Reincarnation into the Barrier Master

Episode 692 Towards Convergence

Albe suddenly woke up.

I was given some suspicious medicine. I knew intuitively that it wasn't poison. When I see that my body is losing strength, I think it is a medicine to sleep. But it seemed to be light. I didn't feel like I was sleeping much, and I thought my consciousness had recovered quickly.

But what he saw was a landscape that seemed to be in a room somewhere. Furthermore, there were two black rabbits there. My body didn't move at all.

"Oh, I think I woke up."

Mei-sama and Roni-san, let's go get them.

I'm sure he was detained outside, but when was he brought in? Besides, what kind of people are these creepy, speaking rabbits... Thinking like that, Albe's consciousness grew farther away again.


"... I see."

Linus muttered in a small voice. On the desk in the office was a thick report and several letters. When he took the report, he turned the page. There was a difficult paper there, the content of which was beyond his comprehension.

In front of him, Mae and Roni, and Rico and Sidi, stood still. Mei gave a sad expression. Linus opened her mouth with a slightly troubled expression on her face.

"May, don't look like that." It's not May's fault. "


She was blaming herself. Because the medicine that Albe used was a refinement of the one that May developed.

"May was just made to order." I didn't make it because I wanted to. I was forced to make it. So don't look like that. "

"That's right, Master May. Those who have ordered such medicines to be made are the bad ones. This responsibility lies with us, Posehai. From now on, all we need to do is develop a cure for this drug.”

Mei and I changed and Roni was pale. Even though she thought the comparison was a little interesting, Linus turned to Mei again.

How's he doing, by the way?

“Yes, I've been asleep for about three days, but he just woke up. It just seems to be falling asleep again.”

"Don't worry, Master May." Sleeping time is getting shorter and shorter. Soon your consciousness will be fully restored. ”

"That's right..."

By the way, what about his body?

"For now..."

What should he do now?

"Probably, the giant body won't go back. Your husband's recovery is magical, and he is somehow intact, but the strain on his bones and muscles is considerable, so if you move around like this, you are extremely likely to break your bones or tear your muscles. Therefore, I think it will probably be a bedridden life.”

"I see... I've got a letter from the Labadian Kingdom and the Banalist Empire asking me to turn him over." Is it difficult to hand it over when it's bedridden? What do you think of Rico?...... Rico? "

Rico remembered how he had been betrayed and put at risk by a shooter who had served by his side. Even then, he came at me with drugs that made my body giant. It's the same medicine that a man named Albe took this time. According to Mei, the person who took the medicine also takes a lot of damage. So you can say that the medicine is a demonic medicine that doesn't make anyone happy. "Such things must be eliminated as soon as possible..." She had in her mind the means to make it happen.

Rico? Rico?

"... oh, I'm sorry. I was just thinking.... uh, handing him over. We could use the Linus Transfer Junction, but we shouldn't use it. You can explain his current condition to both countries and say that handing him over could kill him along the way.”

So, are the two countries convinced?

"I don't think I'm convinced." That's why we're putting conditions on it. ”


“It's hard to hand over a prisoner. Instead, we send an emissary and allow him to hear what's going on.”

“I see. Perhaps the first thing the two countries want is not to take his life, but to know why they spread the poison and how to produce it.”

“Yes, I think the two countries will agree to that. I'll make the letter."

Well then, I'll leave that to Rico.

"I don't know what to say, but only Agarta has the real poison he made." If we can develop its poison ingredients and antidote, it will be useful not only to Agarta, but to the whole world. May..... "

"Yes, I understand." I will be very active in understanding the ingredients and developing the antidote. ”

May stretched her spine and replied. The expression was serious enough to convey May's readiness. Sidi opens her mouth as she listens to everyone's conversation.

"Yeah, that antidote is better dealt with by Mei-chan." It's intuitive, but the process of developing it feels like a tremendous help. ”

“Yes, I'll do my best.”

“I'm sorry, I wish I could help.”

Linus scratched his head. Not long ago, he used the barrier to peek into Albe's past. It was just that I continued to envy others. Apart from that, I could also see the process by which Albe actually makes poisons. However, all of the chemicals were transparent, as were the bottles containing them, and it was impossible to determine what they were. Perhaps Albe himself could tell the contents of those bottles, but when others saw them, they all looked the same. After all, when it came to the production of poisons, Albe had no choice but to ask himself.

Parallel to Mei's research, the poison was in the direction of asking Albe himself to confess the method calmly. In the worst case, I could have used mental magic to make me confess, but May said it was a last resort, and I used it, but in the end, it probably won't kill Arbe.

Um...... Master Linus

What's the matter, Sidi?

Why don't you ask Master Rico to interrogate him?

"To Rico? Why?"

“It's intuition, and somehow, I feel like it's going to work.”

"I see. Sidi's intuition is very likely to taste good." Rico, can I ask you a favor? "

Rico gave a slight expression to Linus's words, but eventually he lowered his head and said that he understood.


May left Linus and headed for the laboratory at Agarta University. There, the students were working on the poison with the professors. While calling out to the students, Mei rolled up a white coat and worked to find out the poison.

At the same time, Mirwa was under house arrest in the village of Cyrus.

I had no intention of going back home. She desperately entered the capital of Agarta and headed for the guest house. Because there were Cyrus and the others working there. I tried to get them to protect me and share the power of the spirits.

But none of Cyrus reached out to her. Mirwa had no choice but to weep in front of the reception hall. It was Linus who reached out to her. When he let Mirwa in, he just kept looking at her silently.

Milwaukee thought Linus was defining himself. If so, this man must also have lust for himself. I was ready to be his slave. No, rather, I thought he'd have a chance later. But Linus shook his head and ordered him to return to Cyrus. And when I realized it, I was sitting at the entrance of the town.

Mirwa was now trapped in a tree. It's a world of darkness. She couldn't get out of there until she signed up with a new spirit... "

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