Ten Years of Ten Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten

The response that invited the public officials showed a real boom that could be described as a great success.While the sun has fallen in the ancient days, the lights leaking from Anjo Castle shine dazzling light on the Anjo ruled by darkness.

When it's time to cross the day, I'll leave the hall.

Drink alcohol as you wish, pouring your tongue on delicacies you can't usually taste.With such an endless laugh on my back, I went to the rendezvous point.

Takamaru was already in front of the room, and as soon as he checked my appearance, he lay flat.

"Three Wizards, you are already here."

Thank you, Takamaru.


Takamaru thanked him again and quietly opened the lid and opened it beside him.Entering without time, there were four elders illuminated by candle lights.

Sit quietly in the upper seat as you go between four people lying flat on the ground with little light.

"Sorry to call you late at night.... let's discuss the future policy. "


The emergency council of elders began with the sound of a silently closed lion.

Emergency Elders' Meeting started in a secret room.The beginning was to be cut off from Kwon Six.

"Master Sanjuji-sama, I would like to ask you a few respectful questions."

I saw Kwon Lu with his mysterious expression and realized what he wanted to hear.

"Treatment of the public...?"


Kunroku replied briefly and narrowed down his thoughts.

"They are for those who manipulated the Tokubei and drew bows to the Oda family! If only they hadn't planned your assassination! You won't lose your memory! Odd people don't lose their lives! The Three Wizards never lost their family!!! "

Distort your face while trembling your big body.Now, I wonder if there are all kinds of emotions in Kwan Liu's chest.

Looking around, I realize that they all have sad expressions and the same feelings in their chests.

The elders know the truth about the Tenbei's treason.I know how Tokubei felt when he pulled his bow on his grandfather.

The day I told the elders the truth.Kunroku murmured, "You idiot..."

I wonder how much thoughts I had in that one word.You won't. You'll regret it.The Duke... you can't forgive the public.

... I know exactly how it feels to be in pain.

"How many people died because of their selfish schemes! How much blood has shed tears! They are... they are an indestructible enemy to the Oda family!!! Howdy, howdy! I would like to reconsider this time to the public!!! "

The grieving cry of Kwang-lu seemed to represent the thoughts of all those who served the Oda family.

I smile thinly at such a kung fu.

"I'm sorry to worry you.The sixth right is the most eloquent.I wouldn't have endured giving money and selling charm with all that humiliation.I didn't give enough attention... sorry. "

"Master Sanju....."

My words shake Kwon Liu's eyes.

"I should have told you from the beginning.I don't know where the public eye is, and as a result of prioritizing the secrecy of information, I worried about my loved ones.So I'm going to tell you everything right now. "

--I didn't say a word about forgiving them.

Cold... cold sounds all over the room.The unusual appearance of the first time I saw the Lord opened my eyes not only to Kunroku, but also to Goro and the left.

The LORD knew that he was prone to anger and sadness.And you can say that you're a kind person.

Therefore, the elder could not believe the sight in front of him.Even sinners can look at compassion.I didn't want to believe that in my angry emotions, someone with unseen kindness... had such eyes.

― ― The eyes of the Three Wizards contained definite hatred.

"The special grade is 1,000 stones per year.That's not a lie.The rest keep their promises. All the public houses and the Duke who were there shall be treated as privileged.... but at next year's council, I'll drop five people to first class.The first class shall be treated as 500 rocks per year.And in the following year, ten shall be dropped to the first grade, and three to the second grade.Grade 2 shall be treated as 200 rocks per year. "

...... giggle!

Talking indifferently about the plan, the elders began to blur in sight.Probably figured out what I thought.This... unexpected business.

"By now... the public will be laughing at the money I gave them.It will be floating that a good golden vine has been found.There, I will have Sohisa Imai cooperate and send the White Lily who have become merchants to the public house.They're funny people.It is obvious that we will do our best in luxury without thinking about it later. "

It turns out that the house is astonishingly poor.The Mansion is only old, and the Onboro Mansion cannot withstand rain leaks.Even if grandfather pays for the repair of the house, the priority is to fix the wall, so that the actual state of the house is not known from the outside.

What happens if they tell me that they should be luxurious... and show me their dazzling treasure?Dreaming of such a clear future fills me with black smiles.

"Can a person who has learned the luxury of a thousand rocks a year live 500 rocks a year... let alone 200 rocks a year? No, you'll definitely go crazy.We will not compromise the quality of life, and those who bear the debt will appear.I don't want to fall, but I want to pull down the people upstairs... and I want to kick them down.If they are obsessed with power and ugly, it is also easy to fall into the outer path. "

Speaking with a fan behind her mouth, she looked at us as if she had noticed something near her left.

"Was this what Sanji-sama used to say about the need to change the values?"

Respond with a smile to the most recent question on the left.

"That's right. We had to turn our attention to something else, to officials and to those who value the work of the court.That's why I took the next step.It's not a government position, it's like taking the money in front of each other. "

"How well does it go....."

Ask Kwon Six with a cold sweat, and answer him without a moment.

"It will take time, but it will definitely go according to the rest of your mind.That's how it works. Man is an accustomed creature.Anything new becomes commonplace in a month, habits in six months, and common sense in a year.Those who have been luxurious for a year... those who have learned sweet juice cannot return to their original lives.You'll scratch your feet miserably.Change the object of grudge from the Oda family to the competitor next door. "

Looking around, the elders are staring at me worried.I smiled thinly to reassure them.

"It's easy to kill.But I will never allow you to escape that sin when you're dead.To that extent, my anger will not subside.Therefore, without the Oda family, I would have to live.Forever and ever... dance crazy in my palm. "

Reaching out to your right hand, the candle lights gently illuminate the sole.In the small palm of his hand, he saw an unusually scratchy public house and the Duke.

A few days later, Kuzu Kintetsu took office in Kansai.Then, one by one, the Kinsai factions will monopolize the top positions.

Here, the kingdom of the Neighborhood reigned.

Thereafter, public officials other than the Kintetsu will never be employed again, and will follow the path of decline.

In the history of Japan, it is said that this disturbance, which provided an opportunity to distinguish clearly between the public and the Duke, was a plot by Hideyoshi Hashiba in future generations.

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