
Chapter 508: The Origin of the Undead

After the chaos just now, the triumphal ceremony was hastily done.

On the way to the warehouse, Chu Ge couldn't bear it anymore, and asked the cat eater about Bai Ye - "I can't be beaten to death".

Perhaps it was because his performance just now was too flashy and he was loyal to himself, the cat eater did not become angry, but sighed, and told Chu Ge the story of "unbeatable".

"This guy may have been blessed by the gods just like you. When a patrol team from the Longtooth Kingdom found him in the cracks in the ground, he was torn apart by a cat, swallowed, and When it comes out, it's so fragmented, it's a mess."

The cat eater told Chu Ge, "At that time, no one thought that 'unbeatable' could survive, and the patrol team didn't even regard him as a living rat tribe, but thought he was a wriggling mass of viscera, some kind of distorted Monster, the patrol team wanted to see how long this lump of rotten meat with rotten intestines, shattered limbs, and a big hole in its head could last, and then brought him back to Luminous City.

"Who knows, he happened to be discovered by the national teacher who was on patrol. The national teacher could see the extremely strong vitality hidden under the rotten meat at a glance, and ordered the patrol team to take him to the Ling River and soak it in.

"An incredible thing happened!

"Ordinary rats can soak in the Ling River for such a long time at most. After such a long time, their bodies will reach their limit. If they are forced to soak, they will feel that the Ling River has turned into magma, and the river water is like a steel needle. Their bodies are guaranteed to jump out of it.

"Even if it's me, I can only stay in Linghe for so long. I can't bear it for such a long time!"

Cat eaters use their paws and hind limbs to express the concept of time clumsily.

This was the second time Chu Ge had heard the term "Linghe".

It sounds like a sacred place that is very important to the Rat Race, and it feels a bit like a paradise.

"As for 'unbeatable', this guy actually stayed in the Linghe River for the time it takes for Luminous Moss to change its light three times. We were all shocked!"

The cat eater made an exaggerated expression, saying "I can't be beaten to death" - Bai Ye is a monster, and he didn't dare to confront him just now, so there is nothing shameful about it.

Chu Ge knows that the underground world does not distinguish between day and night, but the faint light emitted by the luminous moss will change with the passage of day and night.

When it is daytime on the ground, the glow of night moss tends to be blue.

When it's night on the ground,

The light of the luminous moss is faint red.

Therefore, the residents of the Longfang Kingdom can use the light of the luminous moss to calculate the time.

"In three days, all the wounds on the 'Unkillable' body healed, and even the large hole in the skull had a white periosteum growing, and the periosteum continued to thicken, and was soon covered with new flesh and blood. And Mao Mao, when he finally woke up and crawled out of the Ling River, except for the horrible scars all over his body, he looked alive and kicking, no different from a healthy Rat Race."

The cat eater unconsciously showed a look of awe, "We have never seen a Rat Tribe who was so seriously injured, and he can recover as before, so we all called him 'unbeatable', and everyone speculated that he should It was only after being attacked by several wild cats that it was torn into this state—if there is only one wild cat, depending on his willpower, it is not certain who will eat it!"

Chu Ge's heart moved, and he asked: "Then what did he say, did he tell you how he was injured?"

Cat Eater shook his head.


The cat eater said, "'Unbeatable' is a taciturn mouse, like a lump of cold stone, or even a dead body crawling out of the deep cracks in the ground. He doesn't like to talk, but he believes in the power of his minions.

"Long Tongue, you saw it just now, the world of our mice is like this, you bite me, I catch you, it's a mess, because there are too many of us, and we don't cherish every mouse or even our own life. .

"Seeing the ferocious and grotesque appearance of 'Unbeatable', naturally many rat tribes came forward to inquire, and were enraged by his icy cold attitude, and a fight broke out between the two sides.

"No, you can't say 'fighted', it should be a one-sided massacre, even though there were thirty or fifty Rats who provoked him, and there were many of them who were tyrannical in Luminous City, they were still killed by him. , was beaten up and down——and at this time, his wound hadn't even fully healed, and the beating was beating, and bright red blood was still flowing from all over his body.

"This battle shook the entire Luminous City.

"'Undefeated' was appreciated by the national teacher and became our vanguard, helping the Fang Kingdom to wipe out all the nearby monsters and tribes that were unwilling to surrender to us.

"The light of Luminous Moss has only alternated twenty or thirty times, and he has already killed more than a dozen monsters.

"I saw with my own eyes that he killed a thick and long snake, biting it into seven inches, tearing it all the way in, and devouring the snake until only a piece of snake skin remained.

"As for other snakes, insects, rats and ants, not to mention, 'Unbeatable' is invincible, almost no one is his single-handed enemy.

"In this way, 'Undefeated' became the number one warrior in the Longfang Kingdom. Although he is an outsider, he is a white mouse just like you and me. Everyone still admires him very much, and no one dares to provoke him easily.

"However, I didn't expect the national teacher to pay so much attention to 'undead'. He was asked to stay and defend the city during the expedition, and even became a general, 'Undead General', hmph!"

The cat eaters are still a little brooding.

It still thinks that it is the protagonist of today's triumph, but was robbed of the limelight by the "Undead General".

But it is not such a narrow-minded mouse. In other words, the invincible claws of the "Undead General" are enough to make all mice open-minded and gentle.

"Don't worry too much about the 'Undead General'."

The cat eater thought that Chu Ge asked so many details because he was worried that he had offended the undead general just now.

Now it sees Chu Ge more and more pleasing to the eye, faintly regards Chu Ge as its confidant, and hastily comforted, "Although the Immortal General is strict, he is very particular about fairness, he will not take the trivial matter just now to his heart.

"Golden Tail, on the other hand, this guy had a grudge against me, but today he made such a big scandal in public because of you and me, he dare not go to the Undead General to get his face back, maybe he will take his anger out on you and me.

"Of course I'm not afraid of him, but if you encounter a golden tail in the future, you must be careful. It's best to run away from him as soon as you see him, and come to me as soon as possible."

Chu Ge hurriedly said: "With the support of the cat eater, I am not afraid of gold tail, silver tail or iron tail!"

This simple and rude flattery still made the cat eater laugh out loud after being slightly taken aback.

The two walked and chatted all the way, and exercised each other's language skills by the way.

At the beginning, it was the cat eater who taught Chu Ge the language of the Longtooth Kingdom, but the language of the Rat Clan was so childish and barren that it was not enough to express too complicated and profound meanings. Later, Chu Ge often guessed and figured out The meaning of the cat eater is repeated in a more delicate and reasonable way, which is a bit like Chu Ge teaching the cat eater to speak.

The cat eater only felt that Chu Ge's words were in his heart, and he became more unguarded against him.

Chu Ge took the opportunity to say: "However, how many generals does the Longtooth Kingdom have? Is it because the Cat Eater has more troops, or the Golden Tail has more troops? what to do?"

The cat eaters did not suspect him, but they introduced the structure and scale of the Fang Kingdom one by one.

It turned out that the faction named Longfang "Kingdom" was still not a real feudal kingdom, but it was divided into nests according to the nature of the rats who like to live together and their terrifying reproductive ability.

Most of the mice in each litter are related by blood, and have awakened similar abilities under the watering of the Spirit River, which is equivalent to a "family" in the kingdom. Each such family has a leader, the cat eater and the golden tail, respectively. He is the leader of the two-litter mouse family.

As for the strength of the family and the number of troops under its command, it is really a question that even the cat eater himself is not quite clear about.

Because the rats are breeding and dying all the time, and the newly born rat clan may not all be able to awaken spiritual wisdom and comprehend concepts such as "family, kingdom, gods, monsters" and so on. The absorbing ability of human beings is very poor. Throughout their lives, they cannot escape the darkness and ignorance of the beast form.

These rats who cannot cultivate to become fine are often not considered official members of the family and kingdom.

But some of them, under the influence of their ears and eyes and aura, are like well-trained hounds, who can barely understand some simple commands.

According to different measurement standards, the size of each family is also different. On average, a medium-sized family has about three to five hundred mice that have passed through the spiritual aperture and can cultivate. They can be regarded as first-class tyrants, with seven or eight hundred mice that can cultivate. Of course, not every mouse can cultivate to the level of cat eaters and golden tails, but the absolute advantage in numbers is enough for them to be in the underground world. Dominate the king.

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