Under Chi Yao's instructions, Civet Mao soon sent a message to the gray power managers in the remaining six districts, inviting them to discuss a big deal.

But there were only two responders, the managers of District 8 and District 6 respectively. The managers of the other districts scorned Civet Cat's statement.

These people said that a "godfather" who did not know the details suddenly appeared out of thin air, and they did not believe that there could be any big business.

After the civet cat told Chi Yao the response of these gray power managers, Chi Yao fell into thinking.

"It seems that the civet cats are only in the middle and lower reaches among these people. The eighth and sixth districts share the same problem with the civet cats, so they are willing to help."

"The managers of the previous districts looked down upon Civet's small business, and they didn't believe that the godfather who had made a deal with Civet could bring about any big deal."

"Now, it's a bit difficult to deal with. The civet cat's own business has nothing to offer. How about trying effects such as enchantment? I don't know if Aquamarine has the materials. The original book does say that Rhett's fan blades are the magic side. There is a high probability that there will be other undiscovered materials in the Tranquility Grass." Chi Yao thought.

Chi Yao ordered the civet cat: "Get all the plant materials available on the market and move quickly."

"Yes." The civet cat responded and immediately led the people to purchase in person.

Three hours later, a pile of various plant materials had filled the lounge.

These are all the civet cats have tried their best to collect through various channels.

Chi Yao began to identify the materials with the help of the park's panels.

After confirming one by one, Chi Yaozhen found a material that could be used.

Green Silk Leaf (Awakening God Leaf)

Origin: Special area·Xinghai·Aquamarine

Quality: white

Category: Material

Effect: Taking it by soaking it in water can slightly cheer up your spirit, and you can make a refreshing potion through mixing and other methods.

Rating: 3

Introduction: Magic side tea, a cup every day, refreshing.

Chi Yao looked at the panel provided by the park and thought: "Well, switching to selling tea? It's not impossible. According to the civet cat, this green silk leaf tea (the name of Aquamarine Star) can be regarded as a national drink, and the market that can be developed is very large. big."

Regarding pharmacy, Chi Yao can only be considered to have dabbled in it. When studying magic, he needs to refer to a variety of materials, which can be considered as an analogy.

"Isn't it just extraction and concentration? Let's try it first." Chi Yao thought of it and picked up the green silk leaves. With his other hand, he controlled the water elements to gather into the shape of a boiler, and then put the green silk leaves into the in.

Under Chi Yao's control, the boiler formed by the water element rotated. The water element continued to penetrate into the green silk leaves, and the effective substances for awakening the mind were quickly extracted from the green silk leaves.

Gradually, the color of the water boiler began to turn into light green, and Chi Yao knew that the first step of extraction had been completed.

The next step is concentration. The water boiler continues to rotate to concentrate the effective substances in the center. Chi Yao also controls the water elements on the edges to disperse.

About five minutes later, Chi Yao poured the remaining water into the cup and obtained a crude cup of refreshing potion.

Chi Yao checks the information provided by the park.

Awakening potion (crude) (water element has been added)

Origin: Aquamarine

Quality: white

Category: Consumables and Potions

Effect: After drinking, you will gain a boost of energy, increased mental agility, and improved concentration, which lasts for 3 hours.

Rating: 9

Introduction: Concentrated tea, an alternative refreshing potion, perfectly added with the pure feeling of water element, is a top-notch drink.

"The effect is not bad, and it should be welcomed by those who like green silk leaves."

"Let's call it Green God Tea. It's more popular and easier for the public to accept."

"Let's think of this as the current way to make money. The gray forces are turning to selling tea. This style of painting is very strange." Chi Yao complained.

Then Chi Yao asked the civet cat who had energy expertise and mask to try making it.

As a beginner, Civet Cat failed five times before succeeding, and the effect of the finished product was lower than Chi Yao's finished product.

"Well, that's right. We can make one at the level of civet cats and sell it in two grades. The high-grade one can be hyped up and sold as a luxury product, while the low-grade one can be treated as a drink for ordinary people."

Chi Yao asked the civet cat to go through the relevant procedures quickly and start selling tea instead. When the results are achieved, he will invite the managers of those forces. At that time, the civet cat can also show off his ability to specialize in energy. With huge trade benefits and the possibility of becoming a superpower, with a two-pronged approach, we are not afraid that those gray forces will not take the bait!


On the other side, a mechanical repair shop.

Taking advantage of his free time at work in the store, Han Xiao planned to use his free time to go out and find extra money.

Just like the original work, Han Xiao’s chosen destination is the Crow Scrap Station.

Han Xiao wore a mask and walked into the scrap station, but found that no one came to stop him.

The bald man who had been taught a lesson by Chi Yao walked up to Han Xiao and said humbly: "Please come inside, the boss is already waiting for you."

Han Xiao suddenly became nervous when he said this, and thought to himself: "Did the civet cat recognize me? It shouldn't be right?"

Seeing Han Xiao's hesitation, the bald man remembered the civet cat's instructions and said, "Mr. Gray also invites you to come with him."

"Mr. Gray?" Han Xiao couldn't help but repeat it.

"Yes, Mr. Gray." The bald man repeated impatiently.

Han Xiao remembered the code name Hui Yao that Chi Yao once said. Not long ago, Chi Yao said that he wanted to develop gray forces. What a coincidence, he was at the Clos scrap station.

After clearing his thoughts, Han Xiao said: "Lead the way, let's go."

After that, he followed the bald man to the rest room in Crowe Scrap Station. After the bald man led him to the road, he left directly.

Han Xiao pushed the door open and entered.

I saw a young man sitting in the lounge, and the boss of District 7, Tanuki, was standing aside respectfully.

When Han Xiao saw this scene, he immediately asked curiously: "How did you do it? You took over the seventh area so quickly!"

"The question is about my outstanding personality charm." Chi Yao said.

"You are indeed quite handsome, just a little bit worse than me." Han Xiao said without shame.

"Okay, no nonsense, it's a spiritual magic. The civet cat is now my younger brother." Chi Yao said, saying that Han Xiao was really thick-skinned and worthy of being the immortal body of the future.

"That's easy. I came here mainly to make some extra money. I originally planned to make some firearms for the civet cats, and pick up some mechanical junk by the way." Han Xiao said the reason for his visit.

"Okay, I also need some firearms. The civet cat's power is too weak and needs to be strengthened." Chi Yao said.

"Then I will make a list. Here are the required materials and parts. You can ask the civet cat to prepare them. I am responsible for manufacturing and assembly. I will come to work for two hours every morning. The manual fee is one thousand and fifty for each pistol." Han Xiao said.

"I'll give you two thousand and four for a gun, and you can take any of the mechanical junk from the Clos scrapyard." Chi Yao added a price to Han Xiao. After all, it was the civet cat's money, and he was still making money at this price.

"That's a good feeling, thank you very much." Han Xiao smiled confidently.

"By the way, why don't you strengthen and modify those guns before and take them away? To improve their combat power, just in case, you have to be able to protect yourself." Chi Yao suggested, taking out the guns placed in the storage space and handing them over Gave it to Han Xiao.

"Well, you're right. Let me take a pistol with me to strengthen it. It's hard for me to hide a firearm that's too big." Han Xiao chose a pistol and started modifying it.

Afterwards, Chi Yao revealed to Han Xiao his grand blueprint for selling tea in the future, and received one-click approval from Technician Han.

One update.

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