After that, after slashing some little monsters, he left and returned to the main world.

What is this imperial envoy?

"You don't know yet?"

Seeing Lin Chuan, his face was blank, and the scholar next to him looked excited and admired.

Just like a fan.

List the events that happened during this period one by one.

It turned out that the uncle Li's dissatisfaction had long been discovered by the current emperor.

However, Uncle Li used demon poison to control a large number of important court officials.

Plus, there are so many monsters.

Once the uncle Li is dealt with, the price to be paid will be extremely great.

Therefore, the emperor has been looking for opportunities.

It's just that he didn't find his own opportunity.

Instead, I heard a news.

Three people rushed to Li's mansion, beheaded Li Guojiu, and slaughtered a hundred demons!

Nearly a thousand children were rescued!

Throughout the city of Tangzhou, the people clapped their hands and cheered, respectfully calling it an immortal on earth.

Do the good deeds of immortals with human body!

After the emperor learned of this, he immediately used thunder means to sweep all Li Guojiu's minions in the court.

Suppress the imperial court and revive the imperial framework.

Therefore, this world is much more peaceful at this time.

Immediately afterwards, the current emperor was also considered a sage, and did not intend to cover up the scandal, but declared it to the world.

Let the people all over the world know the viciousness of Uncle Li.

And, privately dispatched elites to investigate Lin Chuan two people and one demon.

Just learned.

These two are a demon, along the way, punishing evil and promoting good.

Destroy the evil demon and evil people, and help the good demon and good people.

Therefore, the emperor directly ordered.

This broke into Li Mansion and slaughtered the three of Li Guojiu's uncle.

Appointed as a special envoy of the imperial power, ranked first!

The power is so great that it can be self-sufficient to patrol Kyushu on behalf of the emperor,

Special responsibility, punish evil and promote good!

Moreover, this matter is also the same, proclaiming the world!

The portraits were sent to various cities in Kyushu.

Therefore, when the scholar saw Lin Chuan, he recognized it all at once.

And, with a look of excitement.

After all, these three imperial envoys are really his idols!

Walk the rivers and lakes, punish evil and promote good, so happy!

"I see."

Lin Chuan nodded slightly.

After saying this, he understood.

This is what happened after he left.

The so-called imperial envoys were rewarded by the emperor's own words.

Lin Chuan was not given the opportunity to refuse.

"However, heroes disappeared after you arrived in Tangzhou, and the reputation of the Green Snake Woman almost overwhelmed you."

The scholar continued.

"The Green Snake Woman?"

Lin Chuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

There is no doubt that what the young heroine said was naturally Xiaoqing.

In the past, Xiaoqing in the original drama was a monster with an unsound mind.

The concept of good and evil has not been formed.

After being led by him for a while, he has now become a hero who punishes evil and promotes good.

It's a good thing.

"Yes, she calls herself the Green Snake Woman. She is really a heroine, and even many famous knights in the arena have been impressed by her."

"Some time ago, a few knight sons showed their love to her, and they were all injured by her."

After the scholar finished speaking, a trace of yearning appeared on his face.

After that, he was indignant and said.

"With three such characters, how could it be possible for ordinary people to get involved, and the Green Snake Woman is playing well!"

"Is that so."

Lin Chuan smiled.

The two monsters, the green and white snake, had been hiding in hiding before, and did not dare to reveal their identity at all.

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