Reincarnation Immortal Path

Chapter 395 Three Stages

Regardless of whether the girl Can Hun mentioned is Xi Guang or not, I have no choice but to survive now!

This is a great danger, but also a great opportunity.

If you just want to destroy them in a group, there is no need to create a world specifically to let the monsters evolve and improve their strength step by step.

This trial is just too difficult!


There were constant roars on the seventeenth floor, and lizard monsters were lying on the glass windows, staring at everyone with murderous intent, and smashed the glass one after another.

Everyone frowned, why did their IQ suddenly drop again?

Most rooms have doors blocked directly, which is more difficult to intrude than blocking windows.

The few rooms left aside and the windows on both sides of the building are where the lizard demon can play its part.

At the same time, unless they have the power to break the wall, each lizard monster will fight alone and it will be difficult to join forces.

From the current point of view, although the second-level lizard demon can break the wall, it will take a long time. This time is enough for them to surround and kill them one by one!

Or are you planning to win by quantity?

Pay attention to conserving your energy, they may enter the third stage at any time!

After Gu Luosheng finished speaking, he held the knife and walked towards the side of the building.

At the end of the line of sight, a lizard monster fell heavily into the pile of debris. Its huge size made people feel their feet shaking, and it seemed to be even bigger.

The veins on the palms of the several monks holding the iron pots bulged out, and they were very nervous. They were only in the Qi training period and had not experienced the sublimation of the essence of life. After being demoted to mortals, they were almost like mortals and did not have much confidence in themselves.

The lizard demon suddenly stuck out its tongue with murderous intent. One person was caught off guard and his legs were entangled, and he fell directly to the ground. The whole person was dragged towards the lizard demon. He couldn't help shouting in horror: Help!

Gu Luosheng suddenly accelerated, cut off his tongue with a knife, and rushed towards the lizard monster. However, the lizard monster's strength had changed. It was able to react and retract its tongue and spit it out again. The speed was so fast that it was impossible to see clearly. Gu Luosheng barely turned sideways. , relying on prejudgment to cut off a section of tongue again.

At this time, the distance between one person and one demon was less than two steps, and they had already entered the killing line!

Fifty percent!

The world in front of Gu Luosheng was dark for a moment. The blood supply to his body was all going to his muscles, and his vision was affected. However, the speed of the slash was indeed much faster, which could be said to have exceeded the limit again!

This knife condensed murderous intent, making the lizard demon feel a great threat. It couldn't help but retreat, but there was no way to retreat, so it struck hard and shook its head to knock the blade away, but it was completely useless. The straight knife was accurate. cut off one of its eyes.

As flesh and blood flew everywhere, the lizard demon let out a shrill scream.

It was so angry that it opened its bloody mouth and bit Gu Luosheng's waist, trying to cut him in half!

Gu Luosheng stepped on the wall and flew into the air, suddenly rushed behind the lizard demon, and jumped up when the lizard demon could not turn around quickly...


The tip of the knife penetrated the neck and severed the spine. The lizard demon was paralyzed on the spot, a large amount of blood spilled out, and he died on the spot!

Let's go too!

The others watched with excitement and rushed to a room with obstacles piled up only by the window to surround and kill the lizard demon that broke in.

They took the sand they found in the flowerpot and threw it directly into the lizard demon's eyes. When the lizard demon wanted to fight back, they had a lot of various armors in their hands, which could withstand the lizard demon's heavy blows.

Under such circumstances, it might be feasible to surround and kill the lizard demon!


But when they met, someone still fell down, and his head was torn off by a sudden attack outside the window. It was extremely terrifying.

Everyone was shocked and angry. These lizard monsters actually set up a trap, and there were lizard monsters lurking in the dark to attack!

The accuracy of these lizard monsters is no worse than that of humans, and they can hit accurately even from outside the window!

Several lizard demons launched an attack together, and it was impossible to defend against them. Everyone raised their armor and left the room in defeat!


Gu Luosheng killed two lizard demons again. The first and second circles reached eight petals at the same time. Additional kills after that were of no effect and would not light up the petals in the third circle in advance.

The second stage can light up the lower stage one, but can't it light up the higher stage three?

Or is the quantity not enough?

Gu Luosheng had no chance to verify it, because the lizard demon outside the window roared and was enveloped by wisps of bloody air!

Evolution happened again!

Stage three! Interrupt them!

We can't let them evolve successfully!

Everyone started shouting, and many people rushed forward and slashed with their swords.

Under the knife attack, the lizard demon showed no resistance and was directly hacked to death. The blood-colored air flow dissipated on the spot.

In several rooms, many lizard monsters were hacked to death!

Wait a minute, why are only the second circle of petals added?

Someone noticed a problem.

Evolution has just begun, doesn’t it count as the third stage? With this mechanism, the lit petals must have meaning!

Please cash in quickly!


Everyone can observe the huge transformation of the lizard demon with the naked eye. The previous lizard demon relied entirely on physical strength, but now the lizard demon is already evolving into an inner-qi creature!

No one is more familiar with that bloody aura than Gu Luosheng. It is blood energy, vitality, and the prototype of inner energy!

Although the inner energy is rudimentary, once it is possessed, it will unlock the extraordinary, and its strength will increase dramatically!

Even just a wisp of inner energy can easily leave palm marks on a tree trunk with a fleshy palm, and if it hits a person, no matter how strong he is, he will die!

And the inner energy often obeys a law, the stronger the body, the stronger the inner energy!

In his first life, Gu Luosheng practiced the art of nourishing qi. After practicing to a limit, the speed of maintaining and restoring internal qi reached a balance, so the internal qi could not advance even an inch. It was only after he improved his physique and greatly increased the digestive capacity of his stomach that he could Get continued progress.

The blood-colored air flow that the lizard demon just gave birth to is the inner energy of the demon clan, which can be called qi and blood.

Their huge size determines that the power of Qi and blood cannot be weak even if they are just born!


The wall collapsed and several people flew into a puddle of mud, confirming Gu Luosheng's fleeting thoughts.

Evolution is complete!

The lizard demon in the third stage grows fine black scales, and blood-red air flows when breathing. Both its claws and body have been optimized, becoming slender and streamlined.


This time, the lizard demon's roar was extremely penetrating, resounding throughout the building, shaking the sky, and making all the monks on the top floor look shocked.

It's time to decide! Fellow Taoist Yinguang has proven that the mark has no effect, at least for now!

We...have to survive!

Master Qingqiong said.

Everyone looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They were just mortals and could not be the opponents of Qi-blood creatures!

What's more, these are not one or two blood creatures, but more than fifty, enough to kill them several times!

let's start!

That's all!

Escape to the nearest building, to be precise, the building with strong people... This is our only way to survive!

Everyone at the top shows their determination. At this time, who is the bait depends on their own abilities!

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