Nobuyasu Maida, Kiikuni, September 11th, Tensho

Unable to withstand the shock of shaking the earth, she unexpectedly leaned on one knee and laid her face down. The next thing I heard was the wings of a bird that flew away at once, and it was like something exploded.

"Oh, what the hell happened!?"

While upset by the sudden event, he immediately raised his face and asked around him. Earthquake, fire, or thunder. The answer immediately spread out in front of her.

Burning Hercules. Black smoke rising high in the sky. The screaming screams echoed at the birds who ran away. Judging by this situation, this is definitely a fire.

(Was it the end of the fire... or were you preparing for the morning ceremony...?)

I look at the black smoke abhorrently. Whatever the reason, it was clear that the fire would disrupt the plan significantly.

However, that thought quickly disappeared from my mind, and instead a cold sweat stroked my cheek.

Yes... I've noticed. Find out where that black smoke is coming from. What's in that direction?

"That's... in the direction of Koyasan..."

I mumbled the name in a daze.

While staring at the black smoke in a daze, I suddenly heard the sound of breaking a twig from my foot.


At the tip of the gaze are broken twigs and a faint trail of retreating footprints. Apparently, he retreated unconsciously and broke the twig.

But thanks to it, I was able to go back to my senses.

"Somebody! Is somebody there!!!"

Looking around for figures. Then, I saw a man rushing towards me from behind, exhausted.

When the man arrived at me in a desperate shape, he put his hand on his knee as he exhaled.

"Oh, Maida-sama! Hee, the fire... the fire...!"

”Nh...... well, just calm down”

Looking at the frantic behavior, I quickly regained my coolness for some reason. Apparently, when you look at people who are more emotional than you, you can relax around you. He drew water from the well and handed it to him by the barrel.

Immediately thereafter, he covered his head with a barrel of water what he thought.

"...... What about you?"

Being too surprised by the unexpected behavior, he had turned the ugliness of earlier into a grim face like a lie.... he seemed to be right about that.

"Report! Koyasan Shingon Buddhist territory has begun to fire!" The cause is unknown! The trees are not burning, and the hand of fire is spreading around the main hall! Currently, the monks are being chased by the fire! "

What's the source?

"Ha! I'm one of the people who was monitoring the Koyasan Shingon sect." The identity of the person is also certain, and after checking the roster with multiple names, the face and name match, so it is highly credible. I also checked it with my own eyes. It is definitely in the things we have prepared! "

"... I see."

With the man who reports deeply lying flat on his back, I put my hand on my chin and put my thoughts together.

First of all, this guy is definitely on our side. My name was Rokuro... I'm sure. It was about the middle of the Pink River crowd. It looks familiar.

In that case, you can also trust the report of the observation I mentioned earlier. If you have confirmed your identity with multiple names, you can't fake it, and the fact that only one person has returned is one of the factors that enhances your credibility.

If you count back from the fire, and the objects arranged at equal intervals run to Ponkawa Temple, it's funny if you're not alone. That explosion must have ignited the gunpowder some time after the fire broke out. The armory is completely separated from the main hall.

And although this is a guess, I am convinced that it is true.... that fire is arson. It is not an accident or spontaneous fire. Someone must have maliciously set fire to a building in the area.

After all, it's too convenient for a building to burn without being burned by the trees. That place is in the middle of the mountains! It is impossible if it is not intentional.

Now, isn't it possible that someone made a gap so that we could get in?


”Too much to miss that...... the battlefield is not sweet”

Murmuring his teeth. I don't know whose idea it is, and I don't have any guarantee that this isn't a trap. However, it is certain that Koyasan Shingon Buddhism is in the midst of chaos, and it cannot be denied that it is a good opportunity for Senrokuichi to enter now.

As a general who keeps an army, you must not give priority to personal feelings that you don't like.


You picked up my mumbling slightly, and Rokuro turned his head and turned his gaze to me. I walked to the main hall to shake off the gaze.

Is everyone already gathered?

Haha! Ladies and gentlemen, we are waiting for you at the main hall for Maida!

"... I see. Thank you very much." I'll be out in a minute. You should be ready for battle, too. "

"Haha! I understand." Excuse me! "

After a brief farewell, I quickly headed to the main hall. Rokuro promptly reported important information. As a subordinate, I take it for granted, but thanks to that, I can respond quickly.

If it were true, I would have thanked you more thoroughly, but I'm running out of time right now. Understanding that, Rokuro quickly returned to his position.

A very wise man. When this battle is over, I'd love to have it. With that thought, I opened the door leading to the main hall.

Fortunately, the main hall was not too far from the well where I was and I arrived immediately. Everyone gathered at the end of the garden and turned their attention to me.

“I'm sorry I kept you waiting.”

Lowering his head slightly, a man moves forward. A representative of the Pink River Crowd.

Do you want me to take care of you?

I'm going out.


There was no subject, but I answered instantly when I understood what I was going to say. In response, everyone turned to look at him in amazement.

"But... there's a fire going on in the mountains." Shouldn't we evacuate here for a while? "

But then, I'm going to miss out on this opportunity.


Do you have any thoughts about what I'm saying, man? Looking sideways at it, I held my spear high in the sky.

"Hear me! A thousand soldiers!" The previous fire only burned down the building without burning down the trees. In other words, this flame is the punishment that the Shinto Buddha inflicted on Koyasan Shingon Buddhism! It's a sacred torch to cleanse them of their sins!! "


The rumbling spreads.

"They trampled on the teachings of the Buddha and fell to the outer road." Without guiding the believers. They oppressed a people with no power. Drink. Scavenge women. I'm selling the child off. It's the road!! A sinful beast that is inferior to a goddamn animal. The deed deserves to be done by touching the backscatter of the Shinto Buddha. That torch is a testament to that!! "

I turned my spear toward the black smoke and turned my body toward you all at once. Because of the exhilaration, everyone's cheeks were hot and clutching their dominant hand.

Declare to incite it.

"In the previous war, the Shinto Buddha rescued the plight of Omi no Mori-sama by raining thunder." He was loved by God. It was recognized as an instrument for building a world of peace in this Hinomoto! And the Shinto Buddha was marked by the Holy Torch that Koyasan Shingon Buddhism is the evil that keeps the world of peace away! The cause is ours!! My brethren. To save the suffering people, I will send a heavenly gift to the impotent!!! "


Everyone screams with their arms up. Morale reaches its climax, and everyone gets drunk on themselves who make the right path. Because the road to the hero I imagined when I was a child was there.

"I have to go out!!!"

Just follow the arranged path.

Even though I felt such a strange feeling, I walked to Koyasan to shake it off.

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