Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 430 The Consciousness of the King of Eternal Night Revives

Water and wood, among the five elements, are attributes that can directly enhance physical fitness without causing harm to the physical body.

For the rest of the attributes, only by reviving the spiritual roots can the spiritual power not harm the physical body. The difference is obvious.

Human energy is limited. Once you do one thing, it will be difficult to do another thing. There must be a choice.

Gu Luosheng murmured to himself.

Perhaps the remaining attributes, after processing, can also strengthen the human body.

But water spiritual power that does not need to be processed is undoubtedly more advantageous.

The Kingdom of Jin has not made much progress for thousands of years. One of the reasons is that it is difficult for the golden spiritual power to be integrated into the physical body. Forcible integration will lead to the destruction of the physical body, which has great limitations.

Before Gu Luosheng destroyed the Seven Kings, there were only a few warriors in the entire Jin Kingdom who could master the True Dragon Transformation. Even the Seven Kings didn't have the ability to master it, and they could only be activated with the assistance of the national master.

If not, the true dragon transformation would not be reduced to the point where it would only be a gamble when it comes to childbirth. It is indeed impractical.

What's more, the dragon clan does not have the ability to summarize runes, let alone actively improve its own bloodline structure.

When they use the True Dragon Transformation, it is purely a gamble on luck. Sometimes they optimize it for several generations, but often they don't know what happened and it deteriorates back, even becoming worse than the first generation.

This kind of advance and retreat, even if the time scale is extended to a thousand years, will not bring about a qualitative change in the dragon people.

In this regard, there is a big difference between Gu Luosheng and Dragon people.

He has thoroughly studied the power of blood!

Silently operating the True Dragon Transformation.

The blood vessels all over Gu Luosheng's body were activated and blood replacement began. A large number of water runes were written into the underlying blood vessels.

This process was extremely intense. Gu Luosheng replaced the original water bloodline in all aspects and re-wrote it himself.

The new bloodline takes up far more space and is more efficient than before, and Gu Luosheng's water spiritual power is rapidly refined.

As a user of Perfect Spiritual Wen, Gu Luosheng vibrated the spiritual power nodes throughout his body, shattering the original low-purity water spiritual power and replacing it with high-purity water spiritual power, and the structure quickly moved closer to the perfect form.

In order to rush for time, Gu Luosheng showed no mercy at all, and forced himself to speed up even if his body became in tatters.

Soon, he was vomiting blood and reached his limit.

Mark, restore it to me!

Gu Luosheng was shrouded in white light, and the injuries at the cellular and spiritual levels were directly erased, and he returned to full strength again.

The most important thing is that the changes in bloodline are retained and have not been erased together!

Gu Luosheng glanced at it and saw that the blood he had just vomited out was actually tinged with blue. It could be seen that the power of his bloodline was indeed evolving rapidly and had gradually separated from his mortal body.

Repeated baptisms began.

Gu Luosheng kept vomiting blood, and the blue spirituality in the blood became more and more refined. Finally, the blood turned completely blue. Every drop of blood was like a surging tide, pulling in a lot of water vapor.

It has reached a spiritual level of physique, enough to practice to build a foundation!

Enlightenment arose in Gu Luosheng's heart.

Once you know the essence, it will be especially easy to obtain an advanced physique.

Even if you don't understand anything, if you can cultivate to the golden elixir, you will definitely gain a spiritual level physique and pass it on to future generations.

The physique has indeed reached the spiritual level, but I seem to understand why the human race has embarked on the path of spiritual roots.

Compared to spiritual roots, the physique completely covers the whole body. It is much more difficult to change than the spiritual roots.

Under normal circumstances, if I want to obtain a double spiritual physique, I must first clean up the existing physique, and then add another attribute... It is far inferior to spiritual roots. Even if there are five spiritual roots, I will not be able to achieve it. Bloodline upper limit!”

Gu Luosheng sighed.

Unlike his physical constitution, the essence of his spiritual roots has not been broken, and it cannot be artificially created until now.

However, since this trial revisits history, it may provide a glimpse into the mystery of the birth of spiritual roots.

Gu Luosheng grabbed the clouds and made clothes, turned into a rainbow and disappeared from Longzu Mountain, returning to the deserted land of the human race.

The seven kings of the Jin Kingdom have been destroyed, and most of the army has been killed. They are already destroyed in name only and can no longer pose a threat.

The ten-day trial has been completed ahead of schedule!


The sun breaks through the darkness and rises from the distance. The next day is here!

On Xiguang's side, the entire team led the human race people to hide here and there, trying their best to obtain more marks.

Ye Xing watched all this silently, feeling lifeless.

In her consciousness, a huge shadow is gradually covering everything. She herself cannot know the source of the danger, but with her natural talent, she can sense that everything is full of death. For her, this trial is A fatal situation!

In fact, only a few people in the huge Ye family know that Ye Xing is a chosen person, special, and is treated specially by the master's family. A large number of special runes were written when he was young.

This specialness is gradually revealed in this trial, and an extremely huge and terrifying consciousness is emerging from the bottom of the water!

This time point is on the second day of this level.

At this moment that no one was watching, Ye Xing lost all consciousness.

Instead, there was an extremely cold and terrifying consciousness, with a strong aura of death and darkness.

The King of Eternal Night!

Xi Guang... the person of destiny... another timeline, the person qualified for the destiny artifact, Yin Guang...

King Yongye's consciousness quickly recovered, and all kinds of memories came flooding back.

He remembered.

At the last moment before his death, his self in another timeline sent a message!

This message itself is blocked and will only be unblocked after entering the trial, otherwise it is very likely to be erased by the Destiny Artifact!

With his cultivation of becoming a god, although he can resist the destiny's memory erasure, it will definitely attract the attention of the real immortal behind him.

That is the only winner in all eternity, the Time Lord. He is too far behind, so he should be dormant and cautious.

I actually lost. I lost to a mere little girl. It's really surprising. This is a chance to become an immortal!

The King of Eternal Night is like personally experiencing the story of another timeline.

In that time line, he wanted to be resurrected with the corpse immortal body, obtain the true immortal body, and achieve complete immortality.

But after taking possession of the remains of the Corpse Immortal, he was suppressed by the remaining power of the Corpse Immortal and unable to control his body. As a result, he had no choice but to open up a trial world and compete for body authority by re-taking the path to immortality.

This is a path deliberately left by the corpse.

Theoretically, whoever can get through it can directly become an immortal.

As a god, he was absolutely sure of this, so he didn't take the others seriously, swept all the way to the end, and got the chance to become an immortal.

But who knew that in the final battle, his majestic transformation into a god would actually be lost to a little girl, and the little girl refused to become an immortal and left directly after sealing his remnant soul!

It's hard to imagine that I would be defeated by a little girl, but this is indeed a fact, and it is indeed possible. After all... this is the history of the world, and there is destiny to ensure that the process will not be distorted!

But it won't happen this time, I won't give it another chance!

Yongye's eyes were indifferent.

He wants to change history and his own destiny.

One hundred years of eternal night, ten thousand years of light?

No, the night has always existed and will never be missing, and he should be the same! (End of chapter)

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