Reincarnation Of Third-rate Swordsman

80 Kim Shin Vs. Thagor - III

Powerful and loud shockwaves occurred once again even after Thagor missed his target, meaning his punch was so powerful that could make a powerful shockwave.

Far in the distance, Teddy, who was only an audience to the big fight, imagined what would happen to him if he was hit by that blow, Teddy shuddered in horror.

Then, out of nowhere, Kim Shin once again appeared suddenly above Thagor's head and powerfully swung down his right foot from above his head.


A deafening sound like thunderclap filled the surroundings, after Kim Shin's kick solidly landed on Thagor's huge vicious head, causing the humongous yeti to cry in pain and heavily fell on the ground.


Thagor's weight made the entire hall to shake strongly that also caused a huge dust cloud.

The damage was more powerful since Kim Shin's kick was reinforced by his magic power.


Then, out of nowhere, Kim Shin who was slowly falling after kicking Thagor's head, sense and heard a quick approaching sound behind him.


And Kim Shin dexterously twisted his body and turned back, only to be surprised at the rocketing purple rod that about to pierce his head. Fortunately, he reflexively swung his long sword upwards, causing the glowing purple rod to bounce away whilst the impact forced him to fall down quickly.

And in the air, Kim Shin effortlessly did a back flip and smoothly landed on the ground.

"I almost forgot that flying rod…" Kim Shin mumbled as he knitted his eyebrows and focused his full attention on the incoming glowing purple rod.


The rocketing speed of the purple rod made an air splitting sound as it rushed straight to Kim Shin.


Alas, even with that swift speed, Kim Shin still easily dodged the purple rod by leaping to the left side, and the fleeting purple rod powerfully pierced the ground, causing a huge cloud dust.

However, after Kim Shin leaped to the left side, a towering and powerful aura appeared suddenly behind him, then without any word or hesitation a huge right foot was about to stomp on him.

'Shit!' Kim Shin cursed in his mind as he decisively blink and instantly appeared high in the air. However, even with his escape plan, the powerful aura also quickly appeared behind him once again.

[You're not going anywhere human] Thagor's menacing and malignant voice rang out behind him.

Then, the towering yeti, forcefully pulled back his right hand and fiercely punch the slowly falling, Kim Shin.

Seeing this powerful and fast incoming attack, Kim Shin knew he couldn't escape from it. Hence, he crossed his arms before him and braced himself from the incoming force and impact.


A booming sound filled the entire hall as Kim Shin strongly flew several meters away in the air, and eventually he crashed and rolled on the ground for a few meters, leaving a wide crater.

Awoo! 'Brother!' Teddy loudly howled in worry.

Cough! Cough!

Kim Shin coughed a mouthful of blood as he slowly forced himself to stand up.

'Damn! Why he suddenly become this strong?' Kim Shin thought cursedly.

[Doth thou think that I'm bluffing when I quoth, that I'm the most powerful amongst all the guardian here in 5th floor dimension?] Thagor questioned in a calm and loud voice as he slowly walked forward.

Of course, Kim Shin didn't think like that. That's why, at the beginning, he already gave his all. However, he never expected that this boastful yeti was this powerful.

He then slowly eyed the walking Thagor, and then he saw the previous glowing icy blue eyes of Thagor, became burning icy blue eyes, whilst the calm and tremendous icy blue aura of the humongous yeti became wild that inconspicuously slashed and cracked the ground.



The ground shook and shattered by Thagor's heavy steps.


Kim Shin spat out the blood in his mouth and strugglingly picked up his sword on the ground that he dropped when he crashed on the ground.

'Do I really need to use that skill at this time?' Kim Shin thought. He bought a unique skill when he's still in the Tomb of the Death. However, he doesn't want to use it. Since, he bought it for his dearest wife.

'No! I still have enough strength to fight. I could probably find a trick or the weakness of this monster.' Kim Shin shook his head and believed that he's already experienced a number of life-threatening battles before, so he could survive once again with the help of his current strength.

[What are you hesitating for human? Are torn between escaping and fighting? Sorry, but you won't be able to escape here] Thagor arrogantly said when he saw the hesitation on Kim Shin's eyes.

Then, without any hint, the heavy double door suddenly, closed by itself.


Teddy who's only few meters away from the door was jolted by the powerful slam of the door.

Kim Shin couldn't stop himself from frowning when he heard the loud sound of the closed door. Now, that the path to exit was already blocked. It's either do-or-die now. If he didn't fight seriously he will die and not just him, Teddy will also die.

Gritting his teeth, Kim Shin strongly clenched his long sword and immediately sprinted towards Thagor.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Kim Shin fired an air bullet directly at Thagor's huge fierce face.


Three air bullets successfully landed causing white clouds of smoke that engulfed Thagor's big head.

[Stop sing low-level skills, you're just wasting thou magic power human] Thagor said nonchalantly as the smoke finally disappear showing unscathed face of him.

"Tsk!" Kim Shin clicked his tongue in annoyance. Since, what Thagor said was true.

[Enough! Let's stop this boring game human! Just die!] Thagor screamed out as he suddenly vanished from his position and instantly appeared at Kim Shin's left side and threw a powerful kick.

However, Kim Shin already anticipated this. So, before Thagor could hit him. He immediately used his blink skill and instantaneously appeared on Thagor's right shoulder.

Then, without hesitation, he powerfully swung his sword horizontally at Thagor's neck.


Alas, before his attack landed on Thagor's neck. The floating purple rod secretly showed up before him and parried his long sword, causing a loud clanging sound of metal and sparks that scattered everywhere.

'Damn!' Kim Shin swore once again in frustration. Since, that floating purple rod was always blocking his surprise attack.

He then quickly jumped downwards before Thagor could hit him.


Kim Shin heavily landed on the ground causing a small crater around his feet. Then, he hurriedly ran forward once again, between Thagor's legs.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!


He fired air bullets while running which flew in high speed and landed on Thagor's facing creating clouds of dust smoke, blocking Thagor's vision.

Seeing this, Kim Shin didn't let the opportunity slip. He increased his speed one more time and jumped at between Thagor's legs. Which is the monster's groin located that clothed with purple armor.

'Hmph. You forced me to play dirty!' Kim Shin thought and without second thought, he forcefully pulled his left arm and strongly punch Thagor's groin.



[AUUGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHKKKKKKK!!!] Thagor released a deafening agonizing cry as if his wife got raped before his eyes.


The humongous yeti dropped his knees on the ground while holding his groin with his arms. Then, out of nowhere, Thagor released a fierce and thunder clapping voice. [YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!]

Kim Shin who was already several meters away from Thagor, still couldn't help himself from covering his ears.

'Damn! Noisy monkey' He grudgingly thought.

[I WILL KILL YOUUUUU! HUMAN!] Thagor said as if like a mad growling beast. Then, Thagor suddenly utter something. [I don't crave to use this power granted by that demon whom locked me here, yet thou forced me to do it. Demonic…form!]


Powerful red aura leaked out of Thagor's body as his spiky white hair became red as blood, whilst his fangs became sharper and longer. And then Thagor's body bulges so much that almost broke his armor.

[WRAAAAAGGGGGHHHH!!!] Thagor roared crazily like a furious beast and to complete his transformation, a huge twisted gray horn appeared on his head.

'Shit! He's still hiding his true power?' Kim Shin cursed internally as he felt the pressuring atmosphere that slightly restricting his breathing and movements.

'Damn! How could I defeat this monster?' He swore in frustration and anxiousness. Then, his gaze landed on the words above Thagor's head.

[Demonic Thagor Lv. ??]

[ROAAARRRR!!!] Thagor loudly roared, causing a powerful red shockwaves.


The entire hall shook strongly that also caused few pillars to heavily fell on the ground.



Then, all of a sudden, the huge and mad beast, Thagor instantaneously appeared before the frustrated Kim Shin.

[DIE HUMAN!] Thagor roared as he mightily swung his purple rod that forced Kim Shin to take a defensive position, crossing both arms before himself.


Kim Shin flew a dozen of meters away and slammed deeply on the hard and clear purple wall of the hall.


Kim Shin was forced to cough a mouthful of blood when he heavily slammed on the wall.


He then eventually fell on the ground.

AWOOO! 'BROTHER!' Teddy, who's almost out of breath because of the powerful pressure that Thagor's emitting, called out Kim Shin in worry. Then, he immediately ran toward Kim Shin's location.

Stomp! Stomp!

Awoo! Awoo! 'Brother! Brother!' Teddy immediately howled after he arrived at Kim Shin's location.

"T-Teddy, what are you doing here?" Kim Shin weakly asked when he saw the huge polar bear. Then, he continued. "Get out here, quickly! I can manage myself"

Kim Shin then struggled to stand up. While checking his body if he got a serious injury. 'I couldn't heal myself. Since, if I healed myself the buff giving by my title will be greatly lessened.'

Hearing Kim Shin's words, Teddy stopped his words about to say and immediately turn to run back at his previous position. However, before he could take a step, a glowing purple rod pierced through his chest and flew back where it came from.


"T-Teddy..?" Kim Shin stuttering and lifelessly called out who was dumbfounded at the sudden situation.


Teddy heavily fell, face on the ground with unknown condition.

"T-Teddy…" Kim Shin slowly walked towards the fallen friend as his tears uncontrollably leaking out of the corner of his eyes.

Kim Shin then, turned Teddy's body and slapped his friends on the face, hoping to wake up the unconscious Teddy. However, Teddy was not giving any sign of waking up.

Kim Shin tears continued to flowed out of his eyes and fell on the body of his unconscious friend, while his heart was in a great pain.

"No! no, T-Teddy please wake up! I m-made a promise that I will find your father for you, with you. Please wake up!" Kim Shin said in a heartbroken emotion.

His heart was burning in pain as if he's bathing in boiling lava.

He couldn't take this feeling. He hated this feeling. He still has a promise that need to fulfill.

Badum! Badum! Badum!

Kim Shin heart began to beat wildly as if something was about to explode out of his heart.

Badum! Badum! Badum!


Warning! Warning! Warning!

[An unknown soul invading the user's body]

[Executing, emergency shield]

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[Emergency shield failed to protect the user's body]

"ARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!" Kim Shin released an agonizing pain.

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