
Chapter 555: The History of the National Teacher

"Now you should believe that the national teacher is really loyal to the gods, right?"

Bai Ye stared at the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood in front of him. After a long silence, he said quietly, "Even if the national teacher is not a rat clan, the Longfang Kingdom is after all his painstaking efforts. All the rat clans are the capital for him to dominate the underground world. But today, in order to eliminate the snake demon and the swarm of insects, the national teacher will spare no effort to do everything he has worked so hard to do—if it is not 100% loyal, why would it do this?"

Chu Ge thought for a long time, but still couldn't find the answer.

"Perhaps I was really wrong."

Chu Ge said, "At the beginning, my intuition told me that the national teacher must have ulterior motives and must have ulterior motives, no matter how loyal it is, it is definitely hiding a huge conspiracy.

"But now, I vaguely feel that even though the national teacher knows that the gods do not exist, it still decides to dedicate all its loyalty to human beings—in its self-righteous way.

"It's just that, after coming to such a conclusion, why am I not only not at all relaxed and joyful, but still so entangled and even... hated?

"It's so strange. From a human standpoint, shouldn't I be happy to have a 'loyal' assistant like the National Teacher who can help us solve all the troubles in the underground of Lingshan City? Why can't I restrain my deep feelings for the National Teacher contempt and hatred?"

Bai Ye's gaze was as deep as the sea, looking at the stumped limbs and arms of the Rat Clan, he was speechless for a long time.

"Dissecting my mind, I find myself in a very strange situation."

Chu Ge pondered, "If I stand on the standpoint of 100 human beings and face the fire of snakes, insects, rats and ants, I should laugh out loud. I shouldn't feel any discomfort except for some intense phobia attacks—no matter how many snakes die. Insects, rats and ants are nothing worth mentioning, and they shouldn't cause any emotional ripples at all.

"What if we stand in the position of 100 Rat Races? Ordinary Rat Races don't even know that everything the national teacher told them is a lie. The so-called heaven under the blue sky and white clouds does not exist at all, and the gods have never loved them. , and did not give them any mission.

"The 100 Rats have no worries, they only need to dedicate their lives to the illusory gods, and die without hesitation under the bewitchment of the national teacher.

"However, the current me is a 50-year-old rat tribe and a 50-year-old human being.

"As a 50-year-old rat clan, I have the ability to empathize with other rat clans. When I see the rat clan sacrificed heroically, my blood will boil. When I see the rat clan being slaughtered, I will feel pity. When I see the rat clan being killed by the national teacher Playing with applause,

I would be filled with righteous indignation again.

"As a 50-year-old human being, I can easily see through every lie of the national teacher, and see clearly the despicable and shameless soul hidden under its seemingly honest appearance.

"In this way, I am really at a loss, and even gradually lost, I don't know what my real mission is.

"Bai Ye, you told me that day that you have adapted to your new identity and don't want to be a human anymore, so are you now a 100-year-old Rat Race? Or a 70-year-old Rat Race and a 30-year-old human? When you look at What are you thinking when the national teacher lures countless Rat Races to a meaningless death with a big lie?"

The corners of Bai Ye's eyes twitched violently.

Chu Ge read confusion, pain and a hint of hidden deep hatred from his eyes.

He didn't answer Chu Ge's question directly, but said: "It seems that, like me, you are going to gradually forget your identity as a human being and completely become a rat clan."

"This is impossible. Before the 'critical point' arrives, I will launch my soul without hesitation. Even if my soul is scattered, I will 'disconnect and escape'."

Chu Ge shook his head. With Bai Ye's lessons learned, he would naturally not allow himself to become like Bai Ye. He had already used shock energy to set a... "stop loss line" in his mouse brain, "I just try to start from Look at the problem from different angles, maybe in this way, we can find a path that satisfies both parties.”

"A path that satisfies both parties?"

Bai Ye grinned, "If you take this path, you will definitely be denounced as a 'traitor' by countless humans."


Chu Ge said, "I just think that if human civilization can't completely wipe out all the rats on the entire earth, then the rats will always develop their own civilization when the recovery of spiritual energy intensifies. Deeply deceiving, using and hurting——even if human civilization can get a small profit for a while, it will eventually catch fire and suffer backlash.

"In the logic of the national teacher's own thinking, it may be really loyal to human beings, and even self-hypnotized, treating human beings as gods.

"But it really shouldn't be eager for quick success, using a big lie to create the Rat Race civilization, which will only infect the Rat Race civilization with the genes of fanaticism and riots from the very beginning, and the relationship between human civilization and Rat Race civilization , planting a malignant tumor or a super landmine that is getting bigger and bigger.

"Can the human civilization on the earth completely wipe out the Rat Race civilization? Maybe it can, maybe it can't, but even if it can, the price must be very heavy.

"In particular, the scientific and technological civilization on Earth is now facing the double threat of the cultivating civilization of the immortal world and the magic civilization of the fantasy world. I don't think that in today's turbulent and hostile environment, the Earth Alliance is ready to dig three feet around the world. Prepare to fight all rats to the death.

"Then, no matter whether the national teacher thinks he is loyal or not, he is doing a very selfish and extremely stupid thing.

"It's still the same sentence, no matter from the standpoint of humans or rats, we must stop and dismantle this super mine before it detonates!"

Chu Ge looked at Bai Ye with incomparable sincerity and passion, his eyes were full of gold.

Bai Ye was moved, he didn't expect Chu Ge's thinking blade to become so sharp all of a sudden.

"It's all your guesswork."

Bai Ye said distractedly, "Before there is no conclusive evidence, what can we do to the national teacher? Its prestige in the Fang Kingdom and the entire underground world is at its peak. How can we launch a 'mutiny' and arrest it? "

"Currently, of course it's impossible, but it won't be so after the battle between the Rat Clan and the Snake Demon."

Chu Ge said, "I always have a feeling that the large-scale invasion launched by the Snake Demon against Luminous City and the ensuing full-scale counterattack by the Longfang Kingdom are really strange.

"Think about it carefully, everything about the snake demon was told by the national teacher, even though it said that several Rat tribes from vassal tribes had seen the snake demon's subordinates, including us who also fought fiercely with the golden monster python, but never No one has ever seen the snake demon itself, and most of the horror legends about the snake demon are based on rumors.

"If snake demons really exist, because snakes have no limbs and are cold-blooded reptiles, their civilization must be very different from that of the mammals of the rat race. It is really necessary for the two sides to have a close contact All-out war, kill you to the death?

"On the other hand, if the snake demon really possesses the superior wisdom that the national teacher said, wouldn't it know that there is a prosperous human city standing above its head, and that is its greatest threat? What reason does it have, If you want to annihilate the Longfang Kingdom in such a hurry, what can you do after it is annihilated, and rule the underground world forever?"

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, and had to agree with Chu Ge's judgment: "You are right, the snake demon attacked, the rat clan counterattacked, everything seemed to come...too fast."

"It's almost as if the national teacher is deliberately looking for an opportunity to show the loyalty of it and the rat clan to the 'gods'." Chu Ge said.

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes.

"Do you suspect that all of this was directed and performed by the national teacher?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I have no idea."

Chu Ge said, "But I believe that if the snake demon really exists and I can find it, everything will come to light, even including... the origin of the national teacher."

"In human terms, the national teacher is a dog demon." Bai Ye said.

"Yes, but it must not be an ordinary dog ​​demon."

Chu Ge said, "Awakening the light of wisdom does not mean possessing extraordinary wisdom instantly. I have seen some monsters who have been cultivated to become fine and have highly evolved brain cells. Their intelligence level is at most equivalent to that of a three- to five-year-old child. Only by studying for a long time can one master simple language and the ability to communicate initially, let alone create a civilization as sophisticated as the National Teacher.

"So, the national teacher is not an ordinary dog ​​monster, but a super dog monster who has received professional training.

"Here comes the problem. The Seventh Division of the Special Investigation Bureau definitely did not train such a dog monster. Then, who trained the national teacher?"

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