Reincarnation Monarch

Episode Two Hundred Sites


"Mr. Gaius, do you have a minute?

Shester came into the classroom to replace him with a teacher as the bell rang announcing after school after all the classes.

The three groups of students stood still at the appearance of strange adults, but when they found out that their purpose was Gaius, they surrounded themselves with a far-flung winding, and all listened.

"What is it? Mr. Shester."

Even though Gaius replied in a calm tone to the lesson about the failures before the beginning of the first period of class, Chester asked Gaius for help, looking troubled, whether he cared about his surrounding gaze.

"No, why don't we just go outside? It's hard to talk about here."

"Oh, right. Okay."

Gaius took a seat in general agreeing to Chester's proposal.

At that time, Gaius turned back to Max and put in a no.

"Go home first. See you tomorrow."

Max then replied with a shrugged shoulder.

Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Max. Gaius, I'll borrow you."

To Shester's words, Max made a mild meeting and sent them both out.

When the two of them took off and left the classroom, Max blurred his mouth in a boring manner.

"Huh! Good for you, Gaius. I wish I was a little smarter too..."


"Mr. Gaius, what do you think of this case?

Shester took Gaius and left the school building, cutting out so casually as he made his way to the gym.

Gaius showcased his reasoning to the Balances against Chester.

"That's just great. It's exactly the same as mine."

Shester felt heartfelt impressed.

"Is that okay? Tell me about the case."

"I don't mind. We already know from one incident in Dallas that you are the owner of an incapacity. Then there's no hand in not making the most of it."

"Really? If that's the case, I don't know if I can help, but if you don't mind, I can help."

"I'd appreciate it if you'd say that. So it's quick... I want you to look inside."

Shester stopped and pointed to the tiny building by the gym.

"... is it an equipment storage area... Ha! Could it be here!?

Shester nodded and forcefully opened the drawer at the entrance to the equipment storage area.

"Yeah, apparently this is the actual murder scene"

With that said, Chester walked into the equipment storage area.

Then Gaius also lagged behind Chester and later went inside.

"You don't look very good in the dark"

A variety of equipment used for physical education classes, etc. were cluttered inside the equipment storage area, which was somewhat dim due to the small amount of light inserted through the window, and Gaius had a little difficulty finding a foot stomping ground.

"Watch your step. Yeah, I'd appreciate it if you could brighten it up with your good magic."

"That's right. So..."

Gaius pointed his right index finger at the ceiling and lit a light about a lantern from his fingertips.

Then, in front of Gaius, there was about two M (Merkle) squares of open space.

Gaius fortified the lights at his fingertips a little and pointed them into the open space.

Then there was a great deal of blood solidified over time, and the blackening and discolored floor spread.

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