Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1089: The mutation of the two-headed dragon

After receiving the teleportation array from the plane of the elves, Li Changsheng wanted to go in and observe one or two, and by the way, all the remaining moon elves would be wiped out. Maybe he would get other gains.

The teleportation array of the Elf Plane is located between Huizhou and Yecheng, and at the speed of Ashe, it will not take long to reach it.

But before that, he still has to see King Hu Luo Qingning.

As long as Luo Qingning is persuaded, the situation in Langya country will be initially stabilized.

Since Luo Qingning was still guarding the fortress and couldn't leave at all, Li Changsheng had to go there in person.

The first gate of the abyss is located at the junction of Huizhou and Luzhou.

The map of Langya country is like this, centered on the capital Yecheng, and then surrounded by Yuanzhou, Huizhou and Luzhou.

Therefore, the city of Ye and the first gate of the abyss were only a few hundred miles away, and at the speed of Ashe, they could reach it in a quarter of an hour.


Only when he was on the way, Li Changsheng was shocked, and a smile appeared on his face.

In an instant, Li Changsheng and Ai Xi disappeared, but they entered a secret realm.

In the secret realm, there is a site specially designated by Li Changsheng as a training ground, which has the best equipment and training conditions, as well as special training places such as the gravity room and the gravity room.

At this moment, a group of demon pets formed a large circle, and their eyes fell on the two-headed dragon lying on the ground.

Originally, the two-headed dragon was still training hard, but it didn't complete the training, and suddenly fell to the ground.

Such a change caused the demon pets who were still training nearby to surround themselves.

"Don't panic, everyone, the two-headed dragon should be in a state of bloodline transformation!"

Kailan hurriedly reminded her that she was still very weak and did not participate in training, but she still performed her supervisory duties and did not give the demon pets a chance to be lazy.

After receiving Kailan's reminder, the demon pets remembered the speciality of the double-headed dragon, as long as a period of time has passed, they will enter a state of bloodline transformation.

However, as the blood vessel concentration deepens, the cycle is constantly lengthening.

The last time the bloodline changed, it has been half a year, and it was passively activated with the dragon dragon jade.

At this moment, nine colors of brilliance appeared on the double-headed dragon, and the monster pets could no longer see the double-headed dragon clearly.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng riding Ashe suddenly appeared, staring at the huge nine-color ball of light.

From the feedback of mental strength, Li Changsheng was able to determine that the two-headed dragon was indeed in a state of bloodline transformation, which also inspired him.

If nothing else, after this bloodline transformation, the strength of the double-headed dragon will surely be greatly improved, and then it will be able to help.

Until this time, the two-headed dragon finally appeared in evolutionary white light.

At the same time, the nearby metal, water and earth energies quickly converged, and were swallowed by the two-headed dragon in a blink of an eye.

The two-headed dragon is like a dissatisfied young woman, devouring three kinds of energy madly.

Click~ Click~ Click~

Li Changsheng acted immediately, smashing a batch of middle-level demon cores with three attributes, and supplying the energy needed for the bloodline transformation of the double-headed dragon.

With the supply of Li Changsheng, the three-color energy of the two-headed giant dragon, the white light of the evolution of the body surface gradually permeated the whole body, completely enveloping it.

In the process of waiting, the volume of the three-color light group is increasing, and the color is gradually deepening, accompanied by an increasingly rich Longwei.

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When the light group reached its peak, it suddenly turned into a mighty and mighty dragon **** phantom.

This dragon **** phantom has nine faces, which is the legendary nine-faced dragon **** phantom, except that it has only three colors.

After the nine-faced dragon **** phantom was completely formed, a silent dragon chant was heard from the sky, and it swooped down fiercely, covering the double-headed dragon with wings covering the sky and the sun.

The moment the two touched, the Nine-faced Dragon God phantom began to fluctuate violently, and the color was also fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the physique of the two-headed dragon skyrocketed rapidly, and Longwei was in a state of transformation, faintly surpassing the secondary ancestor dragon.

Soon, the phantom of the nine-faced dragon **** disappeared.

In an instant, there was a crackling sound from the two-headed dragon. In the painful muffled sound, the sarcoma on the right side of the two-headed dragon swelled frantically. The bigger the drum, it seemed that something was about to rush out.


It didn't take long to wait, the huge sarcoma shattered, and an earth-yellow dragon's head was drilled out. It was carved out of the same mold as the brass dragon's head. The fame evolved from a two-headed dragon to a three-headed dragon.

After successfully evolving, the three-headed dragon did not open the longan, and still lay quietly on the ground.

Obviously, the three-headed dragon intends to take the opportunity to break through, and it is now much better than the obvious one before, and has a great opportunity to break through the Demon King rank.

In just over two minutes, the body surface of the three-headed giant dragon began to show the mysterious energy, and its size began to skyrocket.


Soon, the sound of the broken portal sounded, and the size of the three-headed dragon continued to soar, and it could not stop until the body length exceeded seventy meters.

In terms of size, even the secondary ancestor red dragon is not as good as the three-headed dragon, and there is a big difference in weight between the two. After all, the three-headed dragon has three heads.

It didn’t take long for the three-headed dragon finally opened Nuoda’s longan and stood up from the ground. The three heads raised up to the sky and sent out a dragon chant like a mountain whistling and a accompanied by powerful anomalies. Long Wei.

At this moment, the inferior ancestor dragon only felt a sinking heart, and felt oppressed at all.

On the contrary, there was no riot in the Dragon's Den, ten miles away, and the three-headed dragon's Longwei and Longyin were directly forbidden to resolve.

"Okay, stop calling!"

Li Changsheng had to scream, the dragon power of the three-headed dragon is too strong, and the demon king-level demon pets are okay, but the nearby demon pets and wild goblins that have not yet reached the demon king level have suffered, and they are all lying on the ground at this moment. , Trembling in shock.

If this continues, there must be no loss.

The three-headed dragon hurriedly shut up, trying to conquer the dragon, and the three pairs of dragons showed apologetic eyes.

It is a step-by-step transformation from the golden armored flying dragon, not as arrogant as the ordinary dragon.

For the first time, Li Changsheng looked forward to the information of the three-headed dragon.

[Fairy name]: Three-headed dragon (growth stage, semi-divine beast, comprehend the profound meaning, greatly enhance the power of the skill; the protection of the profound meaning: exempt part of the damage, mainly depending on the opponent's realm.) The foundation of the demon pet has improved its physical fitness by 20%. Absorb the dragon and dragon pattern jade, improve the physical fitness of the monster pet by 30%, and improve the purity of the dragon dragon. 》

[Fairy Realm]: Demon King Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: Perfect Master

[Fairy Quality]: Epic

[Fairy Bloodline]: Nine-faced Dragon God (majestic)

[Fairy attributes]: gold, water, soil

[Fairy State]: Health "The state of returning to the ancestors of the blood, the combat power is extremely weak, the state is sluggish, and it is very easy to die. It needs meticulous care and replenishing massive energy at all times to complete the return. The return of blood fails, the fairy will die directly"

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