Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1060: The Night King Strikes

Latest website: After waiting for a few hours, Kailan flew back, but the Demon King White Dragon Reichfields was not seen.

After receiving Li Changsheng's order, Richfields secretly hung behind the elders of the outer gate of the sunset sect, until he left Daiguo, he finally attacked the elders of the outer gate of the sunset sect.

Unprepared, the flying demon pet directly died under the crotch of the sunset sect elder, causing him to fall into a state of mental shock.

This is exactly how Li Changsheng taught Richfields. The opponent is not a king. As long as the opponent falls into a state of mental shock, it can delay the time required for the opponent to summon the demon pet or use teleportation.

Use this time difference to capture the opponent in one fell swoop.

From the beginning to the end, Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​killing the other party, because for a large sect like Sunset Sect, if the outer sect elder died, Sunset Sect was afraid that he would get news immediately, but it was easy to get angry.

After capturing the elder of the Outer Sect of the Sun Sect, Richfields flew straight into a barren land, preparing to stay here for a while.

As for how the sunset sect elders will deal with it, they will make a decision at that time.

Taking a step back, even if the Sunset Sect got the news ahead of time, it was a wild demon king white dragon who captured the outer elder of the Sunset Sect, what to do with him, Li Changsheng!

The reason why Li Changsheng did this was mainly because he felt that he and Sunset Sect would not be able to reconcile, after all, the energy fluctuations emitted by that seed were too strong.

If nothing else, the Sunset Sect would probably know the information about this seed, at least some information.

Therefore, Li Changsheng judged that the Sunset Sect would not give up easily, and he would not let go of the problem. In this way, contradictions between the two parties are likely to occur and hidden dangers are planted.

If you wait until the Dark Night King comes to commit the crime, if the Sunset Sect joins forces with the Dark Night King, it will cause a big setback.

Li Changsheng mainly wanted to make a time difference, and first solve the night king.

Three days were fleeting, and it was also on this day that Li Changsheng faintly felt as if something had left him.

This is an inexplicable premonition, but it can be felt that after three months, the temporary blessing has left him.

Li Changsheng still cares about temporary family members, which means that he has a three-month safety period, which guarantees his life safety to a large extent.

If it hadn’t been for the temporary blessings, Li Changsheng would have been hiding like a mouse, and he would not be able to practice peacefully in the country. What's more, the possibility of finding him by the dark night king inheriting the cursed king is very high. After all, the night king He still has his hair and blood in his hands as a medium.

However, if you want to obtain temporary blessings again, you can only become the number one talent in the secret realm again in the next secret realm of heaven, but there are still nine months left.

During this period, Li Changsheng must be as careful as possible, it is best not to show too much limelight, so as not to be missed.

However, this is not easy!

"Come here very fast!"

When the sky dimmed, Li Changsheng had a feeling in the dark that the dark night king Dou Cangqiang had already entered the border of Daiguo.

Li Changsheng and Zhao Yuanqing jointly control the dynasty, and they use heaven as a proof. Therefore, if a king or above enters the dynasty, they will be warned by heaven.

It's not that there is no way to circumvent the warning of Heaven's Path, as long as there is a corresponding pass.

The problem is that the countries that each pass can pass through are different. If you want to enter the dynasty without knowing it, only the pass issued by the Royal Palace or the Lingdi Building will do, and the rest issued by the emperor and emperor Passes are not among them.

The Lingdi Building is a loose organization formed by the Lingdi himself.

In fact, most of the three emperors and six emperors also have similar organizations, in addition to mutual checks and balances, mainly to achieve a certain purpose.

In addition to the Dark Night King, Li Changsheng also felt two kings, and he did not know whether it was Langya Kingdom coming out of the nest, or the Dark Night King's heavy-gold helper.

After entering the Dai Kingdom, the night king Dou Cangqiong flew straight to the hurricane fortress with his helper.

The Dark Night King Dou Cangqiang was also helpless. Because Li Changsheng's progress was so fast, he had to enter the urn even if he knew that the opponent was taking advantage of the home court.

In addition to the night king and his two helpers, some kings who heard the wind rushed to the border of Daiguo, but they were all intercepted by Luo Yuanjun's men to avoid twists and turns.

In the void not far from the Daiguo, when Luo Yuanjun was about to enter the Daiguo to plunder for Li Changsheng, a woman in a palace costume stopped him.

"King Aoki, please stay!"

Seeing the incoming person, Luo Yuanjun's eyes were full of vigilance, and he instantly recognized the person's identity.

Luo Yuanjun faintly guessed something, but still asked: "King Ming Cang, you are not waiting by His Majesty Xuanhuang, why are you here?"

Like Kun Wang Yan Wanling, Hadesang King is also a descendant of Xuanhuang, but she is much older than Yan Wanling, and she is also the direct descendant that Xuanhuang values ​​most.

The most important thing is her strength. Like Luo Yuanjun, she is also a top double character king.

Luo Yuanjun believed that he was strong, but he really didn't have the confidence to defeat King Hades. After all, he had just become the top double-character king, and the other party was the descendant of the Xuanhuang most important, it was inevitable in terms of background.

However, being the same as the top double-character king, even if the King of Hades defeated Luo Yuanjun, he would have to spend a huge amount of effort, and he would kill a thousand enemies, and he would have a great possibility of harming himself by 800.

"The Dark Night King has used the Profound Emperor's Order and has to come!"

King Pluto was also very helpless, and she didn't want to do such a drudgery that offended people, but there was no way.

The Dark Night King had helped the Emperor Xuan who hadn't obtained the Tao in his early years, and finally the Emperor Xuanhuang gave him a Profound Emperor Order. This time, in order to kill Li Changsheng, he had to use the Profound Emperor Order.

Originally, Dark Night King wanted Xuanhuang to send someone to help him kill Li Changsheng, but Xuanhuang was afraid of the emperor behind Li Changsheng. In order to avoid causing disputes between the emperors, Xuanhuang did not agree.

As the emperor, the human emperor may not be the strongest, but the Xuan emperor is definitely at the bottom. After all, the emperor has gained the Tao for hundreds of and the human emperor has nearly ten thousand years, unless the Xuanhuang You have to be talented far beyond the emperor, otherwise the gap in the background cannot be erased so easily.

As an emperor, the talent of the emperor can be imagined, how could there be such a big gap, especially the emperor was the holder of the youngest king, which was recently broken by Li Changsheng. recording.

After being rejected by Emperor Xuan, King Dark Night had to retreat to second place, hoping that Emperor Xuan would send someone to stop the people in the imperial palace, as long as they did not interfere.

This time, Emperor Xuan had agreed to King Dark Night's request, so he sent King Dark Blue and her staff.

"Qingmu King, I can guarantee that I won't shoot Li Changsheng. By the way, I have the recently picked Jiuqu mist tea here. Please also taste it!"

In order to alleviate the atmosphere, King Hades moved out an exquisite coffee table and made a gesture of invitation to Luo Yuanjun.

Luo Yuanjun was helpless and had no choice but to do it, but he was also a kind man. He spoke to Li Changsheng thousands of miles, told him what had happened here, and made him prepare for an early evacuation. He would give a certain amount. Support.

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