The Prime Minister fell - the newspaper ran around the imperial capital in an instant.

The supreme power in charge of the country has fallen.Naturally, I thought that the palace would be confused, and unexpectedly did not see it, and the imperial capital was experiencing a relatively calm morning.

Almond, the commander-in-chief of the Ramaron Empire, carved wrinkles between his eyebrows as he looked at the Imperial Capital from his office.

... the prime minister has been declared seriously ill, but no one is moving.

Almond predicted that some aristocracy would show some movement.But I don't see any of those movements.

He looks at the usual peaceful emperor's capital and thinks.At that time, the sound of violently opening the door of the room was heard.

Looking back, I saw a bloody soldier breathing on his shoulders.

"What is it?"

"I also want to thank you..."


"Now the palace has ordered us to shut down the Imperial City!"

"Close the Imperial City? I didn't ask?"

"Look at this!"

Soldiers approach Almond and hand over the paper they had in their hands.It described the imminent assassination of Prime Minister Madeline under the joint name of Auhan and Krahara, for which the Prime Minister fell prey, and it was further determined that he was an assassin released by other countries.There were supposed to be multiple assassins, and it was written that they would shut down this imperial capital until they were captured.

"Capture the assassin...? If it bothers you, you can catch it right away."

Almond has an astonishing expression.The man who tried to poison the Prime Minister was almost certainly Mama Juliette, the General Director of the Hound, behind Krahara and Auhan.There is no other woman in the palace who can poison the Chancellor's hand wash.

But Almond murmured in his heart.What the hell does this order mean?Upon issuing this order, the Imperial Army finally moves.The imperial army is the only one guarding the gates of the Imperial City.Soldiers will not move on their own without the consent of their commander-in-chief.

Almond didn't have the hair to follow orders like this.Therefore, this order made no sense at all.

"Thank you!"

A loud voice sounded as if it was disturbing Almond's thoughts.Seeing this, another soldier stood in front of him.Looking closely, some of the soldiers' clothes were stained with blood.

What's wrong?

"The gates of the Imperial City are closed!"


Almond looks suspicious.Inside his head was the face of the Marquis of Tsukaka, Chief of Staff of the Imperial Army, but when the man gave the order, none of them would follow.If that Marquis gives us such an order, we should get a report to Almond immediately.However, the soldier in front of him reports that the gates of the Imperial City have been closed.Ten soldiers are stationed at the castle gate at all times to work in shifts.All of them have quite an arm.

What does it mean to be closed?

Almond asks the soldiers to report with a calm voice.The soldier salutes with a raised hand and opens his mouth while holding his breath.

"Ha. Suddenly, someone dressed like an adventurer appeared and said it was an order from His Highness Auhan and His Highness Krahara, forcing him to close the gates.Of course, we didn't hear that, so we tried to stop it.But they were carrying weapons, and they came at us.We fought and we had a skirmish, but they were all pretty strong, and we couldn't protect the gates. "

"So, what's the status of the soldiers other than you?"

"Ha. I was guarding the main gate, but for the main gate guard, there were six wounded."

"Who else?"

"Ha, we retreated intact."

"Are you in the wounded?"

"Ha, it's not in there."

Seven wounded, then.


"Well done."

Almond opens his mouth as he stares into the soldier's eyes.Tears filled the soldiers' eyes.

"You must have chosen to retreat to take care of the wounded.That's fine. I'll take care of the rest.You take care of the wound.Somebody take care of this man! "

The man was taken by the soldiers and resigned from Almond.He narrowed his eyes with both hands and looked desperately depressed.

When Almond saw that the man had left the room, he turned to the soldiers beside him.

"Investigate the situation at the other castle gates immediately.And gather the Imperial Army. "

The soldiers around Almond jumped out of the room as if they were scattering spider children.

◆ ◆ ◆

Almond brings reports one after the other.All three gates protecting the Imperial City were closed.There were people involved who thought they had attacked the main gate.They were quite skilled.He overwhelmed the soldiers of the Ramaron army and seized the gates with ease.

"The number is... roughly less than fifty."

Almond looks at the paper with the report on it and murmurs without telling anyone.

"Even in the guard, you're overwhelming those with such skills...But the soldiers of our Imperial Army are brilliant.Instead of forcing the opponent, he seemed to be retreating from the scene at a disadvantage.Evidence of an accurate grasp of the opponent's power.Seeing how this suppression works, the opponent is quite skilled.Even if you risk your life, you just lose it.Guard soldiers must praise them. "

That said, Almond looks at the soldiers in front of him.They are all excellent commanders in his right and left arms.

"Rhoda, Silma, you will each take a hundred soldiers to the back gate and to the west gate.Don't forget to take the elite.I will take 300 soldiers to the main gate.Don't let anyone else in until I get back.Follow Admiral Carries' instructions. Good. "

According to Almond, the soldiers slowly lowered their heads.

"Perhaps the commander-in-chief of the front gate's unit is the Commander-in-Chief.What kind of person... will you tell me? "

Almond murmured without telling anyone, and ordered the horse to be towed.

◆ ◆ ◆

In front of the main gate of the Imperial Capital, a large crowd was pushing.

Among the men guarding the main gate was a magician, who intimidated the citizens surrounding the gate with his hands wrapped in flames.The Imperial Army, headed by Almond, guided its citizens under brilliant instructions, and in front of the main gate, the mysterious figure disappeared.

"I am Almond, Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army of Ramaron.For what reason do you occupy the main gate of the imperial capital? "

Confirming that the shadow had disappeared, Almond stepped forward in front of the castle gate on a horse and stood up loudly.Then a man came forward from among the adventurers.He looked at the almonds and smiled invincibly.

"I don't know what to say! Don't tell me you didn't know Orhan and Krahara's orders!Despite orders to shut down the Imperial City, the army will not move at all.That's why we closed the gates! "

"Our Imperial Army is responsible for guarding the castle gate.You don't belong to the Imperial Army.You're not allowed to hurt the guards and occupy the gates.We need to tie him up quickly. "

"Ha-ha-ha. What do you say? We have been ordered by the Marquis of Tsukaka to occupy the castle gate!"

"Well, then, I command you, the superior officer of the Marquis of Tsukaka.When you take possession, you're bound. "

"That's not right!"

The man took off his cloak.I saw something like a small barrel hanging from my neck.

"If we get rid of them, we'll blow ourselves up.Dozens of people with this bomb are stationed in this imperial capital.From now on, every time an explosion occurs, somewhere in the Imperial City will blow up.If you think it's a lie, try it. "

Almond gently raised his right hand without any flickering.Then the soldiers with bows lined up in front of him, pointing arrows at the man.

Don't underestimate this bomb.

The man held a small barrel hanging from his neck with both hands.At that moment, the barrel was dyed bright red.

"Everyone, fall back!"

Almond shouted.At that moment, a flash ran from the man's body...

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