Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 262: Line Drawing

"Maybe... you can serve like that a lot, right?

Gaius told him to throw up against Elle, suppressing the outpouring rage.

"... whatever... but still our family... no, nothing. It's time for the Polochle to come back. That's all we used to talk about."

"Aren't we in the middle of a conversation yet? Answer me properly. What does El think of the gods?

"... I don't think so. Whatever I think, it doesn't matter to the gods. So whatever my thoughts are, it doesn't mean anything."

"Isn't that a lot humble? It's not even like El."

"Have you ever considered the feelings of an ant crawling on the ground? How's it feel to just float over the river? It doesn't matter what it feels like to just grow weeds without anyone recognizing you in the wild mountains, have you ever thought about those feelings?

"... you don't."

"Right. It's a different species as an organism, so it's natural."

"But it's not a dog, it's not an El, but if that's how cats feel, I've thought about it."

"That's because the seeds are close. They're different, because they have skeletons, muscles around them, and skin covering their surfaces. Well, straw cats and dogs have even more hair around them. You humans are covered in hair, too, aren't you? Close. The seeds are close."

"... well, it's the same mammal."

"Honeyului? What's that?

"It's a way to classify organisms in the world over there. It's a generic term for humans, dogs and cats, and basically the kind of organisms that feed their children with milk. They range from small to large, but they're also in the ocean. Dolphins and whales."

"I see. That really makes sense. The same form of raising a child would be a very important element. You know why?

"... because I can empathize? In the world over there, changes in the environment due to scientific and technological developments, etc. can put various flora and fauna at risk of extinction, but there are environmental protection groups and animal care groups that try to protect them, and they do various activities, and the really decent part was that they were aimed at all organisms, but most suspicious groups seemed only interested in the protection of mammals"

"What else? Empathy is individually different. I don't know, I have to draw a line somewhere. Do we treat all organisms equally important, or do we treat mammals as a treat... or do we only take care of species called humans? No, that's not all it is. Conflicts have arisen for a variety of reasons, including different skin and eye colors in the same person, differences in the cultures and environments in which they grew up, and, at the end, differences in national views. Well, I'd like to ask you, where the hell do you draw the line yourself?

When Elle said so, he laughed suspiciously bending the edge of his mouth.

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