White lilies and purple sunflowers.

When I was young, I was sold by my real parents and brought to my sisters. What I was waiting for was an intense training day, which should be called abuse.

Most people can't survive the first month.

Meals are given once every three days. If you are hungry, you will be beaten for the training of hunger strike, so you will steal people's eyes and enter the mountain, eat nuts and insects to satisfy hunger, and rinse muddy water to mislead thirst.

Every day was a life of death.

Low performers fatten the fields and kill each other to increase purity. I don't think it's a sane custom.

Ziyanghua's heart gradually rubbed off as she spent those days, and one day, as she put one friend in her hand, it shattered with a sound.

She still remembers the feeling that took her friend's life.

Both hands were dyed bright red. I lost the light from my eyes, and the lights of my life were blown by the wind and disappeared.

I had no choice but to kill him.

There were only two frames.

Blood tears pass through my cheeks.

Two girls died that day.

After that, she lived to save her beloved sister from this hell. My sister proved her worth by continuing to maintain her superior grades to those born in Sato, and I asked for her life support to the upper level of Sato as a reward. To buy time to break this situation.

From her point of view, the conclusion that she would destroy the city was relatively mild. For her, who was irrationally sold by her parents and sent to hell, there was no grudge against the village, and no in-laws... "

Besides, they have no real freedom as long as we don't destroy the city. Sato will never forgive a traitor. It was clear that if I ran away, they would chase me to the end of the earth.

Therefore, she had a connection with the Tokugawa family. It is not enough for me to destroy my city by myself. The children can't miss the horns, and the filthy adults can't miss it alone. The siege was annihilated. We were able to borrow soldiers from the Tokugawa family for that purpose.

And the graduation ceremony of the training center.

I was swallowed up by the sea of fire in no time.

Thus, a girl achieved her revenge.

Dream of freedom, vengeance and a future with light.

Don't even know what's waiting for you.

The voice was like a ray of light casting into the darkness.


"... Lotus?"

Ziyanghua turned her gaze toward her voice in a daze. There was a loving sister who repeatedly breathed roughly while holding her chest, and a figure of shore flowers standing gently next to her.

Cold sweat travels through my cheeks. Although it was unexpected that the lotus had appeared, Ziyang Hua had not been informed of the correct placement in the first place. If so, I wouldn't have had an unexpected encounter with my sister.

However, his assumptions were different.

(...... the blood returns to the cheeks. Even though, I don't see any scratches that look like scratches.... you're kidding. She and her infarct have more assassins than any other. You said it was intact and overwhelming!?)

You're a monster, right?

Why are you here? Yes, sooner than I asked, Lotus saw the little sword attached to the neck of the pine and rushed out in a flash.

"No, noooo!!"

At the same time, the lotus disappeared. Shrinkage... no, it's still rough. It has not reached that point. But I was able to surprise Ziyang Flower.



The lotus that dived into his nostrils first played the side of the small sword attached to the neck of the pine with a kunai, and he stretched out his right hand in that momentum...... It was also knocked down by the sword of the purple sunflower. It's as if you've read through everything.

Every time the lotus moved, the lotus was just a little bit outnumbered. Every time I moved, I dug a grave and was cornered a little bit more. Lotus understood that too. I managed to replace the mistake. However, every time I attacked, my posture collapsed a little, and I turned back a little bit.

Skill. It's just the difference in skill.

"... ahhh!! I'm still ahhhhhh!!"

But Lotus hadn't given up yet. When I stepped in to crawl on the ground, I jumped at Ziyang Flower as it floated diagonally. The difference in height between the two is about ten centimeters. Since the lotus was the opponent, Ziyanghua hesitated to wave her little sword and tried to distance herself by waving her sword again while taking a backstep.

However, the decision was slow on one hand.

As if to scare off the sword of Ziyang Flower, her right hand, which was stretched out a lot, reached her chest ─ ─ Instantly, Ziyang Flower's left arm disappeared, and a crack entered the ground centered on the lotus's stepped foot. Trampling. A vast amount of energy crushes the earth and hits Ziyanghua through the lotus's body.


Ziyang Flower was blown away by raising the soil smoke without any tricks before using its powerful power.

Earth smoke blows across the surrounding area, accompanied by tremendous sounds. Silence. While breathing on his shoulders, the lotus kept watching while staring at the end of the smoke. Even as she tried to walk up to the pine, it was stopped by the plum and bamboo that sneaked behind her.

"- Huh!?!?"

”... stop the bleeding”

It's not a monstrosity, so you can't just leave the bleeding in your neck.


Pokari and the two who spit poison while lightly hitting the head of the pine, enter the first aid with good manners. Fortunately, the wound is shallow. At this rate, there's nothing wrong with life.

"... haha. You're totally overreacting." It wasn't strange to be slaughtered like that. How can I tell the Third Master that the pine was slashed to death by Ziyang Flower? "

"... it's too short-circuited... idiot"

"... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, There's nothing I can do about it.... I feel guilty. I also feel responsible as a person who draws the blood of the chief. If she wants revenge, I'm obliged to take the sole."

Gilly and Pine bite their back teeth hard.

A consciousness of sin that has killed so many victims. And the ethics cultivated by the encounter with the three mages did not make it good to escape from Ziyanghua like this.

However, Kishihana kicked such a pine tangle.

"But Pine didn't do anything, did he?" What's wrong is the grown-ups in the city, right? I don't think you need to worry about the pine. It's not necessary for the pine to bear anything because it's our leader. "

What's the matter!?

Astonished. Even the shore flowers were sold as well as the purple sunflowers. There will be anger. You have a grudge. However, there was no sign of such dust in the shore flower, which spoke softly.

With such a gaze, Kishihana turned to face the other side while scratching her cheeks.

"No, that's right ~ I think there's something about me, too." But the master is already dead, and I'm not returning the hatred knot to the dead.... I know how Ziyang Flower feels a little bit too. I don't really want to remember that time either. "

I could see a moment's shadow in the other shoreflower's eyes. I don't know what she saw.

But, um...

"... but the pine is nothing wrong." It is the upper levels of the city that should pay for their sins, and the revenge was done by Ziyang Hana that day. Then that's where the sins were laid to rest. You don't have to pay for your sins because the pines you survive are your bloodline.... and if Ziyanghua's revenge was to be a legitimate right, it had to stop there. I couldn't allow it to go any further. "


He turned straight ahead. The tightly gripped hem creates a deep wrinkle, and the painfully distorted expression conveys the conflict between his shore flowers.

Ziyang Flower is a hero to Shaft Flower. A hero who put an end to nightmares. I loved it.

Therefore, I no longer wanted to see the tears of Ziyang Flower. "I knew she'd been crying ever since that day..."

[I wanted to stop. I wanted to stop.]

Pine, whose confession conveyed such a tightening of her heart, was ashamed of her stupidity. I was ashamed of the shallowness of thinking that I was going to end this revenge drama wet with sadness by dying.

(Without even thinking about how he felt about Ziyang Flower's betrayal... I'm, I 'm-)

A tear spreads across my cheek. At some point, a man standing beside her was turning his arm around the shoulder of the pine.

Pine is too serious.

"...... Tsubaki"

"If you're a real bad guy, you don't even remember the vices of the past." Until now, I've been regretting it. I've always forgotten about the children who died. I'll live without forgetting the rest of my life.... but I think the pine deserves to be forgiven. "

"...... ah"

Sight is distorted. Pines try to bite their teeth and lie face down. However, Tsuji slapped her shoulder and made her stop. Still, if you want to make amends for your sins, you can't just take your eyes off them for a second.

"From now on, it's the children's problem." It's innocent to stand in the way.... so let's see what we can do. "

"... yeah, that's right. Let's do that. After all, this is her choice. Believe me, let's get her ready.... and I'm sure there's only one person in the world who can save Ziyang Hua's heart."

With that said, the pine wiped its eye area with the hem and moved away from the hammer. Those eyes are pointed straight at the girls. Looks like we made a deal in the pine.

Bamboo and plum also pulled out their right hand from their chest to agree with the pines. It must have been an attempt to intercept them. Sounds like they're the ones.

After a while, my sight slowly began to return to its original state.

Earth smoke clears up.

The time for settlement was approaching.

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