His Highness Auhan's mansion was on the edge of the moat, just near the Imperial Palace of Ramaron.The Marquis of Tsukaka was swayed by a carriage while looking at the long walls of the mansion.

The Marquis had a general idea.Perhaps Auhan-sama will tell me to make the next emperor the flag of my activities.

He imagines things in vain.But a bright future does not come to mind.


The Marquis does not think, but leaks a treacherous voice.I wonder why this happened...



All of a sudden, he is surprised to hear a loud voice and not jump.When he saw it, the man who came to pick him up opened the door and smiled softly.But the eyes were not laughing at all.

"Go ahead."


The Marquis gets off the carriage at his behest.In front of him was a vast mansion.


An old man appeared as he clasped his hands out of the darkness.He named himself Susie.One of His Highness Auhan's chamberlains, I was told not to.

He is always packed in His Majesty's Mansion and rarely appears on the front stage.It was good to say that this was the first time that His Highness came to the palace and saw him accompanying him so often that he spoke directly.

"Your Highness, please wait with your neck extended. Here you go."

From where he got off the carriage, a straight line leads to the Mansion.On both sides, you can see a dark, but well-maintained hedge planted.Susie walks slowly through the middle of the road.

... I must be desperate to go back this way.

The Marquis of Tsukaka whispered in her heart.

When I got to the front door, the door opened by itself.Needless to say, the family inside opened it, but the Marquis responded with shaking.

Through the wide hall and straight down the hallway, I saw a door in front of me.When Susie arrived, she turned her heel back and opened the door in a splendid manner.

"Go ahead."

He enters with a glance at Susie, who bows his head respectfully.Then I saw a huge fireplace in front of me.There was a large locking chair in front of it, and when I looked closely, my hand grew out of the chair.My index finger is moving quickly.He said to come here.

May His Majesty not be crude.

Susie murmured with a small voice and closed the door silently.

The locking chair is shaking small.There was a big, but slightly fat man, with his eyes closed and his body shaken.

"Your Majesty, you are in a beautiful mood, and above all, I would like to congratulate you."

The Marquis of Tsukaka hangs her head on one knee.I await His Highness's words, but remain silent.He slowly looks up and peeks at His Highness's face.

"Not uncomfortable."

Auhan opens his mouth with his eyes closed.Tsukaka lowered her head in a hurry.

"The rest are the sons of Ramaron Crow Frans, Emperor of Ramaron.Why do you have to do this to succeed your father's throne after his death?I have to tell them something like this. It's uncomfortable. "

"... haha"

"Why is Krahara here?"

"Ha.... I haven't heard anything particularly from you."

He's not qualified to succeed the throne.


"Think about it. Ah, he's not a military amateur at all.The emperor who can't hold the army's ropes is not a laughingstock. Isn't that right? "

"Ha... haha"

His Highness is right, but in fact, the nobles want His Serene Highness Krahara to be calm and silent.But I can't say such a thing in front of His Majesty, even if his mouth is torn.

"The rest are truly worried about the future of the empire.How about your father's life? "

"That... will not be communicated to us at all."

"Even there... Madrid's mouth is tough."

That's what Auhan laughs at.

"But Madeleine is headed for Agarta.Doesn't it hurt to think your father's life won't last long? "


"Including that, I know exactly what it feels like to have a title.The next emperor will have a child born between King Agarta and Matocar, and so on.Such a thing cannot be allowed. Isn't that right? "

"Yes, I agree with you."

Auhan nodded slowly and opened his eyes and turned his gaze towards the Marquis of Tsukaka.

"Is there a solution there?"

"That's it...."

"Hmm. I thought it would be like that anyway."

Auhan murmured and slowly stood up from the chair.

"There are only two ways to stop the movement.One is to take the life of Madrid, the Prime Minister.And the other thing is to take Falco's life. "

"Fear it....."

What is it?

"Falco is now coming to Agarta.The kingdom is bound by King Agarta..... "

"I know."


"Then, by chance, Madeleine is not the only one who wants to die."

"There were some who tried, but the strong Imperial Army guards made it difficult even to get close....."

"Anything but raids?"

"What do you call it?"

"There will be many things.What about poisoning? "


"Well, let's leave that to you.I'll tell you the rest.I am willing to take over the throne of this empire after my father dies.And the rest is qualified. "

"Ha... haha"

Auhan stared at Tsukaka, but eventually snapped his hand twice without expression.Then the door of the room was knocked, and Susie, the chamberlain, opened the door.

"Please, I'll show you around."

The Marquis of Tsukaka greeted His Highness Auhan and left the room.

"Your Highness, we are here in pain of a great change of heart."

While walking down the long hallway, Susie opens her mouth to a murmur.

"Your Majesty cannot bear the filth of this kingdom, which has been ruled by noble blood for generations.Yes, I feel the same way about everyone with a title. "

He guides the Marquis to the carriage, telling how painful Auhan is.

"Your Highness, I have great expectations of the Marquis of Tsukaka.I wish you all the best in guiding this country through its remarkable exploitation. "

That's what Susie said and closed the carriage door.

... it's exactly what I expected.

The Marquis of Tsukaka thought as he gazed at the view reflected in the car window.We have to do something...I'm sure it's about His Highness Auhan.I must tell those around me that I left everything to Tsukaka.The story will spread among the nobles in an instant.The eyes of the nobles of the Ramaron Empire will be poured upon themselves.If nothing moves, he may be said to have betrayed His Highness's orders.That way, the house will be crushed.

Even so, the Marquis was unable to get angry.Instead, we can do something about it without changing the status quo...He was beginning to think of such a thing.

But no matter what I thought, I didn't think of a solution.Tired of thinking, he murmured so that he could tell himself in his heart.

... let's wait and see for a while.You should consult with a variety of people to make a decision.No wonder His Highness won't be told soon.

When I thought about that, the carriage suddenly stopped...

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