Reincarnation into the Barrier Master

Episode 669: Soleil Perspective

"No, no," Solaire murmured in her heart.King Nefa was obviously horny about himself.

But this king wiped out his desire in an instant and returned to peace.I am able to control my own desires brilliantly.I'm glad you're such a good king.There is deep intelligence in his eyes.

When you see such a good man, you try to draw attention unconsciously.I think it is a bad habit, and she felt the horror of the technology that was thoroughly manufactured from an early age.

Nevertheless, when comparing this king with his husband, Linus, it is clear that the army will rise toward his husband.The desire to get what I felt when I met my husband for the first time never happened.

King Nefa explains to May what happened in this city.Looking at the situation, she looked for signs of Cyrus in all directions.

A poison named Solaire.This is no coincidence.Obviously, it is the work of those who hate themselves.Soleil had someone on his side.

It was all those who contested the nomination of the next chief.The faces of the three Cyruses were in Solaire's mind.

One of them was Cyrus, who had a contract with the water spirit called Escalina.From an early age, she and Solaire were close enough to always act together.

She was brilliant. He was the first of his generation of Cyrus to sign a contract with the Water Spirit.Also, according to the length of time, the beauty was polished, and she grew into a woman with more color than Solaire.

However, Escalina closed her eyes, and the man who tried to intertwine was in love with Soleil.He was completely captured by Soleil, and he chased Soleil every step of the way.However, for Solaire, he was a completely immobile man, and his behavior was nothing but annoyance.

A man who knew that he had no pulse with Solaire died of despair.Escalina was furious with this.She thought it was Solaire's fault that drove the man to death, and she abandoned the town and left somewhere.Solaire, who had lost her best friend, was so depressed that she couldn't get back on her feet for a while.

The other one was called Elena.She had successfully contracted the Forest Spirit, which the Patriarch, Vival, had previously contracted.He was recognized by the spirit that the chief contracted, so to speak, who contested the next chief candidate with Solaire.

However, Solaire's marriage to Linus and his contract with the Divine Dragon excluded him from the next chieftainship.After that, it tended to get crowded, and I often left Cyrus' home.

And the last thing I saw in my head was Milwa's face.

Solaire had a strong feeling in her heart that she didn't want the other two to be the culprits.In particular, Escalina has a contract with the Spirit of Water.Because the spirit was so high, if Escalina was interested in it, there was no chance of creating such poison.

Soleil whistled with a small sound as she slowly looked around the city of Kumoja.If there is movement of the Spirit that Cyrus contracted, there will always be a sign of it.The poison has been thrown into this city, and the day is not far away.With Soleil's abilities, it should be easy to find.

However, I could not feel any sign of the spirits moving.

Milwaukee, after all.

Solaire murmured in her heart.I feel like it's a nuisance, and I can't say anything about whether it was.If she were her, she wouldn't choose the means to drive herself out.In addition, he has a contract with Pope, the spirit of the air.Manipulation of the air is troublesome.Because you can erase your own traces.

Solaire whistled again in a small voice.Now I'm going to widen the range and explore beyond this city.

... for a moment, Solaire's movements stopped.

What's the matter, Lady Soleil?

It was Nefa who called me by name.He stared at Soleil with a gentle smile.

“No, it's the first time I've seen the city, and I've been watching it from the rare.”

“If you like it, you won't be so happy.”

At first glance, May and the others were filling the glass bottle with water from the well, and it was almost over.

Thank you for your patience.

Suddenly the soldier's voice echoed.It seemed to me that one of the soldiers was holding back from King Nefa.In his hand was a creature like a big rat.

It's a rat that's often in the woods.Another soldier took a fishing bottle, drew water from the well, and threw a mouse into it.

The rat had been rampaging for a while, but eventually, thinking that he had raised a voice similar to a scream, he burst out of the fishing bottle and ran away like a scream.

"After all, it seems that the water here has already been purified."As expected of Queen Mayrias. "

King Nefa nodded his gaze at May.May took a step forward before the king and opened his mouth with a determined voice.

“I'd like to return to Agarta and analyze the water collected.Probably, but this well is always underground with water coming from the ground, and from there, through the underground aqueduct, everywhere.Therefore, we believe that it is unlikely that the poison will remain in this well.This time, based on that prediction, we are collecting water from the bottom of the well, but it is unlikely that poison will be detected from here. That's why..... "

"Do you need the body of a dead man?"

"... yes"

"Cutting down the body of our important subjects is the same as engraving my body..."But I can't replace my belly on my back..... "

King Nefa looks out for the soldier who was standing by.Then the soldier stood up, bowed his face, and left the scene.

"I will provide the bodies of our soldiers."

"... thank you very much"

May bowed deeply to King Nefa.Behind him, Chiwan leans down with her eyes closed.He contacted his people just in case, and told them that he would do an autopsy as soon as he got back.

After a while, four pieces of cloth, like mummies, were brought in.Looks like this is the body of a soldier who died of poison.May greeted the body with a sneer, and Soleil followed suit.

"Well then, I will return to Agarta immediately and investigate."As soon as we know something, we'll report it. ”

"Thank you very much." I'm looking forward to it. "

King Nefa held May's hand vigorously.She gave a slightly perplexed expression, but immediately returned to her original expression and nodded vigorously with a smile.

Well then, let's go back.

May calls out to Chiwan and the others.He nods slowly. Terasi rushed towards him.

"As long as I have the ability to move instantly, I envy you."With Posehai on his side, Agarta's position won't change. ”

King Nefa muttered to no one.May didn't react to the voice.Soleil opened her mouth.

“Excuse me, just a moment.”

Turning north, she raised her voice to a singing sound, a tiny, silent voice.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

With an indescribably affectionate smile, Soleil runs towards May.

“Now, if you'll excuse me.”

Everyone, including May, bows down to King Nefa.At that moment, they disappeared like smoke...

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