Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 405 The possibility of elimination

Soldier leader?

Everyone looked at each other, there are still living people in this world?

Do you really want to walk the road to becoming an immortal all over again?

It's impossible. It took too long. We went through five levels of opponents in a row in the first level. Obviously, it wasn't really evolving four times in a short time, but compressing time and simulating the evolution of monsters. That's why we need to Drinking the blood of monsters is the key to evolution. The process of drinking blood should be the first step for ancient humans to unlock transcendence.

Gu Luosheng whispered.

He has bred countless spiritual butterflies himself, so he naturally knows that the demon clan cannot replace four generations in a short period of time, and there must be external forces involved.

Similarly, humans cannot evolve in a short time and rely on the power of imprints.

In normal history, due to the long breeding time of humans, the replacement of generations is much slower than that of beasts, so the evolution of bloodline is extremely slow.

Even if the humans in the spirit world have become the protagonists of the world, they still cannot compare with the monsters and beasts in terms of physical fitness.

The trials limit our talents. They obviously want us to imitate the human monks of the past, who defeated the strong with the weak in adversity. If we don't break through ourselves, we can only fail. Let's see what this person says first.

Gu Luosheng said.

Everyone nodded.

In the fifth stage, if Gu Luosheng hadn't activated the aura of heaven and earth, they might not all die, but a large number of them would definitely perish.

But this is also a problem.

Only the monks who participated in the fifth stage of the battle could obtain the power of the mark, and they were already one step behind.

If we don’t make a breakthrough, it will be even more difficult.

Stop! Who are you! Why do you know the name of Master Yinguang?

Jin Ci stepped forward to stop the man in sackcloth.

Although this person seems to know Gu Luosheng, they don't know him. If they pretend to know, it will definitely be a lot of trouble for them to inquire later.

It's better to just pretend that you don't know him so that you can ask more clearly.

And everyone also wants to know how this person will answer them.

Do they have fixed identities, or are they fabricating different identities based on their conversations?


The man in linen was stunned. He raised his head and glanced at Jin Ci. He found that he looked old, but he was very elegant. He looked like a noble man at first glance. He quickly lowered his head and said: My lord, the Yinguang Soldier Master is the strongest in Baihuangdi. The monks have always protected the four sides from threats, and the grassroots people naturally recognize it! Tan Yi, the grassroots villager in Qingye Village, Huanglin Mountain, was the letter asking for help that I sent earlier, and the token is here!

He handed over a cyan copper block with dense runes engraved on it.

Everyone pondered. It seemed that only Yin Guang had an identity among them. The villager didn't even know the rest of them, so they couldn't fabricate their identities.

Jin Ci reached out and took the copper block, and a piece of information immediately emerged in everyone's mind.

[Stand by the Huanglin Mountain for one day or kill the Zombie King Heng. 】

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but feel confused.

Isn’t it the era of the demon clan?

Why is the opponent a zombie?

And evil things like zombies actually appeared in the era of King Miu and True Immortal?

That's true. Could this true immortal's name refer to zombies? Young monk Hai Nie looked strange.

He is a member of Shengui Zhai and is good at the breath-holding technique. After joining the team, he also managed to survive.

As a member of Shengui Zhai, what he is best at is protecting his life. Hearing the name of this true immortal, he already shuddered.

The corpse immortal king!

With a name like Corpse Immortal, he doesn't look like a being that is easy to get along with. Can he really be so compassionate and leave a legacy?

He even doubted whether the content on the stone tablet was true or false. This King of Misunderstandings has become a corpse immortal, and he will still fight for the human race?

So why did he die?

It's possible. Aren't zombies just living immortal individuals? Their life span is several times or dozens of times that of our monks.

Gu Luosheng replied casually.

He knows the nature of the Immortal Dynasty, and also knows that the Immortal Law comes from the Corpse Immortal King.

The trial world didn't remind him, and he had vague guesses. Now it is confirmed that this immortality technology is the beginning of everything.

Perhaps it was this technology that created the Zombie Immortal King and the zombie clan, allowing him to gain infinite lifespan and thus have the capital to become an immortal.

The sound can only be heard by monks. It is a technique of transmitting sound into the secret.

Gu Luosheng turned to villager Tan Yi and said, Since there are zombies, do you know the specific situation? Also, are you the only one in the village?

Soldier, the rest of the people are hiding in the basement. There are more than 200 people in total. As for the zombies, judging from the movement, there are at least more than a hundred. I am afraid that this kind of scale was done by the beasts from the Jin Kingdom. We don't have this kind of zombies here anymore. There are so many people... Tan Yi said.

The beast of the Kingdom of Jin?

The rest of the forces?

Everyone wanted to ask, but it was difficult to ask. They should not be unaware of this common sense.

Gu Luosheng patted Tan Yi on the shoulder and said: Hey, these beasts are killing so indiscriminately, and they will be punished by God sooner or later. Although we are weak now, the wind and water are changing. One day it will be our turn to rise, and then we will have strength. Go take care of it!”

Rise? Don't be ridiculous, Master... Among all races, only our human race evolves the slowest and has the lowest adaptability to spiritual energy. Now that the human race is about to perish, and no human king has been born, how can we mess with it? That Jin Kingdom is a branch of the dragon clan and the king of all clans! Tan Yi forced a smile.


Everyone's eyes narrowed.

Is the human race going to perish? A branch of the dragon clan, the king of all clans?

Could it be that this is the era of dragons?

Judging from various relics and a large number of indelible traces, the era when the dragon clan was born was extremely distant, before the era of heaven!

The greatest achievements of the three dynasties of the human race are all related to the fight against the demon clan. The first generation dynasty and the demon clan were evenly matched, making the human race one of the overlords of the spiritual world. The second generation dynasty disintegrated the heaven. The third generation dynasty will destroy the second generation of the heaven. Defeated again.

Among the opponents of the three generations of dynasties, there are dragons, which shows their vitality and their dominance among the monsters.

Where is the Kingdom of Jin? Is it an enemy?

In front of Tan Yi, who was at a loss, a pretty little girl asked.

It would seem weird to other people, but if a little girl asked, she just didn't know the world, so it wasn't weird at all.

Brother Xiguang, why is there such a young child in the team? Could it be that she also has mastery of inner energy?

Tan Yi looked at Xiguang blankly.

Don't underestimate Wanxing. Her strength is at the forefront among us. If she hadn't been so young, she would have easily surpassed us.

Xi Guang smiled and said.

Beyond the Soldier Master?

Tan Yi looked surprised. He was no ordinary genius. It seemed that there was someone to succeed the military leader.

Is the Kingdom of Jin an enemy?

Ye Xing repeated, attracting Tan Yi's attention. Tan Yi glanced at Xi Guang, who nodded slightly.

He got it, so to speak.

Tan Yi was silent for a while, thinking about his words, and then said to Ye Xing: Although it is cruel, we are not qualified to be enemies of the Kingdom of Jin. They are a branch of the Dragon Clan, subjects of the Emperor of All Races, and they can defeat the Nei Kingdom with their blood alone. Qi realm, and our human race is huddled in a deserted land, precarious, at best it is just a pastime for the dragon people of the Jin Kingdom when hunting.

Actually, if our human race hadn't turned into zombies after death, which is not delicious, we might have perished long ago. Today's human race only has one habitat in the Wasteland, and it depends entirely on the protection of the military leader to survive. All the clan members together, Maybe we can’t even get together the number of 10,000.”

So there are benefits to becoming a zombie after death?

So, the source of human corpse transformation is the corpse immortal king, and the purpose is to prevent the powerful demon clan from eating humans?

Everyone heard this, made eye contact, and seemed to have some guesses.

Taiwu Dao Domain is considered a big force in Shengzhou. There are many top-level families, many of whom are equal to the Tian Family and have mastered the Immortal Law.

This kind of family that masters the Immortal Law is collectively called the Blood Curse Family. Many of the monks present are from the Blood Curse Family, and they have all noticed that there seems to be some connection between King Mao and the Immortal Law.

The essence of the Immortal Law is the immortal power of zombies. Since King Mao is the source of zombies, the Immortal Law must be related to King Mao!

In this way, it might be possible for them to get the inheritance!

The imprint is constantly evolving, and in the future, it is very likely that it will surpass the third level of spiritual magic, and reach the fourth and fifth levels. With the inheritance of immortals, it may not be impossible to reverse the destiny!

Your Highness, you may be able to get the physique to practice immortality here. In the following battle, try to collect as many marks as possible.

Ordinary women remind the night stars.

The latter smiled reluctantly, nodded and said: Don't worry, I collected twenty-four marks in the first level, and coupled with the power of evolution obtained in the fifth stage, my physique has evolved to the inner energy stage, which is no worse than Xi Guang.

As the most talented person of this generation of the Ye Clan, even if Ye Xing fell from the foundation building, his performance was no worse than that of a real person.

And as his physique improves, she can feel that His Highness's potential is getting greater and greater.

Coming, zombies.

The figure of an ordinary woman disappears, but she actually uses her inner energy to create the art of concealment, which is quite astonishing.

If you don't know enough about inner energy and the human body, even if you are extremely intelligent, you won't be able to create a concealment technique in such a short time.

Everyone looked outside the village and saw dense clouds and darkness. The atmosphere became solemn in an instant, and a faint roar sounded!

They caught the scent and here they go again!

Tan Yi turned pale.

You go back and hide, leave this place to us.

Xi Guang said.

I understand, I understand, my lords, the newly forged weapons have been placed everywhere and are ready for use at any time!

Tan Yi handed a picture to Xiguang, then quickly got into the house and disappeared.

Listening to the sound, everyone discovered that he had entered a tunnel and that his real hiding place was not here. No wonder they didn't realize that someone was hiding at first.

It turns out there is a mineral vein that can be used to forge weapons. No wonder it needs protection. This is probably the only remaining wealth of the human race.

Xi Guang walked into a thatched house according to the map, and lifted up the thick thatch on the bed. There was a hole in the ground, and thirty long knives without scabbards were neatly arranged, covered with yellow talismans.

Only thirty?

Ye Yu on the side frowned.

They are all extremely powerful. After the first level, not many people died at all. There were more than two hundred people, and thirty knives were not enough.

There are also some in the mountains and forests outside the village, hiding in various places, seemingly unwilling to be discovered.

Xi Guang looked at the map and said.

What's the point? Is there some kind of ceremony being held?

Everyone was a little surprised, and quickly assigned weapons according to their strength, and then sent some people to get the knives.

Since Tan Yi said he could use it at will, there was no reason for them not to use it.

There are actually thirty knives. This village produces a lot. No wonder an army has to be sent to protect it!

Gu Luosheng and others opened the straw mat and were very surprised.

There are only forty of them, and their main combat strength is less than thirty, which means they can all be equipped with weapons!

Everyone was in tears. In the previous battle with an opponent of the size of the lizard demon, the weapons turned out to be kitchen knives, wooden sticks and other garbage. It was extremely difficult and all relied on the support of the past.

Weapons will be worn out, so it's better to send a team of people to get the weapons. This time the opponent is a zombie. The body is invulnerable. Without weapons, it is impossible to defeat the opponent with just two fists. You see, there is a yellow talisman on the knife. It should be used. To restrain the zombies.

Gu Luosheng picked up a knife and showed it, The yellow talisman will become useless after a few uses. It's better to make more to be sure.

The danger is too great! Hidden Light, you should have noticed that this village is blessed with formations. The strength of the zombies will be weakened, and it will not be easy to detect the human aura. But once you leave the village, the aura will be several times more obvious. I'm afraid Most of the zombies will be attracted, which is really inappropriate! Qing Qiong flatly refused.

These places are very close. Go and come back quickly. It won't be long. You guys, please come with me. Gu Luosheng designated three people.

The three are Shengui Zhaihai Nie, Sanxiu Gongye, and Chimao Lingcheng Chi Han.

The three people named were very surprised and did not understand why they were named.

All three of them are good at concealment, which may reduce the probability of being discovered. Without further ado, let's set off!

Gu Luosheng gave an explanation and gave them no room to refuse. He threw two knives at each of them and led them straight to the nearest hiding place.

As soon as they left the village, a rotten smell lingered in front of their noses. Everyone felt shuddering, knowing that the zombies were not far away from them. The four people immediately showed their magical powers to suppress and eliminate the breath of the living.

Gu Luosheng silently observed the three of them. His own energy and blood were flowing, the aura of a living person disappeared, and his face was as pale as a dead person.

Fellow Daoist Yinguang, you killed the Lizard Queen and gained the fourth stage of evolutionary power. I wonder if there will be any changes?

Shengui Zhaihai Nie suddenly asked. He had been curious for a long time, how far can one person's physical evolution evolve with the power of evolution?

Sanxiu Gongye and Chihan from Chimao Lingcheng also pricked up their ears and were very interested.

I haven't used it yet. Gu Luosheng shook his head.


The previous rules said that the evolutionary stage cannot be skipped, so I wanted to see if I wouldn't be able to use the second mark if I didn't use the power of the fourth stage of evolution. Gu Luosheng said.

Do you think the first mark and the second mark may not be interoperable? Also, if they are interoperable, wouldn't we all be unable to use the second mark... Hai Nie said, his face suddenly turned ugly.

An idea popped into his mind.

What if?

What if they are interconnected, and as long as they do not participate in the fifth stage, they will all be eliminated?

Gu Luosheng expressed his thoughts.

A three-person thriller!

Only the strong can become stronger and evolve in this trial, and it is entirely possible to directly eliminate the weak who dare not even participate! (End of chapter)

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