Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 441 Trialists from each team meet up

Chapter 439 Evolvable spiritual eyes

Guangyin Dajue's golden pupils are at the ninth level of the spiritual level.

It evolved from the butterfly bloodline fused with the Eye of Wisdom, and has the ability to predict the future. It is essentially a second-level spiritual bloodline, so the ability to predict is very limited, and has always been used for research rather than combat.

However, the spiritual eye's bonus to understanding and learning speed is amazing, and it is also indispensable for Gu Luosheng.

And the most important thing is that this pair of spiritual eyes is connected to the soul, otherwise it will not be able to exert the ability to predict the future, let alone increase understanding, increase learning ability, and predict various dangers.

Gu Luosheng had already planned the follow-up development of this pair of spiritual eyes. Now that the trial had given him permission to reorganize his bloodline, he chose the Golden Eyes of Time Enlightenment without hesitation!

At the selected moment, countless spiritual genetic codes dispersed in front of him like a sea of ​​smoke. Gu Luosheng could choose to inherit part of his power through his own subjective will. The bloodline power he obtained this time was only at the spiritual level!

Observing spiritual power, increasing understanding, perceiving danger, and predicting the future are the main abilities of the spiritual eye. If all are retained, there is a high probability that it will be the ultimate weakened version, which will have no effect. If you choose a single ability, you will lose the possibility...

Unfortunately, I chose to have them all! I thought that the [evolution template] would need to be put into the next life before it can be used, but this trial is just in time. Let me use you to test my research first!

Gu Luosheng wrote countless new runes, packaging, compressing, and sealing all the abilities of the spiritual eye in the depths of the bloodline. Only part of the effect was exposed, and it took up all the power of the first-grade spiritual level bloodline.

His pupils were reconstructing, and the black pupils were gradually covered with red runes, densely filling the entire pupils.

Finally, the spiritual eyes took shape.

The whole thing is red, without any patterns. It is very pure. It looks like a pair of fire spirit eyes. However, if you look closely, you will find that there seem to be transparent circles outside the pupils. There are three circles in total, which are reserved for the pupil technique. aisle.

Gu Luosheng opened his eyes and looked at a big tree in the distance. With a boom, the flames ignited out of thin air and burned the tree to death.

Qing Qiong was surprised and said: You have obtained spiritual eyes! Moreover, you have reached the realm of supernatural powers!

Magical powers are spells that are activated instantly.

The revival of human spiritual roots and the bloodline talents of monsters can be said to be magical powers, which are very rare.

Most of the spirits only obtained the corresponding attribute spiritual power, but did not obtain the matching spells.

This is the privilege of spiritual eyes, isn't it?

Gu Luosheng nodded with satisfaction.

The power of these spiritual eyes is naturally nothing, but the speed of releasing spells shows that the quality is extremely good.

It does not slow down the casting speed just because a large amount of blood is compressed!

Privilege? I don't think so. Being able to interfere with the outside world so forcefully and ignite targets from a distance is not something that ordinary spiritual eyes can do. It is indeed a practical magical power! You know, except for the spiritual roots, all the organs of the human body are stronger than The eyes can withstand more!”

It is the most difficult to burn spells on both eyes. The spells burned by ordinary methods cannot achieve this effect at all! It is said that if you want your spiritual eyes to have supernatural power, you need to touch the level of the soul!

Shenhun, this is a field that almost no one can touch...could it be said that Yin Qi has given you new power?

Qingqiong had a vague guess about the situation. If she just regained her strength and wouldn't be so happy, there must be a breakthrough!

You guessed it accurately. My spiritual eye originally only involved the soul a little bit, but now, the situation is different!

Gu Luosheng smiled. He was a little surprised. It turned out that the research on spiritual eyes of various tribes had reached this point.

If everyone knows the secret of the spiritual eye, then as long as he activates the spell contained in the spiritual eye, there will be no possibility of hiding the feature that can take effect across the air.

Fellow Yinguang Taoist is a blessing. He has not touched the realm of supernatural powers. His spiritual eyes can only be used for assistance. He rarely has the ability to directly kill the enemy. Our Taoist family does not have many pairs of famous spiritual eyes!

Chang Tianle said.

There is nothing special about the eyes. They are just tools for observing the world. Their purpose is to receive, not to release.

Therefore, burning spells into the eyes does not add power, and it is impossible to hit them directly when you see them.

The reason why many aristocratic families attach great importance to spiritual eyes is because of the soul. It is possible for the eyes to be connected with the soul. Once the connection is completed, the spells for the eyes will be the same as the divine consciousness. It can be cast directly from a high dimension, and the effect will be the same as through the air. Same hit.

Of course, if you study the divine soul in depth, you will find that the same applies to other organs. As long as you fuse with the divine soul, you can obtain this special effect. However, people in the spiritual world rarely study the divine soul and can only rely on luck. In this case, naturally The probability of this ability appearing in both eyes is relatively high.

Not to mention the famous spiritual eyes, even a pair of spiritual eyes is good. Physical talent is easier to show, but this often crowds out the space for the birth of spiritual eyes. Every monk in our generation who has spiritual eyes has No.

Hai Nie said that he was very envious.

No matter how low-level the spiritual eye is, it is still better than the ordinary physical eye and can avoid many detours.

There are countless aristocratic families in the Taiwu Dao Domain, but there are very few that can steadily inherit the spiritual eye, even the Night Clan.

As a branch of the Night God Clan, the Night Clan has a much higher chance of giving birth to top-notch spiritual eyes, but not all members of the tribe can have spiritual eyes, and it is not a family that specifically inherits the talent of spiritual eyes.

Of course, the value of the Night Clan's physique is obviously much greater than that of pure spiritual eyes, but that does not mean that the Night Clan is not good.

After all, it's just a first-level spiritual talent. There is still room for improvement. Everyone, please deal with the remaining six dragon kings. In the fourth stage, you can obtain the first-level spiritual state of any talent in the body. Maybe in the fourth stage of the trial Play an important role.

Gu Luosheng said.

Everyone nodded, Qing Qionghai and Nie Changtianle stepped forward to kill the Dragon King one after another, dividing the six Dragon King among themselves.

As for the Sky Patrolling Dragon Envoy, he is not included in the reward mechanism of the trial. It seems that he does not think that the trialist can kill the Sky Patrolling Dragon Envoy at all.

It doesn't matter, Gu Luosheng can have another puppet that is close to the second level of spiritual foundation building.

He casually accepted the Sky Patrolling Dragon Envoy. The Patrolling Dragon Envoy, who had become a puppet, turned into a small puppet hanging around his waist. He could return to his true form and fight at any time. If not restored, he could also serve as part of the personal formation to provide support.

Everyone recovered one of their own talents, and not surprisingly, everyone chose Spiritual Root.

All of them have spiritual roots above the second level. As long as they restore their spiritual roots, their strength will increase dozens of times!


Can a first-grade spiritual level bear the second level of spiritual roots?

The weakest second-level spiritual roots cannot only be at the first level of spiritual level. After they chose spiritual roots, their spiritual roots were downgraded one after another and decomposed into two incomplete spiritual roots, which did not appear in a fused state.

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