Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1251: "The Solemn Tribulation of the Past"

The most important thing is that the heart of this golden-winged Roc bird is still there.

The main function of the heart is to provide power for blood flow, and to run blood to all parts of the body.

At the same time, the blood contained in the heart is more solidified, and more blood can be extracted.

From Li Changsheng's point of view, this is almost equivalent to 2/3 of the golden-winged roc.

As the golden-winged roc bird belongs to the higher-ranking beast, according to Li Changsheng's estimation, if the big head wants to go further, about 15 cans of essence and blood are needed.

According to calculations, a golden-winged Roc bird can theoretically extract 19 pots of blood from 15+3+1.

Li Changsheng's extraction efficiency is about 1/3, but there can be fewer steps to extract the essence of the corpse of the beast. The fewer the steps, the less the essence and blood was wasted during the period, and the extraction efficiency can be increased to half.

Therefore, these 2/3 golden-winged rocs can probably extract 6 pots of essence and blood.

Divine beasts are all treasures, including their excrement. In addition to essence and blood, feathers, meridians, bird beaks, and minions are all very rare materials for refining tools.

Without tail feathers, even the wings are only half, and the second half is missing.

Even so, it is a great harvest for Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng glanced at the second half of the disappearance of the Golden-winged Rocca, and found that it was full of torn marks and a lot of tooth marks.

According to his analysis, this golden-winged big peng bird was bitten by some kind of creature, and eventually bit its back half.

Judging from the collection of the upper half of the golden-winged roc bird's body in the heavenly secret realm, the golden-winged roc bird did not die immediately at the time. It is likely that it escaped from the sky with its exaggerated speed, but it still died because of too much damage. , And eventually became a thing of no owner.

The Secret Realm of the Heavenly Dao will only accommodate the unowned, the treasures in the Yuanchen Pillar, all of them are like this.

Of course, there are also some leftovers from other powerful planes, such as the outer arms of the Hundred-armed Giant, the clone made by the Elf King using the branches of life, and so on.

Li Changsheng didn't waste precious time. Now there are five minutes left before the Yuanchen Pillar, but there are five Yuanchen Pillars that have been broken, and there are still seven that have not been broken.

Among them, Ning Bizhen had two, Li Changsheng had two, and Xiang Yutian had one. Yan Wanling had no harvest for the time being.

As for what kind of treasure they obtained, Li Changsheng didn't pay much attention to it.

To be honest, Li Changsheng has no pressure, after all, Ning Bizhen is the leader.

However, with his strength, it would be no problem to overtake Ning Bizhen.

The demon pets still looked excited, and didn't feel tired for the time being. Under Li Changsheng's signal, they began to besiege the third Yuanchen Pillar.

Li Changsheng didn't stay idle either, and directly let the two swords of Biluo and Huangquan merge, making the progress two points faster.

The prohibition of Yuan Chen Baozhu made a strong wave, and the color of the prohibition instantly dimmed by five points.

Although the energy of the ban was quickly recovering, when the monster pets launched the second round of offensive, the ban was able to recover a point.

According to this progress, only three rounds can break the Yuanchen Pillar.

Compared with Li Changsheng, the other three are much slower.

It takes six rounds for Ning Bizhen and Yan Wanling to secure the bottom, and Xiang Yutian has to be slower, which takes nearly ten rounds.

When the third Yuanchen Pillar was about to break open, Yan Wanling broke one first.


Immediately after Yan Wanling, Li Changsheng also successfully broke the third Yuanchen pillar.

In this way, there are still five Yuanchen Pillars that have not been broken.

"Hurry up and attack the fourth one!"

Before Li Changsheng took out the treasure in the treasure column, he immediately signaled the demon pet to besiege the fourth Yuanchen Orb.

The demon pets took a deep breath, and hurriedly ran to surround the fourth Yuanchen pillar, and countless long-range offensives poured frantically on the prohibition of this Yuanchen pillar.

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and called, the treasure in the third Yuanchen pillar flew out, but it was a wooden box.

After opening the box, there were three ocher crystals inside, but they were slightly flawed and mixed with other colors faintly.

This is not the crystallization of the profound meaning, but a further crystallization of the origin of the profound meaning.

Unfortunately, these three pieces are all defective.

From the point of view of value, even if it is only a defective product, the defective Upanishad crystal is no inferior to a genuine Upanishad crystal, and the three defective products are more than enough to be worth a genuine Upanishad crystal.

This is also a very good harvest for Li Changsheng, and it makes Yan Wanling and Xiang Yutian look enthusiastic. In their eyes, the value of these three sub-earths is even more valuable than the half golden-winged roc Dead body.

After Li Changsheng collected the three sub-earth Profound Origin Crystals, he rushed to the demon pet non-stop and joined the ranks of besieging Yuanchen Baozhu.

Boo~ Boo~ Boo~

After half a minute passed, the restrictions on the three Yuanchen Orbs were almost broken at the same time, one Li Changsheng, one Ning Bizhen, and the other Xiang Yutian.

In this way, there are only two Yuanchen Orbs that have not been broken, and one of them is already occupied by Yan Wanling, which is about to be broken.

Ning Bizhen didn't move, and signaled Li Changsheng to take the last one, and her eyes would look at Xiang Yutian who was not far away from time to time.

"Brother Li, you should come!"

Xiang Yutian was frightened by Ning Bizhen's eyes, and hurriedly resisted the greed in his heart. He was very self-aware. He knew that he could not win the ownership of the last Yuanchen Pillar, so he might as well take the initiative to withdraw.

"Brother Xiangyang, then I'm not welcome!"

Li Changsheng immediately signaled the demon pet to "occupy" the last Yuanchen Pillar, and he was checking the harvest of the fourth Yuanchen Pillar.

This time it is an inheritance jade piece made by Qiu Dao jade, and I don’t know what it records.

Last time, Li Changsheng got the "Zhou Tian Xing Dou Zhu" from Yuan Chen Baozhu. This time, the grade of this inherited jade piece will not be much worse than last Li Changsheng has a spirit Strength, immerse in the inherited jade piece, check the stored content.

Under this look, Li Changsheng couldn't help showing a tangled expression.

The inheritance jade film records a quasi-top demon battle titled "The Solemn Tribulation of the Past". This demon battle is similar to "The Supreme Ruthless", "The Golden Seal of the First Yuan", and "Lingbao Cave Void". .

As long as you can comprehend "The Solemn Tribulation of the Past", "The Tribulation of the Present" and "The Tribulation of the Future Stars", you can merge into the "Amitabha Sutra". How bad is Star Dou?

However, this is of no use to Li Changsheng. At most, he can use it to comprehend and improve his own vision. Maybe he has the opportunity to comprehend magical powers.

Boo~ Boo~

The last two Yuanchen Pillars were broken one after another. What surprised Li Changsheng was that the treasure in the fifth Yuanchen Pillar was a huge arm.

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