Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 257: The Absence of God

"God is gone!?

I was surprised when Gaius raised his bare voice.

"... how dare you speak up? You'd be surprised."

"No, no, no, no, no. Everybody surprises you, right? I can't believe God is gone..."

"... well, we panicked in surprise..."

"That's right. 'Cause you were in the middle of a fight, weren't you?

"Uhm. We attacked aggressively and boldly, and we were only a few moments away from the bottom of Hell. But the gods suddenly disappeared at such a critical time. We were surprised. Suddenly I didn't know what to do. I've been looking for people, no matter what. But the gods could not be found... so we may be forced to withdraw from hell... but that was a difficult thing to do without interruption..."

"Backwards or backwards... backwards is a difficult business in any battle."

"We began our solemn retreat, enlightened by the devils of the absence of the gods. Initially, I suspected they might be some kind of ruse, and I asked them how we were doing, but after seeing them gradually retreat up one or two levels and our hierarchy, they also finally realized the absence of the gods... and from there it was the beginning of a fierce and extreme war of wear and tear that was already hard to put to the brush. All of our families of God fought bravely, even though they broke swords and ran out of arrows, and took a long time to ascend one hierarchy at a time. And when we finally got out of hell, tens of thousands of troops were being reduced to hundreds."

"... it's a terrible damage... so instead of a draw, it's a huge loss..."

"What are you talking about? When I say draw, it's draw. Because the demons have done the same damage."

"Is it true... you didn't have any gods, but you used to fight the finest demons with your family alone?

"... no, that's the mystery..."

"Yeah? What do you mean?

"The top demons didn't show up on the front line alone from start to finish."

"... what do you mean?... you mean the finest demons weren't even like the gods!?

"... I don't know. I don't know anything about that right now."

"No, but doesn't that mean the gods and the finest demons have signed up and disappeared? You can't think of anything else, can you?

"... maybe. But we can't confirm all of this. We are nothing but the families of the gods. We are also at the last seat of God, but it is seen from those in the lower realm, and it is not so in the heavenly realm..."

"Can't you ask the gods directly?

To Gaius's inquiry, Elle meditated his eyes and silenced for a while.

But Elle's answer was not aromatic for Gaius.

"... well, I can't..."

"What's that? I can't believe I can't even ask why it disappeared... I'm not steaming back what I just said, but then it's not God's family, it's servants"

But despite Gaius' obstinate offensive stance, there was no change in Elle's answer.

"... whatever you say. I don't care what you say..."

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