Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1203: Thunder Ancestor Titan

In the dawn world, the wishing stone is also known as a typical treasure with small and broad.

   Of course, all prerequisites must have high-level treasures within the scope of the prayer, otherwise the gain will not be worth the loss.

   The lower-grade wishing stone has a praying range of only a hundred miles. Li Changsheng wants to maximize the effectiveness of the lower-grade wishing stone. The best choice is forbidden land.

   There are many forbidden areas in the dark regions. Most of them are the domains of powerful monsters, or they are formed because of too harsh environment.

   There are three forbidden places near the IELTS city-state, namely Roaring Stone Forest, Crimson Sand Sea and Death Plains.

   Roaring Stone Forest is the territory of the Ancestral Titans. Rumor has it that there is more than one Ancestral Titan. Because the Ancestral Titans sometimes roar like thunder, this is called the Roaring Stone Forest.

  The Scarlet Sand Sea has the widest range, covering thousands of miles, surrounded by nearly ten city-states. There are many monsters here, and they are even more fascinating, making it impossible to guard against.

According to legend, the Death Plains was a battlefield in ancient times. It is rumored that the number of people who died reached an exaggerated number of tens of millions. There was no sunlight in the gloomy area, so under the accumulation of a large amount of dead energy, it was covered by black air all the year round. .

   Among the three forbidden options, the Crimson Sand Sea was directly eliminated. There is no alternative. The Crimson Sand Sea is too large, and the lower-grade wishing stone has only a hundred-mile radius.

  Death Plains is an ancient battlefield, and it has been shrouded in death and resentment all the year round. Basically these treasures are produced, and most of them are of no use to Li Changsheng.

   Li Changsheng is more inclined to roar the stone forest. It happens to be only a hundred miles away, and it is said that there is more than one ancestral Titan.

   Like the ancestral dragon, the ancestor Titan is also in the category of divine beasts, and can reach the demon saint level as long as it grows up.

   Although the ancestor Titans do not regard money as their fate like dragons, they will also collect them consciously.

   If the treasure is within a strong restriction, it will not be within the scope of the lower-grade wish stone.

In addition, if the wish is successful, the person who has obtained the treasure will be brightened, just like an angel emitting holy light, and the higher the level of the treasure obtained, the higher the brightness, and it is easy to be attacked by groups. .

  What I have to say here is that Roaring Stone Forest happens to be on the border of the city-state of Lena.

   Within a quarter of an hour, Li Changsheng drove Ashe into the city-state of Lena.

   It didn't take long for the roaring Stone Forest to enter Li Changsheng's eyes.

   There are huge boulders here, and it is extremely wide, and it looks quite magnificent.

  In this stone forest, there are a large number of giants. Li Changsheng saw the cyclops, the giants of the earth and the giants of the mountains on the periphery.

   Ai Xi didn't stop, getting closer to the center of the Roaring Stone Forest.

   The scope of the lower-grade wishing stone is limited, so Li Changsheng naturally wants to maximize the interest, even if he takes some risks for it, he doesn’t hesitate to do so.

   Although he might not be able to beat the master of Roaring Stone Forest, at the exaggerated speed of Ashe, even the demon emperor-class ancestor Titans could not catch up.

   If he can catch up, Li Changsheng will have a big deal and return to the fairy world. How can the other party chase him? If he really catches up, Li Changsheng is afraid that he will laugh to death.

   With the nature of the fairy world, even if the demon emperor-class ancestor Titan breaks in, I am afraid it will usher in a fall.

   Under the premise of ensuring his own safety, Li Changsheng naturally wants to maximize interest.

   Soon, Ashe approached the central area of ​​Roaring Stone Forest.

  The closer to the center, the more often the giants appear. Those who don’t know think this is the kingdom of giants.

   There is no doubt that these giants are all dependents of the ancestor Titans.

   After Ashe stopped, Li Changsheng landed on a huge rock that stood like a sword.

   Li Changsheng pierced his index finger and dropped a drop of half-red and half-gold blood on the lower-grade prayer stone.

   After being activated by the blood, the lower-grade wishing stone floated automatically, exuding a soft brilliance from outside.

   "Pray for the most precious treasure in this area!"

   Li Changsheng muttered to himself, the so-called most precious treasures are naturally at the limit set by the lower-grade prayer stones, that is, the treasures below the Zifu rare treasures, and the highest is the middle-grade world wonders.

   With the end of Li Changsheng’s prayer, the lower-grade prayer petrified into countless powders and dissipated in the wind, forming a milky white circle, spreading at a very exaggerated speed.

   just passed the distance of a hundred miles in the blink of an eye.

   The momentum of the lower-grade wishing stone was amazing, and it naturally shocked the creatures in the range.

   At this moment, the roaring stone forest became like a downtown, and the roar of various giants resounded through the sky.

   After three or four seconds passed, suddenly, a stream of light rushed out from the center of the roaring stone forest and hovered straight in front of Li Changsheng.

   This is naturally the most precious treasure within a hundred miles.


   Not waiting for the treasure to be restrained, suddenly, two passionate roars resounded through the world one after another, accompanied by two imposing auras.

   Because of being closer, Li Changsheng felt the same way. He felt his body sank and he obviously felt the pressure.

   Li Changsheng can judge that this is a demon saint-level aura, but it is obviously different from the usual demon saint-level aura.

   "Two-headed ancestor Titans?"

   Li Changsheng couldn't be sure that Roaring Stone Forest had only two ancestor Titans. Even if there were really only two, he would not have much confidence in taking them down.

Under the premise that the future Sumidan cannot be used, Li Changsheng is really not necessarily the opponent of the two ancestral Titans, not to mention there are so many giants ~ There must be many demon king and even demon saints .

   For the first time, Li Changsheng took away the treasure floating in front of him.

   At the moment Li Changsheng took away the treasure, his whole body burst into a strong brilliance, and he felt like a little sun, invisible.

   Li Changsheng was not surprised and rejoiced, because it represented that this treasure was of a high grade, and it was afraid that it had reached the level of a world wonder.

   There is no doubt that this bet is right.

   At this moment, two huge figures standing upright appeared in Li Changsheng's eyes.

   Really stand upright!

   The sky in the gloomy region is limited in height, and on top is a layer of land with a thickness of more than 10,000 meters. These two giants are about 300 meters in height. They are ten giants, and they are also the largest giants Li Changsheng has ever seen.

   The two giants are entwined with the thunder, like a thunder **** descends to the earth, but they are recognized as the strongest thunder ancestor titans among the ancestors.

   At this moment, the gazes of the two Thunder ancestor Titans fell on Li Changsheng's body, the anger in his eyes seemed to be sprayed out, and he rushed over here.

   Judging from the angry eyes of the ancestor Titans, this treasure is definitely their precious collection.

   Ashe under Li Changsheng's crotch swallowed, she couldn't help feeling nervous under these two mighty powers.

   "Aish, let's go!"

   Li Changsheng drove Ashe turned around and ran, and had no idea of ​​fighting them at all.

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