secondly, King Qiankun mastered three special training methods, namely the rock, meditation and spiral training methods.

The latter two types of Li Changsheng have been mastered, and only Pan Shi is a good supplement to him.

Rock training method: Long-term training can effectively improve the demon pet's fighting ability, self-control and self-control.

As for the experience and experience of training demon pets, most of this aspect is overlapped, and the rest are also types that were eliminated very early because of the age.

King Qiankun has come into contact with a lot of secrets, including the battle of the three races, the battle between humans and beasts, and the battle for hegemony between heaven and earth. Of course, these understandings are relatively one-sided and most of them are out of date. They are basically of little use to Li Changsheng’s development. A bit of understanding from the previous section has effectively opened up Li Changsheng's insights.

In addition, he has experience in alchemy. King Qiankun is a master of alchemy and is only one step away from the master of alchemy. His alchemy ability can be imagined.

Li Changsheng could completely copy the memory of alchemy and hand it to Kailan to comprehend it.

The most important thing is knowledge, that is, Yuyao Jue, secret method, and method.

As a top double-character king, in order to go further, King Qiankun naturally has a complete top-level demon battle in his hands.

The king of Qiankun majored in the top demon battle "Wuqi Chaoyuan", and Li Changsheng collected the eighth level, but the value of the ninth level is more than that of the first eight levels. The ninth level contains Some supernatural powers are always the hardest to collect in the last layer.

In addition to "The Five Emperors Dynasty", there are five "Du Tian Shen Sha", but there are three Li Changsheng have already owned, only the two pieces of Hou Tu and Ji Zi can be regarded as In this way, Li Changsheng There are a total of eight "Du Tian Shen Sha" in my hand, namely Hou Tu, Ji Zi, Zhu Rong, Xuan Ming, Qiang Liang, Zhu Jiu Yin, Tian Wu, and Ju Mang. As long as you gather the other four, you can collect all of them. "Du Tian Shen Sha" is a top-level demon battle that is comparable to "Zhou Tian Xing Dou".

In addition to the top-level demon battle, Li Changsheng also discovered the quasi-top-level demon battle of "Future Stars Tribulation", as long as "Now Xian Jie" is together, it can be integrated.

As for the top secret methods, there are several, but they either overlap or are of no use to Li Changsheng.

The most speechless thing is that there is no super secret method, which makes Li Changsheng disappointed.

Fortunately, Li Changsheng found a great harvest in the method.

This is a method called "Blood Purification". Just like its name, it can purify the magazines and breath in the blood, leaving the purest blood in the end.

King Qiankun relied on "Blood Purification" to make his bloodline purification rate reach 7%. This was the first time Li Changsheng saw a bloodline purification method exceeding 5%.

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