Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1217: The shame of Longsheng

"Pretending to be a fool, this can't trouble me!"

   Deathwing let out a stunned dragon roar, and the huge dragon head was so high that it slammed straight to the front right.

Li Changsheng frowned, and Hunyuan Heluo's forbidden formation had already been activated. It is logically difficult for Deathwing to find his whereabouts, but Deathwing seemed to be unaffected by the forbidden formation, and instantly locked his position. .

   At this time, Li Changsheng didn't think much about it, the secret realm opened instantly, Chilong rushed out of the secret realm instantly, and it collided with Deathwing in a blink of an eye.

   Due to the difference in size, Chilong was directly knocked back, but it also stopped the momentum of Deathwing.

   From the perspective of overall strength, Chilong benefited from the advantages of the half-step legendary quality, and was not much inferior to the half-step epic-quality Death Wing.

   "There are helpers again!"

   After hitting the Chilong back, Deathwing was obviously taken aback, and it could feel that the gap between the opponent and it was not too big.

   In this way, if the opponent is just the lineup on the bright side, it is very likely that it is not the opponent.

   Deathwing couldn't help but retreat in his heart. The ancestor dragons are very proud, but when it comes to life, they will naturally throw pride aside.

  Fate is gone, no matter how proud it is, the key is that the treasure accumulated over the years is likely to be cheaper than other dragons.

   But at this moment, a powerful demon pet bee pupa rushed out of the secret realm, and rushed toward the wings of death.

  Wings of Death widened the dragon's eye. Such a scene made it shocked. Although in terms of aura, these monster pets are not as good as the dragon, but the gap is not big. Once surrounded by them, the consequences will definitely be very serious.

   Under the life-threatening situation, Deathwing exploded its own potential, breathing out acid again, regardless of the result of the battle, immediately inciting the dragon wings that covered the sky, turned around and ran.

   Unfortunately, under Hunyuan Heluo's forbidden formation, Deathwing was completely lost.

   From the visual observation of Li Changsheng, you will find that Deathwing is turning in circles in the Gourd Valley.

   No matter how many pieces of Deathwing fly, they can't get rid of Gourd Valley.

   Death Wings naturally discovered this situation, but it has bitter self-knowledge. Although it is difficult to observe Li Changsheng's demon pets with the naked eye, it can keenly perceive their position.

   In this situation, Deathwing flew desperately while thinking hard about countermeasures.

   Suddenly, the wings of death slammed the dragon's wings fiercely, and the huge dragon's body soared up, and instantly moved a long distance upwards.

  Aish's figure suddenly appeared where Deathwing had just stopped. The claws that had originally grabbed Deathwing's head had to be changed and caught on the long tail of Deathwing's dragon.

  The hard dragon scales shattered, and five deep blood stains appeared, making Deathwing feel a pain.

Without waiting for Deathwing to take the next step, the huge dragon body tightened, and when Deathwing looked down, he saw two light bands, one white and one black, which restrained the dragon wings and the dragon body, making it temporarily unable to fly. , Start free fall motion.


  Deathwing struggled, and within a short time, he broke free from the shackles of the two light bands.

   But in just such a little time, the longan of Deathwing was obscured by countless colorful energies, and several powerful beams of light, **** of light, and light beams were already present.

   Deathwing had only time to release a water curtain technique, and was immediately overwhelmed by a large amount of energy.


Amid the strong roar, the scream of Deathwing screamed, and a huge dragon body fell from the energy tide that had not yet been fully diffused, and slammed heavily on the ground, staggering out a tens of meters deep. Giant pit.

   With the tonnage of Deathwing, it freely falls from a height of 100 meters, and the hard ground can't hold it.

Even if Deathwing's skin was thick and thick, it released another water curtain technique, but it was hit by several demon saint-level demon pets, and it was still unavoidable. Dragon blood spewed out from wounds indiscriminately, almost about to be a huge pit. Fill up.

   is just a round of offensive, and Deathwing has suffered a lot of trauma.

   The ear-piercing sound rang out again, and Deathwing rushed to an unprecedented panic. He almost subconsciously raised his head and spewed out a wave of acid breath again.

   In the sky, the monster pets have brewed a second round of long-range offensive.


   A strong roar sounded again, and countless black acid liquids splashed around, corroding large pits on the ground.

   After breaking the acid breath, countless Ambilight once again hit the Deathwing, staggering it, and the huge dragon body that just got up had to lie down in the huge pit again.

   The huge pit is obviously deeper, and Deathwing's injuries have also increased a lot, and more dragon blood shed.

   What makes Deathwing most desperate is that its bat-like dragon wings are severely damaged, and they are completely pulled down, becoming like a broken hole.

   Although it can fly without dragon wings, its speed and flexibility are undoubtedly compromised.

  Deathwing found desperately, now it is almost the same as the fish on the chopping board, it can be slaughtered.

   In desperation, Deathwing did not give up hope, and took out a crystal-like scepter.

   This is a semi-artifact space scepter, which stores a variety of space skills, including plane shuttle.

   Death Wings shuttled across the plane, trying to break the space.

   What makes it more desperate is that this space is as strong as an iron wall. No matter how half-sacred artifacts are showing their power, only wisps of spatial fluctuations emerge, not even a spatial crack.

   This is embarrassing!

In fact, Large forbidden formations generally have the ability to stabilize space, not to mention Hunyuan Heluo forbidden formations. In terms of space stability, they are probably second only to Zhou Tianxingdou, Du Tianshen, and Zhu Xian. Wait for the ban.

   Taking advantage of Deathwing's stunned effort, Chilong flicked its thick and long tail and slammed it on its dragon face fiercely.


   Under the huge and unusual force, Deathwing was shot to the ground involuntarily.


   The remaining few demon pets didn't let go of the opportunity to beat down the water dragon, they also rushed forward, making Deathwing's injury more and more serious.

   Deathwing's struggle became weaker and weaker. After a few breaths, he couldn't struggle anymore and fell directly into a coma.

   "Stop, don't kill it!"

   Li Changsheng immediately stopped. If it wasn't for the purpose of capturing Deathwing alive, he didn't need to deploy.

  In the eyes of Li Changsheng, the value of the living ancestral black dragon is naturally far more valuable than the dead ancestral black dragon.

   The demon pets hurriedly stopped, and even released a healing circle for Deathwing during the day, forcibly healing the wounds of Deathwing, and avoiding the death of the opponent due to excessive blood.

   Deathwing opened the Longan feebly, and his eyes were full of humiliation. It had never been so humiliated in its entire life.

   After defeating Deathwing, the next thing is naturally to gain. As a divine beast, it is still a wealthy ancestral dragon. If nothing else, Deathwing's family background must be extremely rich.

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