Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1239: Godhead Fragment

Li Changsheng waved his right hand again, and this time flew out an altar that was significantly larger than before, forcing the male drow to be sealed in the altar.

The altar trembled violently, giving a feeling that it might break open at any time.

Li Changsheng hurriedly broke into a large number of runes, branded them on the altar, and finally stabilized.

The altar was reduced to the size of a palm, and was put in the sleeves by Li Changsheng. As for the short bow and the remaining two disposable arrows, they fell to the ground and became Li Changsheng's trophy.

From the perspective of mental power, the short bow has reached the Zifu treasure level, and the arrow is the inferior world wonder. However, since the arrow is a one-time use, it can be used with the short bow to burst out quite amazing power. Reach the power of the first entry into Langhuan's treasure.


Suddenly, Li Changsheng was shocked, his gaze fell on the shortbow internal test, with a few twisted divine texts on it.

Urel's Bow!

Well, after receiving the Light of Uller, Li Changsheng got the Bow of Uller again this time, but he has a fate with the hunting god.

Not surprisingly, this hunting **** is probably the **** that Eric Robertson demigod assisted the queen of spider Rose to kill.

"What about Eric Robertson's heritage?"

After collecting Uller's bow, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen began to search the castle for the inheritance of the demigods.

Soon, Li Changsheng made a discovery.

Where the male drow originally stood, the floor below is empty and protected by magic.

After confirming that it was not a self-destruction prohibition, Li Changsheng opened the floor in a space, and a groove appeared, containing three objects.

Three crystals with perfect facets, a leaf-shaped jade piece, and a broken crystal the size of a baby's fist.

These three crystals are complete divine crystals, each of which stores a certain amount of divine power. From the feedback of mental power, each of them exudes energy fluctuations that are new to the low-grade world.

Holding the leaf-shaped jade piece, Li Changsheng quickly identified its purpose. Just like the inherited jade piece in the fairy world, it also belongs to the inherited knowledge category.

As for the last broken crystal, it exudes a breathtaking breath, giving people a sense of mystery and mystery, facing the rules.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, it has reached the Zifu rare treasure level.

The key point is that this crystal is severely broken, and it has reached the Zifu Treasure level. If it is intact, it would probably be the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level.

Li Changsheng took a closer look, and he was sure that this was the first time he saw this kind of treasure, and even the memories of King Yum, King Treasure, and the First Principal were not related.

"There should be a record of it in the jade film!"

Li Changsheng did not get tangled, and began to pour his spiritual power into the leaf-shaped jade piece.

In the next moment, a swarm of knowledge was received by his head.

In this process, cracks appeared on the leaf-like jade pieces, and eventually they were broken into pieces.

Li Changsheng closed his eyes and scanned the knowledge quickly.

This is indeed the legacy of Eric Robertson's demigod.

Many are records about bloodline warriors, as well as a top-notch cultivation method and a number of methods to stimulate the body's potential, but these are of little use to Li Changsheng and can only be passed on to his men in the future.

Li Changsheng’s focus is on secrets. Eric Robertson demigod can be said to be a top demigod, the kind that can wrestle with a weak divine power.

It is precisely because of this that she won the favor of the queen of spider Rose, and was invited to attack the kingdom of the hunting **** Ural.

Along with Eric Robertson's demigod are several demigods and dozens of legendary warriors, as well as the two **** clones of the spider queen Rose.

Among them, naturally the two gods of the spider queen Rose are the main avatars.

As for why Rose Queen wanted to destroy Ural, there is no record in the inheritance.

In this battle of extinguishing the gods, it ended with the fall of the hunting **** Ural.

The spider queen Rose camp also suffered heavy losses. The spider queen Rose lost a **** clone, and most of the demigods and legendary powerhouses fell.

This is not the end. Uller shattered the godhead before he fell, causing the godhead to be broken into several fragments. In the end, the remaining **** clone of the queen of spider Rose grabbed most of it, and the demigod Eric Robertson was lucky enough to grab one. But it did not hand it over.

Eric Robertson's demigod also has the idea of ​​becoming a god. After all, who doesn't want to be a **** with infinite longevity, god's grace like sea, and god's might like hell.

But everything has a price. The queen of spider Rose deals with the **** of hunting mainly because the **** of hunting is helpful for him to advance to a powerful divine power.

The demigod of Eric Robertson, who is now regarded by him as an ant, snatches the fragments of the godhead, it is naturally an unforgivable sin.

However, the remaining clone of the spider queen Rose was also a severely wounded body, unable to exert its full strength.

Even so, Eric Robertson was hit hard.

In order to escape the chase of the spider queen Rose, Eric Robertson did not hesitate to stimulate the origin of life, and finally managed to escape, but the life origin was severely depleted, coupled with the chase of the spider queen Rose’s temple, it made the injury more serious, and finally There is no cure.

Because of his friendship with the two Thunder Ancestral Titans of Roaring Stone Forest, Eric Robertson finally hid in the Roaring Stone Forest, using the power of the Thunder Ancestor Titan to cover up his breath. He didn't dare to go out at all, so he couldn't go out to find a way to make up for his life. The treasure of the origin.

Eric Robertson chose to retreat to study the fragments of Uller's godhead, in order to understand the key to becoming a god.

It is a pity that this is not a complete godhead after all. If he has enough time, he will indeed have a chance to become a god, but he is running out of time and can't comprehend much. On the contrary, he has comprehended a biological puppet.

The subsequent process is Eric Robertson knew he was going to die, so he left a legacy and even transformed his body into a puppet before he died.

As for the ten legendary powerhouses outside who were made into puppets, they were basically the upper level of the temple of the Spider Queen Rose.

Before dying, Eric Robertson used the secret method to make the physical body possess a certain consciousness, and set it to have and only allow the drow to gain inheritance. Once the non-drow enters, it will be attacked.

With the power of Uller's bow and one-time arrows, non-demigods can't catch it at all.

Li Changsheng opened his eyes and looked at the broken crystals floating in front of him. His eyes were full of ecstasy, because this was the fragment of Uller's godhead.

Even if it's only a fraction of the godhead, it can be described as a priceless treasure, so as to explore the mystery of becoming a god.

Of course, this is different for Li Changsheng. He has not yet found the key to becoming a demon master. This fragment of the godhead can only be used to comprehend, and it will definitely help him create new creatures.

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