Reincarnation into the Barrier Master

Episode 680 The Final Act.....

Mirwa and Arbe arrived in the Imperial Capital before dawn.

However, the city gate was closed and guarded by two armed soldiers.Milwa asked one of them to let her in, but she refused.The gates of the Imperial Capital have been installed in several places, including here, but it was explained that none of them can be opened until 6: 00 in the morning.

However, several men and women passed by the pressing Milwa.They were talking to another soldier, but eventually a small passageway by the gate was opened, through which they entered the Imperial City.

What! Those guys are in there!

"I have a permit."


"Yeah. With a permit, we can get through the gate."You don't have a permit, do you? "

In the words of the soldier, Mirwa had no choice but to shut up.

I had no choice but to wait by the gate.Milwa's legs were already like sticks, and she was struggling to sit down.

Mirwa wanted to rest this body on the bed as soon as possible.It's been a long time since I've been tired.Since when...... I couldn't remember when I traced my memories.

I was also hungry.If possible, I'd like to eat at that hotel Krumfal, but I can't say luxury.I want to eat something delicious at a top-notch hotel...

While thinking of such things, he looked up at the heavens vaguely.The sky is brightening up, and it seems that it will soon be time for sunrise.This gate will open soon.

When I thought about it, I suddenly saw the figure of Albe standing next to me.He just doesn't move while leaning down.At first glance, she looks asleep.

Moody emotions are bursting into your heart.Mirwa unexpectedly took her eyes off him.

Indeed, this man was told that he would spread poison in this Imperial City.Is the poison made?No, I didn't see anything like that at all.I'm sure he'll take his orders and start poisoning them.Isn't it suspicious to the people around you that you were commanded to make it?Unless you want to hide somewhere and make it, it's about this guy.They must have made poison on the spot as ordered.Then you must order him to make poison out of sight."Do you have to think about it that much..."

The irritation in Milwa's heart is slowly amplifying, rather than subsiding.If it weren't for the gatekeeper, we'd be holding this man down.

At that time, the sounds sounded as if they were sounding from the ground.I saw the gate open slowly.Mirwa raised her heavy hips with a big sigh and finally managed to enter the Imperial Capital.

Hurry up and find a hotel. Of course, it's the best hotel in the Imperial City.It was quickly found, but it was quite far from where Mirwa was.As expected, she doesn't have the strength to walk that far.When I suddenly saw the stops of the riding carriages.Mirwa goes there silently.

The carriage hadn't arrived yet, but the stops were already lined up.She lines up behind it.Little by little, a carriage came.People get sucked in there and get over it.


There was no seat for Mirwa to sit on.All the seats were filled.She stands dumbfounded. But people come in one after another.She is pushed as if she were being pushed away into the back of a carriage.

The carriage moved without a cone.It was hard to breathe. Strangers were approaching at close range, and it was disgusting to have someone else's breath in my head.A few seconds after the carriage began to move, Mirwa felt ill.If I wanted to do it, I could use the Spirit of Air to blow everyone here, but I knew exactly what a commotion it would be.She endured the pain desperately.

Albe, on the other hand, stood up with a cool face, despite this crowded interior.The fuse of Milwa's anger was about to explode, but she was desperately holding it.No matter what this man did, he was no longer in a state that hindered Milwa's life.

The carriage arrived in front of the hotel in about ten minutes.When I finally got out of there, I saw a magnificent building in front of me.In this case, there is no doubt that the quality of services is high.Mirwa walked toward the stateroom and entrance without paying any attention to Arbe.

Although the lobby was old, it had an elegance that gave it a sense of tradition.Despite such an atmosphere, Mirwa was quick to speak to the hotel staff as if she were eating.

"I want you to prepare a room."It's a big, clean room.It's a room with an attached bathroom.I'll pay you whatever you want. It's time for a meal.I'll prepare the meal right away. "

Despite the suddenness, the hotel staff responded politely and without any upset.The reception closes instantly with Takipaki.At that moment, Mirwa pulls up to the staff again, as if she remembered something.

I'm the only one using the room.

"... I understand. Wasn't this your family?"

"..... ahh"

Got it.

The man on the staff then tries to guide Milwa to the room.Arbe, who was left alone, was being spoken to by another staff member, speaking in a small voice.Mirwa turned to him and opened her mouth with a high-pitched voice.

"Have you decided on a room?"Not yet? You're as stupid as ever. Come to the concubine's room as soon as the room is decided.Come before I drop off my bags. "

The hotel staff smiled coldly, but eventually turned to Milwa, told her to show her around, and urged her to leave.

Milwa lay on the bed as the staff left the room.Hunger and sleep come at once.I wanted to go straight to sleep, but I couldn't seem to sleep because of the hunger coming from the bottom of my stomach.As she rolled around the bed, she knocked on the door.Finally, thinking that Albe had arrived, she pulled her tired body out of bed and opened the door.There were two maids there, and they said that they had brought meals, and they bowed down.

As they entered, they lined up Tequila and cooking on the desk.The beef stew was named "Agarta".When Agarta king Linus was in the Imperial Capital, he went through it many times and drummed his tongue on this dish, which gave him this name, the maid explains.Mirwa was listening to it facelessly.

As the maids stepped down, she took the bread in one hand and carried the dishes into her mouth one after another.I see. It was a delicious beef stew.I think I can eat as much as I want with this.At that time, there was a knocking on the door.It was clear that it was Albe.

Unwilling to be interrupted by her meal, she sat down and opened her mouth loudly to the door.

"Tomorrow morning." You should make it by then.Come to this room after breakfast. "

There was no reply. However, Mirwa heard her footprints slowly drift away.She started eating again... "

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