Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 253: Village

"... two... two hundred and thirty-five... right..."

Gaius gave a stunned look when he heard the age of the corny, adorable dwarf in front of him.

Then Elle, sitting between Gaius and Kerlo, pinched his mouth.

"Because the Polochles live long lives. Almost ten times as long as humans. So when it comes to two hundred and thirty-five years old, it's like twenty-three or four young people."

"... yes... you live a long time..."

"That's what you are, even if it's something similar."

"Me?... because I'm reincarnated... but I don't know how many of them are."

"Hmm. I don't know how old I am, by the way. Too long to stop counting long ago."

"... I guess. It's God for once..."

"What is once? What is once? I am the family of a clean God."

"... family?... I knew you weren't a proper god. 'Cause a family member means a servant or a squire, right?

"Eh, shut up! Don't worry about the details! We got to the village while we were messing around!

Gaius nodded at Elle and raised his face.

Then there was the figure of an orange-dyed village floating brilliantly beyond the deeply decided rings.

"If you look close, it's quite a scale."

"Mm-hmm. Well, it's not just the Polokur tribe, it's the Naga tribe that lives with them. Don't be so big."

"Right. The Naga tribe is huge. Then it's natural to eat the place."

"Uhm. That said, this Naga, his name is Serve, but he's not so big as the rest of the Naga."


"Look, take a look at the welcome. The Naga clan, right?

Seeing it, at the entrance of the village, a few naga wrapped around a tunnel with the Polokur tribe, bringing a sickle to greet a line, but as Elle put it, its size was not as large as a serv, and it was thought to be about twenty meters (Merkle) long.

"I see. Still pretty big though."

"Serve is the best warrior and brave man in this village. That's why he appeared on the ground on behalf of the village. To bring you in."

"You tried to eat me first."

"That's not true. I was going to carry you in my mouth. I don't know what to say. I'm sure he was going to ask the Polochle tribe to explain it to him after following him so far."

"... that's a hell of a story... I mean, you almost got it all over you..."

"I'm glad I'm here, huh?

"... sort of..."

When Gaius said so with a fed up face, the Polokur tribe greeted him at the entrance raised their voices simultaneously.


Then Kerlo, who was on the head of the servo, responded.


Then the Polochle clan screams again.





Seeing the Polochle clan shouting their voices, Gaius half-eyed and beckoned to Elle.

"... what are you talking about?

"... Welcome home, we're just... aren't we?

"Both, uh-huh, and I repeat it over and over again?

"Don't worry about the details. You're just tense. Well, anyway, I'll just say hello."

"Well I guess so... Something's going wrong..."

Gaius was also half-eyed, anxious about the way forward after this.

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